A Vlogger's Love Story

Chapter 15 - I Don't Think That's How You Drive.

After explaining to Harry why I had Liam in my bed. He finally calmed down and we decided to see a movie later on tonight. I had to edit some vlogs that I recorded so he dropped me off back at my apartment. I walked into my apartment to the smell of grilled cheese. Without thinking I ran over to the kitchen to see Liam making a pile of grilled cheese. Well somebody knows the way to my stomach.

"Some of those better be for moi, Payne." Liam turned around and smiled and went in for a hug.

"Of course, what's a sleepover without good food. About that, thanks for letting me sleep here last night. Although I got some pretty nasty texts from Harry." We both laughed while I grabbed a grilled cheese and started munching on it."So Emily, Do you want to play video games tonight?" I was about to agree but then I remembered my plans for tonight.

"Sorry, Liam. Me and Harry are seeing a movie tonight." I said with a mouthful of delicious bread and cheese.

"OOh, you kissed him didn't you?" I followed the sound of Dasha's voice who just appeared in the kitchen grabbing a grilled cheese.

"Maybe…" At that comment Dasha came over and gave me a hug.

"I knew you would give in. I was getting sick of that bullshit about drama." I laughed while pushing her away playfully.

"Hey, it's not bullshit!" Before Dasha retaliated Liam caught my attention by picking up his bag.

"Uhm, Emily I gotta…go."

"What..why? It's only three, we still have three hours. Dasha's here too!" I looked up at Liam whose face had a mix of emotions I couldn't understand. Instead of replying he gave a wave and walked out the door. I guess I'll ask him later about that moment, I turned around to take another grilled cheese but they were all gone.Dasha.

I was finishing my fish tail braid while looking at my outfit in the mirror. I was wearing my favourite blue and white striped oversized sweater with a pair of leggings and some boots that felt amazing on the inside.

Harry and I decided to see the dark knight rises even though I've already seen it at least ten times. What can I say? I'm a superhero fanatic. I grabbed my purse on the way out of my apartment and headed to Harry's car that was parked outside. I found his car right away and jumped in. I got into the seat but was pulled over onto Harry's lap. We were suddenly nose to nose and Harry was smiling.

"No offense Harry, but I don't think that's how you drive." Harry answered by shutting off the car and putting his lips to mine and his hands placed on my sides. It felt amazing but I don't want to rush into something. Much to Harry's dismay I pulled away and sat in my spot."Harry, I don't care if you are a fine piece of ass. I'm not missing my beloved batman."

For the whole ride we talked about our lives because we honestly didn't know that much about each other. Through the whole conversation I could tell at the back of his mind something was irking him. We stopped at a red light and I pulled his face towards mine.

"Harry, what's wrong?"
Harry's P.O.V 2 hours ago.

I've been sitting on my couch just thinking about Emily…I mean…manly stuff. I was in my own zone I didn't realize somebody came into the apartment and started pacing in front of me.

"Liam, are you okay? Don't worry, Emily told me about the bed situation." Liam ignored me and continued to pace.

"You're not going to hurt her are you?" I was confused on what he was talking about when it clicked. Emily. I stood up and put my hand on his arm to stop him from pacing.

"What? no! Of course not…Liam I think I'm falling in love with her." Liam looked at me with anger but just as it came it was gone. I still have to convince myself it was there."Liam….Fuck…Are you jealous?" Liam looked at me with what at first I thought was a shocked expression but now that I think about it was more of that he realized something. What did he realize?

"No! Of course not mate! She's like a sister to me!" He smiled to reassure me but it seemed fake."I just don't want her to be like every other girl alright? Just remember that!" Liam took that as his cue to leave and started walking to the door, just as he was about to leave he added one more thing."Don't worry, Harry I'm not jealous!" His tone of voice made him sound convincing. The thing is though, I don't think he was trying to convince me. I think he was trying to convince himself.

Harry's P.O.V (Back to present)

We were still at the red light and I couldn't help but shiver under Emily's hands. Should I tell her? No, if I'm wrong this could cause drama that's not needed. Besides she's with me, not Liam. She likes me right?

"Oh, nothing. I think I just ate something bad for lunch."

Emily's P.O.V

Obviously, Harry was lying. I'm okay with that though, he'll tell me when he's ready.

We finally made it to the movies and it was quite busy. We walked into the theatre and bought our tickets. We decided on frozen yogurt rather then popcorn because it had a smaller line. When we got in line I could finally take a moment to appreciate this british boys outfit. Harry was wearing very nicely fitted blue jeans and a button down white shirt buttoned all the way to the top. After I finished staring at him I realized he was smiling at me.

"See something you like?" I punched him in the man boob while laughing.

"What can I say? Your fashion choices are quite admirable." Before Harry could say anything we heard many loud pitched screams and flashing cameras. "Oh no." I realized all these girls were for Harry and they were coming running towards us."Harry I know you love your fans but there are way to fucking many."

Harry agreed by nodding and grabbing my hand. Before the girls could get to us, Harry started dragging me to the opposite side of the theatre. He found an open maintenance closet and pulled us in. He shut the door and sat down panting. I got up and read a sign on the door of the closet.

"Well there not going to get to us..and were not getting to them either." Harry looked at me confused but I just pointed at the sign on the door.

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Sorry It took so long!! I'm getting ready for school which starts september


What do you think will happen in the closet? :P tell me in the comments :)

Much Love! xx