Status: active, New chptrs up every 2 weeks

The Shadow Project

Shepard and Chrysanthus

The man looked to be about in his early 20's, he was wearing a thick looking coat that covered his entire body. His hair was a deep brown and curly. His hazel eyes scanned over me, stopping at my black bloody wrist.

"She cut you didn't she?" He asked concerned. I just nodded my head sullenly. He then grabbed my arms gingerly and wrapped them tightly in thick white gauze that seemed to appear out of nowhere."There." He seemed satisfied with his work. I then gave him a meek thank you.

"Now princess I know you don't know me, not even my name but please belive me when I say I'm here to save you." His eyes shown concern.

"Ok. I have no other choice..." I sighed as he smiled.

He turned his back to me and told me to jump on,"I'll carry you out of here."Obediantly I did and we were off. Turning a corner I could faintly hear Lana in the distance calling my name. Her voice seemed to echo hauntingly through the dark narrow hall. I just dug my face in the strange man's neck, it gave me a sense of safety.

"Don't worry," he whispered,"I won't let her take you." Clutching onto him harder I believed him. I closed my eyes for a brief moment before feeling a rush of cold air on my face. I gasped, taking in the icy air. Fighting our way through the branches that seemed to reach for us.

He soon stopped when we were a good enough distance from that hell. He crouched down letting me hop off of him. Once my feet were back on the ground I took a look around, absorbing the new scenery. Only did I turn around when the man began to speak.

"Princess." He began,"I'm sorry for not introducing myself earlier, my name is Shepard. I'm a guard for your famliy." He finished bowing his head.

"It's nice to meet you to, I'm Celia but I go by Sophie." I said with a warm smile.

"Thank you, It's nice to finally meet the king and queens daughter. They have been dying to see you again." He said with a smile, almost as warm as mine.

Suddenly the boy from earlier, the one with vibrant green eyes, blonde hair, and black cloak came walking out of the foliage of the forest.

"Shepard!" I screamed clinging to the man who just let out a hearty laugh.

"It's alright, it's just Chrysanthus. He's one of the many servant's belonging to your family." He left my side walking over to the boy putting an arm around him,"Now what are you doing here? I told you to go back to the castle." The boy lifted his hood down showing his soft facial features and messy blonde hair.

"Oh I'm sorry princess, I didn't mean to scare you." He apologized giving me a closed eye smile.

"N-no It's okay." I lied blushing, rubbing my goose bump covered arms. Honestly when I saw him walking out my heart was about ready to jump out of my chest.

"I'm sorry Shepard I just wanted to make sure she was okay." Shepard patted the thin boy on his head making him frown.

"You know-" Chrysanthus began before being cut off by Shepard.

"I think I hear someone." We all hushed and listened to what seemed like wind and the rustling of leaves.

"I don't hear it." Chrysanthus whispered, Shepard pulling me over to them. Without speaking he pointed off in the direction of said noise. Then there it was, the wind and leaves were overpowered by the sound of heavy feet hitting the earth, along with quick drawn breaths.

"Chrysanthus." Shepard whispered looking at the scared blonde. He just shakily shook his head and pulled out red satin bag that clung to his hip. He opened it slightly, letting out a purple haze emit.Just as a man in black shining armour came bounding out into our small clearing Chrysanthus thought the bag in the air. It spun a couple of times making the purple smoke fall from the bag and onto the armoured man. With a loud clank he fell to the ground coughing, choking on the mist.

"Now's our chance!" Shepard urged me and the blonde into the thicket of the woods. Shepard's grip was tight around my forearm as he lead us through, some branches catching my dress and tearing it. Of course I was to caught up in running away to really notice.Once we could no longer hear the man's strangled coughs we halted.

"Are you okay?" Chrysanthus asked, his eye's growing wide as the tops of his cheeks grew a bright pink.

"Yeah I'm fine...What are you staring at?" I looked down at my torn dress, my bust nearly popping out. Immediately I shielded them with my arms, my face turning bright red out of embarrassment.
"Here, put this on. A lady should never be seen in that manner." Shepard said stripping his coat off and placing it over my shoulders. It fell to about my knees and was heavy, but very warm. Keeping my chest covered with one arm I wriggled the other through a sleeve. Zipping it up I slipped my other arm in through.

"So Shepard, what do we do now?" I asked setting myself on the ground, resting my legs.

"Oh well that's simple." He looked over to Chrysanthus whose hands fumbled on a leather belt around his hips. Along it were many strange looking bags, small bottles and tools of some sort. His hand finally found what they were looking for as he raised a dull blue crystal from one of the many bags. He chanted a couple of words in a strange tounge before they shined bright, hurting my eyes a little. He then ordered us to grab a hold of his waist, me and Shepard clung onto him as he began to speak again in the strange tounge. With that I shut my eyes, feeling the world fall under my feet.
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Sorry bout late update, i had writeres block and stopped writing for a while. Before I knew it two weeks passed by without me updating and I just got craking on it soon after. More chptrs in a week or a couple days, just depends.
Well now that i'm done explaing, lets go onto my hetalia skit ;) todays guset: My love England, Arthur Kirkland :3
Arthur:Well love, that was a bloody brilliant chptr. *Pecks on cheek*
Me: Thank you. *Blushes*
America: When Am I going to be a guest?! I want to use my HERO voice!
Me: America...right now it's englands turn, so please leave. And how did you get here?!
America: Fine but I better be the next guest! *Grumbles something as he walks off*
Me: Well that was weird, well hope yall enjoyed :D
Arthur: Yes my little poppets, hope you did. *Winks at me*
Me: It's on!*Steals england off....for stuff ;D*