Status: active, New chptrs up every 2 weeks

The Shadow Project


"So Sofie, What times the party?" Asked Amber, my best friend. Amber's red straight hair flowing in the wind.
"At 8. Only because the family though."I was excited, this would be my 16th birthday. My birthday would be held in the Mansion on CherryTree street. It was rented out till 5pm the next day. Removing a strand of hair that flew in my face Icontinued to walk home with Amber.
"So who else did you invite?" Amber asked with curious blue eyes. Turning to Amber I shouted excitedly,
"Everyone!" Amber jumped up and down with excitement. I jumped with her, both of us making squeal noises.
Elsewhere my mother was preparing the mansion for me, with the help of Leslie, and my dad Harvy.
"Harvy, can you help me with this." Mary gestured to a round glass table. With his help they were able to move it from the corner of the room to the center. Leslie entered in from the kitchen, juggling 3 large bowls, and 6 bag of chips. Placing them on the table she noticed something through the corner of her eye, It looked human shaped, a shadow, standing there and watching them. Leslie rubbed her eyes, they were gone. She shrugged it off as just her imagination. Pushing a strand of blonde hair out of her face as she poured the chips.
Both of us finally had made it to my house. Now I did not live to far from the highschool, Dunlap, but it was still a long walk for the us.
Amber sighed, dropped her bag near the door and hopped on to the couch, resting her feet on the small oak coffee table. I locked the door behind me, picked up ambers bag and took our stuff into my bedroom. After tossing them into the corner of the room I noticed something laying on my bed. It glimmered in the sunlight. I walked over and picked up from the bed. Holding it up to get a better look, It looked faintly similar to the necklace I had been wearing for years. With one hand I searched for it around my neck, making sure it was still there. It wasnt.
"I guess I lost it." I placed it around her neck before returning to my waiting friend. Amber sat there flipping through the channels, trying to find something interesting. She stopped on a horror movie.
"Amber get off of that! You know I hate scary movies." I freaked swiping the remote from her hand and instead putting on a children's show. "I'm sure this is better for you anyway." I tossed the remote into Amber's lap heading to the small kitchen in the small home. Looking through the pantry I shouted to Amber what she would want to eat.
"Just get me some panda munch." Amber said, her eyes glued on the screen. She was enjoying a show made for 3 year olds. Grabbing two small bags I heard my friend yell from the other room,
"Look behind you! Because obviously that's not Candy Mountain! It's Dragon Moutain! Jeesh these people!" I giggled to myself, seeing how angry my best friend had gotten over a kids show. Upon entering the room, I saw Ambers face nearly pressed up to the screen. I laughed even harder. What was wrong with her?, HaHa.
"Well it's not my fault they don't listen." Amber said crossing her arms and returning to the couch. Taking a seat next to my grumbly friend that sat there eating panda munch. I pressed the last of it to the roof of my mouth, the chocolate exploding.
"Hey what time is it?" Amber asked throwing the bag into the nearby trashcan. I looked down at my wristwatch.
"6, we should be getting ready." I pushed off Ambers feet from the coffee table while getting up. We both then went to my room, excited and anxious. Blasting open the closet Amber pulled out a dress she's never seen before. It was bright pink one shoulder party dress with lace detail on the bottom.
"Woah Sofie!" I turned around to see her face dazed,"When did you get this?"
"I don't know, maybe my parents got it for me?" I snatched the dress from her and sent her out.
"You so have to show me!" Amber said banging on the door.
"Oh I don't know, it seems a bit much." I was unsure but never the less I stepped out of the room and Amber was amazed.
"Oh my god! It looks amazing on you...But this tag." She pulled at a tag that dangled from the side of the dress. She opened it up and saw it was a note that said, for Sofie. Handing it over I analyzed, I recognized the handwriting be I couldn't remember where I had seen it before.
Dear Sofie,
Happy sweet 16! See you soon!
The name was indecipherable. I shrugged it off and admired the buetiful dress.
Back at the mansion Mary had just finished decorating and family was already coming. Pulling out her phone she called me. It took a while till I realized and picked up.
"Hi mom!" I was enthustisastic
"Honey, you need to hurry and get here, it almost 8."She hung her phone up and placed it in her front pocket. Looking out of the nearest window she began to worry, It was dark out.
Amber and me ran out of the house and to the mansion, wich wasnt to far. We both gazed at the mansion. It was huge, a large fountain sat in the front, and bushes of mixed roses. Streamers strewn around in the thick of the bushes. Amber gazed into the fountain's water. The water reflecting the moon's light. We were getting sidetracked so I pulled at Amber to join me inside. Amber followed slowly, still dazed. When we got inside we were greeted by my waiting family and friends.
"Sofie, you look gorgeous!" My mother chirped giving me a big hug. Looking over my mother's shoulder I noticed my father awkwardly watching us.
"Dad, get over here." My dad joined us in the group hug.
"You'r growing up too fast Sofe." He was nearly crying. Leslie pulled me out of the hug and into her arms.
"Sofie, happy sweet sixteen!" Leslie was excited to show me around. She showed me from the basement up to the attic.
"This whole house is party central!" I couldn't wait to dance. Leslie took a double take at me, noticing that I was wearing a dress, a dress she had never seen before.
"Say Sofie, where did you get this dress?" She pulled up the bottom showing me it. I smacked her hand, the dress fluttered back down to my knees.
"It was in my closet, just waiting there." I shrugged, walking out of the attic. We trotted out and were surprised to see the scene in front of us.
"Sofie! We got strippers!" Mother yelled happily
"Mom! What the hell! I'm 16! Plus where did you get them?" Sofie's face grew red with embarrassment.
"No, not for you. There for me and your aunties. And they came to the door." She winked skipping off with two males arms slung around her shoulders. Both me and sisters face palmed at our mothers antics.
"Ok, well I'll leave you Sofie, go with Amber." Leslie ran off, bumping into family."Sorry Aunt Esther." Walking to the kitchen I joined Amber, who was stuffing her face with snacks.
"Amber, you know there are other people here. Right? Not just you." I laughed
"Yes.." A chip falling out of the corner of her mouth. Amber began to clear her throat,"Oh yeah. Did you see those male strippers you mom brought in."
"Yes." I answered, still embarassed
"How does your dad feel about that?" She grabbed another fistful of chips and crammed it into her mouth.
"I don't know, I havent seen him since we came in." Just as Amber was about to grab, yet another fistful of chips, I swiped the bowl from underneath her hand,"Now Ombre, there are other people here. Not just you." I placed the bowl down on the marble counter and pulled Amber out into the living room to dance. The Dj mixing tracks, dedicating the next song to me. Everyone cheered. Different colored lights swayed, the music surrounding us.
As the night drew on I began to grow tired and ended up retiring on the couch beside me. Taking a big gulp of water from a random persons cup I wondered what my mother was really planning to do with those strippers. I shook my head, getting the idea out of my thoughts.
Looking up I noticed a boy in the corner of the room, he was wearing a dark cloak with barly his face showing. How weird, what was he doing? The boy then brought his head up, his piercing green eyes shot through me. I felt as if she were suffocating, but only for a moment. Grasping my throat, regaining my breath the boy disappeared into the shadows.
"Woah, Sofie you don't look alright." Amber said taking a seat next to me, looking concerned
"No, just I...danced to much." I laughed, trying as much as I could to sound convincing. Amber smiled. I breathed a sigh of relief, I didn't have to tell Amber what had just happened.
"Sofie!" I heard my dad calling for me. He was standing next to the Dj who didn't looked to pleased that my dad had takin over his mic. I stood up and walked over, Amber following behind. Dad put an arm around me, telling everyone to shout the birthday song. It was so sweet, I started to cry.
"Happy Birthday Dear Sofie, Happy Birthday to you!" Everyone finished in unison.
"Bring out the cake!" My dad happily roared. He pointed over to the large doors that began to open. It was a large bright pink caked, written on it saying Happy Birthday. I hugged my dad as they brought the cake up, candles already lit.
"Make a wish." Whispered Amber. I thought about it before blowing out the candles. Everyone cheered. Suddenly though my vision began to flicker, I began to see people in dark cloak's among the crowd of people around me. Everything then started to be in slow motion. It was hurting my head making me woozy. No one seemed to notice though, they were still all cheering and smiling. I probably needed some fresh air.
I then thanked my dad and walked out into the garden outside. The cold air rushed over me, feeling relaxed I sat there looking at the stars. I began to close my eyes, wich wasnt a very smart idea. Someone came up from behind me and pressed a cloth to my mouth. What the hell was going on!? Tugging at the cloth on my mouth, I soon grew tired, and my body gave out.
♠ ♠ ♠
the strippers were not just there to be there i know it doesnt really make sense but it will later :D
hope you liked
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thanks :D