‹ Prequel: Fairytales & Lullabies

Science & Faith

in an act of pure defiance,

Sid pounded on the large house's door the next morning. It was early, eight o' six in the morning to be exact, but he knew someone would be awake. The door opened to reveal a tired looking Greta with Braydon in her arms. "Sid?"

"I need to talk to you. Can I come in?" She nodded her head and opened the door wider. He took his shoes off, a requirement in the Letang household. He followed Greta into the kitchen where she had finished set up Braydon's breakfast.

"So what's up?" She didn't look at Sid. She focused solely on feeding Braydon.

He sighed and gave her a pointed look. "You know." She just shrugged and wiped the excess applesauce from Braydon's mouth. "Greta, why didn't Anne say anything about a boyfriend."

Greta placed some animal crackers on the tray connected to Braydon's highchair. "I don't know, Sid. She brought Charlie up several times..."

"Wait," he put his hands out in a stopping motion, "You knew?"

"Well," she ran a hand through her hair, "Yeah. She's my best friend. Of course I knew. I thought she would tell you, but I guess not."

"Why wouldn't she tell me?" Sid wasn't sure if his question was directed towards Greta or himself.

"I think she was just unsure of how you would react."

Sid placed his hands on his face and placed his elbows on the table. "Did you... Do you approve of their relationship?”

Greta nodded her head slowly. "I might have suggested to her after she came out her last time that she needed to date. No offense, but the two of you were a thousand miles apart. I didn't think she would end up out here."

He closed his eyes and leaned back in his chair. His voice was soft, "I was falling in love with her Greta. It broke my heart to see that guy put his arm around her."

"I'm sorry Sid, I didn't mean for it to turn into something so serious so soon." She leaned across the table and grabbed one of his hands. "She was just sitting at home. She had nothing to do, but to wait for your calls. No one should be stuck like that."

"I know." Sid pulled his hands back. "I just really wanted things to work out between us."

"Hey, give it some time. You never know what may happen." Greta smirked at him and leaned back in her chair. He just raised an eyebrow at her statement.

"Don’t go and do anything crazy now, alright?"

"A friend can intervene in a relationship when appropriate." She just laughed to herself and picked up her son. She bounced him a few times before setting him in her lap. "I think I'll just get Anne to see that maybe Charlie isn't the perfect guy for her."

Sid gave her a skeptical look, "How do you plan on doing that?"

"Well, Braydon never got a real birthday party this year. So I think we'll have one for him next week. Just have a little get together for just the team and their families. Who knows, maybe Anne will show up and maybe you can sweep her off her feet."

Sidney knew what he was getting into. It was always a mess when you went after someone already in a relationship. There were only two ways this plan could turn out: Anne was going to be his or she would be stay with Charlie.

“Just tell me what to do.” Sid nodded at Greta. Braydon let out some laughs and threw some of his crackers around. Greta grabbed as many as she could before they fell off his high chair.

“Just bring your pretty little self.” She ate one of the crackers before continuing. “I don’t think it will be too difficult from there.” Both adults shared a smile as Braydon continued to throw his food.
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Greta's got a plan up her sleeve. What do you think is going to happen? Let me know your thoughts on this chapter!