Status: active, New chptrs up every 2 weeks

The Shadow Project

Shadow Spirit Realm

Ground swallowing me up I reached upward hoping to get a hold of Shepard or Chrysanthus. Sadly my fingers went right through their clothing as if it were nothing at all. Ground closing above me I quickly lost my only source of light and the only two who were willing to risk their lives for me. I tried grabbing onto anything in this terrible darkness.

Thankfully though the air rushing around me slowed down and I thankfully landed on my feet. Looking around I saw nothing, I thought I had gone blind for a moment. Stumbling around on this unfamiliar ground it began to shake. Stopping in my place I wondered if it had been me, it wasnt. Faintly I heard hissing, the sound making my skin crawl. What ever this was sounded big and ferocious. Blinking I noticed two distinct red dots nearing me, the hissing growing louder. Picking up my feet I ran as fast as my legs could carry me. Clamping my hands over my ears I tried to block out this terrible noise.

Too focused on shutting it out I didn't notice a boy with golden eyes standing right in front of me. Running right into him he wrapped his arms around me protectively. Taking my hands of my ears I formed them into fist beating them on his chest to let me go. Leaving one arm around me he jutted the other out towards the venomous creature. The monsters hot breath pouring heavily onto my back my body tensed up. Rather than continuing to beat my fist into this stranger I just clung onto him for dear life.

Suddenly the crystals on my necklace shattered, absorbing easily into my skin. Energy pulsed through me, creating a bright yet murky blue shield around me and the boy. I could see him so clearly now, he had short curly black hair, sharp features and just, well hot! Wait, right now isn't the time to be thinking such things. Giving me a perfect smile he turned me around to face the creature. It was a giant skin with white shiny scales.

"Stop Ophis!" He yelled.

"Hand he over Raven." She said through her teeth turning back into her 'human' form.

"Don't make me Ophis." He growled pushing me behind him.

"What can you do to me?" She laughed strutting slowly over to us,"It's not like you have your powers."

"Wanna bet." He asked teasingly. She raised an eyebrow at him.

"She couldn't have...your not-!" She was caught off by some sort of energy that shot out of 'Raven's' palms. Hitting the floor with a thud Iworried that he had killed her.

"I-is she dead?" I asked staring at her limp body.

"I need to get you out of here." I guess she wasn't? Picking me up bridal style he carried me out of there at super human speeds.

Once we were a far enough distance from Olivia he put me down."Your not going to hurt mr are you?"

"No, why would I harm my master?" He stated winking at me.

"I'm no one's master." I said getting up.

"You are Cecila Vessalius arent you?" He questioned.

"So I'm told." I answered honestly.

"Then you are my master. I am Raven, your shadow spirit." He bowed courteously.

"What? I was told my shadow spirit was a girl, not a boy."

"All shadow spirit's are the opposite sex of their owner. I thought you would know that." He said with a confused look on his face.

"No one told me..." I said sinking back down to my knees.

Thinking this over I finally got what was actually going on. I was either insane or this was just a terrible dream. All of this couldn't possibly be real! Hitting my head with the palms of my hands I told my self that I would wake up from this nightmare and it wasn't real. This whole thing was just too much for me to deal with in one day. How badly I wanted to just wake up in my nice warm bed.

"Are you okay?" He asked reaching out towards me. I shoved his hand away.

Hearing familiar voices call my name out snapped me out of my bitter denile. Looking behind me, the source of where the voices where coming from he pulled me up. Seeing a sliver of light in the distances I could make the outlines of there faces. Without hesitation I jumped to my feet and ran to the light. I couldn't wait to be out of here!
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Hey, sorry for no updates, i had terrible writers block then just eventually stopped writing this. But hey im back on this so yay :))