Status: active, New chptrs up every 2 weeks

The Shadow Project


It was complete darkness until they took me to a candle lit room. Red candle flames flickering. In the center of the room the burly man set me down. I could finally get my chance to escape but my feet wouldn't move. They were glued to the spot.

"Well hello Celia. It's so nice to have you back." A woman in a crimson cloak said stepping into the candle light and out of the shadows, her green eyes glowing. A twisted smile sown onto her face.

"My name is not Celia. It's Sophie!" I yelled at the woman. Her smiled faded for a while but soon returned.

"Oh, Ajax." She turned to the teen,"I thought you told our guest everything."

"He was busy." Said the burly man blandly. Ajax blushed.

"Well that's ok." She smiled at him, he looked relived."I do want to talk to her before the ceremony. Now Ajax fetch me my dagger." He scuttled off into the darkness.

"Now Sophie." She was a few feet from me now,"Your name is actually Celia. The first and only born child to Rose and Jasper Vessalius. King and Queen, rulers of the Vessalius kingdom.." She reached forward and snatched the necklace from my neck swiftly.

"Give that back!" I yelled at her. She looked surprised.

"Why?" She asked

"That's important to me!" I hollered

"Oh yeah...I just wanted to look at it. It's buetiful." She held it up, the crystal's shining. She gawked at it before putting it back around my neck.

"If were going to kill you. You mine as well-" The crystals around my neck suddenly turned black. She staggered back and I was finally able to move. I made a mad dash for the open door, I thought I had it, but the man caught me and brought me back. Damnit.

"Well that's no good." She frowned."Trying to run away will get you nowhere. Because your never leaving." A lump formed in my throat.

"Now if you have any question's don't be afraid to ask." She smiled. I did have some question's, hopefully enough to stall this ceremony.

"Who is the Raven?" I asked with caution.

"Well she is you, your shadow spirit. She runs through your veins, just like Ophis runs through Ajax's veins."

"What do you mean? Arent I a shadow, how can I have one if I am?" I asked genuinly confused

"Well, we are 'human' but we are those who hide in the shadows, therefore we call ourselves shadows." This explantion helped a little.

"Ok, so do you have a shadow spirit then?"

"No, only those with royal blood are born with the spirit. Ajax is an exception, his is not of royalty, but of loyalty. His family had been serving the Shadow Prince since the war broke out. They still followed his rule even after his death years ago. This organization, or as we like to call ourselves, The Shadow Project is all about bringing him back." She paused

"That didnt explain wh-" I began

"I wasn't done you twat!" She yelled, fastly regained her composure and continued,"Ajax has Ophis because his family still followed, and as a reward for their loyalty he was born with her. Bound inside his body, until we released her." This didn't make much sense to me, shadow spirits, shadow people, this sounded like a bunch of baloney. I couldn't help but believe her though.

"So...what's so important in having a shadow spirit?" I asked.

"Oh, I'm glad you asked... Well you see, They contain special abilities. But you could never summon yours, because she is bound, while Ajax's isnt. I'll show you what I mean when he get's back." She clasped both her hands together as we continued to wait.

Seconds passed until we heard the large metal door open and close. Ajax walked up to us, swiviled dagger in hand. Holding it out the woman she took it and held it up. It radiated under the dim light. Returning her focus on Ajax she told him to summon Ophis. He stepped back and suddenly a beutiful woman appeared by his side, long flowy white hair and piercing black eyes. She looked to be wearing a short strapless light pink snake skin dress, pretty cute really.

"Olivia please." He signaled to her and the beutiful woman transformed into a disgusting snake of monstrous proportions. I was terrified, so much I was sweating in places I didn't know I could.

"Olivia return." And at that the snake dissolved into nothingness.

"Thank you Ajax, you can go now." She waved him off and he walked out of the room. It was just me, Lana, and the man now.

"Now, Do you have any more questions for me?"

"I uhm...what's you name?" I stalled, I didn't really care, but as long as it kept this ball from rolling, I was good. She neared me, slipped the dagger behind my back and severed the rope that bound my wrist together.

"It's Lanna darling." She whispered, her hot breath brushing against my ear, sending chills down my spine. Stepping back now she ordered for me to hold my arms out. Which I obediently did,"Glad you listen Princess. I'll make this as painless as possible." She said before gingerly dragging the tip of the dagger across my wrist, leaving behind small slits. Little drops of blood began to seep from them.
It was red at first but fastly turned black, I of course freaked at the sight.

"Good." She sneered pulling me over to a large onyx tub with a delicate gold lace trim. Plunk, Plunk, Plunk, my blood dripping onto the floor, a trail of black behind us.

"Agh, let go!" Both me and Lana's head's turned in the direction of the yelling man. I could faintly see the outline of his body hit the floor.

"Ophis? Ajax?" Lana asked peering around. This was my chance, I sprinted forward plunging into the darkness, only to be caught in strong arms. The arms spun me around and I met the face of a unfamilair man..
♠ ♠ ♠
France: Ohononon, hope you enjoyed darlings. :)
Me: Yes hope you enjoyed :D
France:*France turns to me, winks*
Me:*Runs away* No!
France: *Chases after* Rape time!
Hehehe sorry, hetalia, you'd get it if you watched it. well sorry for that weirdness. Hoped you duckys enjoyed :) and you may leave a comment telling me what you like don't like, I appreciate it but you don't have to, again thanks for reading <3 Ana