A Vlogger's Love Story

Chapter 18 - What If

The news about Harry and i came from photos girls from the movie theatre took. Most people just thought we were friends due to the growing amount of videos I have on my youtube channel with them. The hate was coming pretty heavy on my twitter and youtube, but I'm used to it. Being on the internet so long, you get used to muting the hate and noticing the love. A lot of my viewers are sticking up for me which makes me happy, it's always a blessing to have people like that in your life. With that in mind, I went to bed hoping for a fun day with just Dasha tomorrow. __________________________________________

I woke up this morning to my phone ringing. I picked up right away without looking at caller I.D.

"Hello?" I said while trying to stifle a yawn, which was creeping up my throat.

"Ems, can I come over?" I sat up a bit trying to figure out which british boy it was by looking at the caller I.D on my phone.

"Liam….I don't think…"

"You're absolutely right..it's probably not a good time…can I just apologize so I can stop thinking about it?" I could tell he really meant it and keeping a grudge with people is not my strong suit.

"Ok, shoot."

"I..it's been tough lately… I've always had people around me. When I wasn't able to be around my parents anymore…Danielle was there. But.. but she's gone now and the boys have been doing their own things lately before our tour in a few months so we don't feel so sick of each other. I was fine with that though, because I had you, but with Harry around. You've been around me less and less and I understand. But I'm not going to lie. I need you. I need you to be my friend because I don't want to lose you anytime soon. I think because of that I felt that maybe I wanted you as a girlfriend, but maybe it's not that. Maybe I just want my best friend back. I want to spend our whole night watching toy story or shooting a youtube video or.."

"Liam, I'm awfully shitty at this sincere talk but I know exactly how you feel. I know how it feels to feel so alone and nobody is there to ask what is wrong. I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you. I completely forgive you and if you don't come over right now to go spiderman shopping with me and Dasha, I'm coming over to your apartment and dragging you there." I could here Liam laugh really hard and start to put some shoes on.

"I'll be there in 10, Em…Thank you for accepting my apology.."

"Liam..fuck.. stop sounding so formal. and get your ass over here."


After I explained to Dasha what happened, she completely understood. Especially because that's how I've felt most of my life. Liam came a few minutes later, I still had to get dressed so Dasha and Liam decided to watch t.v. while I got ready. I threw on some foundation and put my hair in a messy bun. I then put on some jeans,converse and a rolling stones sweater. I grabbed my phone off my desk and decided to call somebody before we left. The phone rang for what seemed life forever, but he still picked up.

"Hello?" He must've not looked at the caller I.D because he didn't sound angry.

"Harry, I.." I tried to say something but somebody interrupted me.

"Harry! Who's that on the phone? Hang up! I'm not done with you." It sounded like a semi drunk girl who probably couldn't stand up if she tried. I realized what must be happening and the phone started to shake in my hand. Harry must've finally realized who was on the phone because I could hear him running out of the room he was in.

"Emily, Emily, you still there?" I shouldn't be this affected by this, we went on one date. One date we didn't finish, I might add.

"Sorry. You seem busy." I hung up the phone and it immediately started ringing again. I turned off my phone and put it on my bed side table. Definitely not going to let this ruin my day, I walked out into the living room like nothing happened and jumped on Liam. "It's spiderman time! Bitches!!" Liam and Dasha laughed and started to get up, before I realized, I was being thrown onto Liam's back and brought down to the car. Dasha and I got into the front, while Liam got into the back.

"Em, take out your iPhone so I can look up one of the game stores in L.A." I started looking through my pockets, but I realized that I left my phone on my bedside table.

"I..left it in my room." Dasha's mouth gaped open, she knows that I would never forget that.

"Don't worry I'll get it." Liam jumped out of the car to get my phone while Dasha stared at me intently.

"Are you bothered by the girls on twitter?" I thought about lying to her and say yes, but I knew she would find out eventually.

"No, I called Harry this morning to apologize.." I couldn't think of a way to say it without making Harry sound like a dick.

"Spit it out, Hamilton"

"and he was with a girl. In bed. Drunk." Dasha's eyes went wide when she realized what I was saying.

"What. A. Dick." I could see Liam walking out of the apartment building.

"Dasha,what I told you.Never. Happened. Liam's already been feeling down in the dumps, I do not want to bring this up."

"But..but" I saw Liam coming and I gave Dasha a look that could kill. She decided to shut up.

We'd been driving for at least 20 minutes but the traffic was horrendous. We spent most of our time laughing at the people who were freaking out about the traffic.

"Emmmm, I have to pee!!!" Liam started having a fit like a four year old and Dasha and I couldn't help but laugh.

"We're not moving anyway, go into that gas station. We'll pull over." Liam ran out to the gas station while Dasha pulled over. When Liam got out, Dasha parked the car and started fiddling with her phone. I could tell she had something brutally honest to say, but she was afraid to say it.

"C'mon , Dasha. Spit it out."

"I think Liam would be a lot better for you then Harry. Your kind of the perfect couple. You're both nerds,innocent and adorable. Harry just seems like trouble."Before I could even process what she said, Liam was already back in the car. Liam and Dasha started talking about something while I got lost in my thoughts. I thought about what Dasha said and I couldn't get it out of my mind. What would've the few last months been like if Harry wasn't in the picture? Would I have thought of Liam differently?
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Planning on doing a "what if" chapter with Liam. So I want your opinions!! What do you think it would've been like without Harry in the picture? TELLL MEHHHH!

P.S I'm almost to 30 subscribers which is insane! Thanks so much!!

Much Love! xx