Status: active, New chptrs up every 2 weeks

The Shadow Project

The note

In a well lit room there was a young girl, It was me. I was eight years old then. I sat there alone in my room playing dolls when I heard a woman whisper my name.
"Sofie...Sofie..." I lifted my head up, wondering who had just called me. Who could it have been? No one was in the house with me, both of my parents had gone out, and my older sister was out on a date.
"Sofie..." The voice sounded as if it were coming from the closet. I got up and walked to the closet my hand lurched forward towards the knob.
"Hello?" I asked opening her closet door. No one was there. Again I heard the woman call my name. Where was this noise coming from? I began to check everywhere in my room that I could think of. Still not being able to find the source of the voice I pouted, crossed my arms, and stomped my feet on the floor in a childish manner. A blood curdling scream was heard off somewhere in the house not to far from where I was. It sent shivers up my spine, but being so young I didn't know better than to go check where the noise had come from. I walked out of the safety of my room and ran off. The house was dead silent. I opened the door to older sisters room where I thought the source of the scream was coming from. Looking at the ground, I spotted up an old yellowed piece of paper. I bent down to pick it up, it was bent in half. I opened it and began reading the contents.
I cant wait to be with you again. No matter where you are I'll always be there, watching after you.
,Love Rin
This made me feel quite uneasy. Suddenly like wind, a shadow whooshed passed my head causing my brown curly locks to fly into my face. Creek...The front door opened. I turned on her heels and ran to the front door, hopping it would be my mother, or just somebody I knew would protect me. My mom stood there looking at me, her scared child, she picked me up. I looked up at her with scared brown eyes.
"What is this?" My mom asked me. I handed her the piece of paper,it had bawled up in my hands. Opening it her smooth face crinkled as she read.
"Mommy, do you know the woman?" I asked, still very confused and scared. Mothers face smoothed into a more cool look,"Yes, but you don't have to worry. Your safe." She held me tight in her arms before sending me off to play. I soon returned to my normal self and skipped off merrily back to my room.
Moments later my dad stepped through the door, noticing moms discomfort, he asked her; "Mary, what's wrong?" She handed him the piece of paper before breaking down. He read the note and was shocked.
"Where did she get this?" He asked, his mood had drastically changed since reading the note. His mood was uneasy and antsy.
She looked up at him with tear filled eyes,"Harvy, I don't know. What do you think we should do about this?"
"We need to leave. Maybe they won't be able to find us. Sofie's ours now! Not there's." He left her crumpled up on the floor as he ran to his young daughters room, my room. Tears began to well up in his eyes, he wiped them away with his sleeve. Bursting into my room he picked me up,
"Sofie, guess what? Were moving." He tried to sound happy, but I could detect a slight pain in his voice.
"Why daddy?" I asked playing with the collar of his jacket. At the time I had no clue of the severity of the event. My dad tried to play it cool, but he couldn't.
"Because we need to. Now go pack your stuff, were going to live with grandma." He put me down and went back to mom, who was even worse than before. As I was packing my stuff into a large backpack, I heard a familiar voice call my name. The voice from earlier.
"Sofie." I turned around and saw an arm sticking out of the closet. In the hand of that arm it was dangling a gorgeous necklace. "I got this for you." Me being so young and naïve I walked over to the closet. I looked the necklace over,
"This is for me?" My eyes lit up. It was nothing like I had ever seen before. Three small clear crystals swayed as the hand shook.
"It will protect you. Rember don't let your parents see it." The hand dropped the necklace, it fell to the floor with a small clink. The arm dispatched into the closet as I picked it up. Holding it up to the light to admire it, its beauty was remarkable, the crystals seemed to form a barrier around me. Giddy, I put it on, hiding it under the neck of my shirt.
Dad had walked into the room, looking like he had seen a ghost,"Sofie, Lets go!" He scooped me up along with my backpack up before running out of the house.
"Daddy, what about Leslie?" I asked my dad as he was strapping me in. Instead of my dad answering, my mom did.
"We already have your sisters stuff packed and were going to go pick her up." I could tell that mom was worried, but still I didn't know why. It had to do something with that note I found on the floor earlier. Several minutes passed till Leslie walked into the car, looking just as worried as her parents. Taking a seat next to me she hugged me tight. She arms were wrapped around me like pythons wrapping around their prey.
"We'll be alright." Leslie said petting me on the head, making soothing cooing noises. With the rocking of the car and the light cooing I managed to pass out. Leslie gave me a small kiss on the forehead before turning her attention to her scared mother.
"Mom, how do we know it's "them" and why now?" Leslie was curious to, she knew who "them" was, but why had they just suddenly decide to contact me. "She wasnt old enough yet, she was still to innocent."
"Because I memorized Rin's handwriting, and it defiantly was her!" He mothers voice sounded panicky,"And I don't know why. I told them never to do this. Sofie is ours now." She soon turned to face the sweetly sleeping face of me. Seeing her daughter sleep calmed her, enough to forget the situation till it needed realizing again.
"Look! Theres my mom." Mom said as we pulled into the old womans drive way. Grandma was a woman of 72. She stood standing there with long black hair that fell to the bottom of her back. Mom jumped out of the car and into her mothers arms."I'ts great to see you. We need your help." Seeing as how desperate her daughter sounded she brought us into her house. Dad was still outside grabbing the family's things and bringing them inside. The house was warm and smelt like cinnamon, fresh baked pumpkin pie. I was sound asleep in one of the guest room with Leslie by my side. Leslie was deeply worried for me. "I'll keep you safe." She whispered.
Mom and dad were talking the old wrinkled woman in the living room.
"Lee-Ann, please help us. We really need your help." Dad pleaded. Lee-Ann raised a thin dark eyebrow.
"Hand me the note." Mom handed it over. Lee-Ann took it with her liver spotted wrinkly hands. Examing it her face remained stone cold, unchanged. She looked up and faced the anxious couple,"We just need to burn this. Since this is the only tie she has to them burning the note should sever their connection to her."
Dad snatched the note, bawling it up in his fist before throwing it into houses fireplace. Taking a match from Lee-Ann's shaky hands he lit it and threw it in. It took some time before the note began to burn. My parents were relaxed now.
Turning around dad was happy seeing the note had turned into ashes.
"Harvy, even though you did this, you may never return to that house. Or they could get her." She warned. My parents understood and gave her an affirmative nod.
They felt safe now. But that feeling would only last so long.
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Hope you enjoyed.
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