A Vlogger's Love Story

Chapter 9 - What the bloody hell is going on here?

I was awake when my alarm went off in the morning at ten. Actually, I was awake most of the night, just thinking. i thought so much that I made a decision, I'm going to give Harry one chance. One chance to just have a relationship with no drama. I got out of bed and went into my bathroom, I was so tired that I just ended up putting my hair in a bun and washing the makeup from my face from last night. I took off my dress and got in the shower to wash off all the sweat from being in the club last night. I got out of the shower and put on underwear and bra. Then I put on some yoga pants and a blue zip up sweater.

I went over to my couch and lied down. I took out my phone and decided now was the time to give Harry his chance. I found him in my contacts and pressed text message.

Emily: Me and Toby broke up….I'm at my apartment.

I hope that's enough for him to realize I'm giving us a chance today.


It's eight o'clock and nothings happened. He hasn't called,texted or even came to my apartment. It's not even like he forgot his phone at the club last night or something, my phone said that he read the text and yet…nothing. I guess he's chosen Jessi over me. I guess that's understandable… no I need to stop being down on myself, I promised myself I would stop this. I need a friend right now, I need Liam. I took out my phone but before I could call him, I got a call from him. I laughed at the coincidence and answered the phone.

"Hey Liam. I actually wanted to-"

"Emily?" I could tell he was on the verge of crying. He sounded heartbroken. Not only did I need him, he needed me too.

"Liam, I'm going to stop at the liquor store and be at your apartment in 15." I hung up the phone, put my shoes on and ran out the door.

I got to Liam's apartment door with whiskey sour and Smirnoff in my hand and knocked. He opened the door right away and ran at me with a hug, I could tell he was hurting. I put down the alcohol so I could hug him tighter.

"Liam? What's wrong?" He squeezed even tighter at that question.

"Danielle didn't come to visit. She came to break up. She made it into the olympics and she doesn't want any distractions." I retracted from the hug and gave Liam a kiss on the cheek. I then picked up the liquor and shoved it into Liam's hands.

"Well I brought medicine"


Harry's P.O.V

I finally arrived to Emily's apartment after the longest break up ever. When I broke up with Jessi, she wouldn't stop crying about how she'll lose her fame. I didn't want to be mean so I comforted her and brought her to the airport. Unfortunately the airport is two hours away so it's already ten o'clock at night. I would've texted her but I wanted to see her in person. I could't hide my smile going up to her apartment door. I knocked and Dasha answered. I frowned disappointed it wasn't Emily.

"Not happy to see me?"

"Of course I'm happy! but I was actually looking for Emily." I looked around the apartment but I didn't see Emily.

"She's not here." My heart felt heavy..I missed my chance. I need to find her.

Emily's P.O.V

We decided to watch friends and every time we laughed we would take a drink. Not surprisingly, we laughed a lot. We were quite drunk but we didn't mind. We were watching friends on his couch in his living room. We sat crossed legged beside each other. We were watching the episode where Monica and Chandler hook up.

"I wonder what it's like to hook up with your best friend."

"I guess I can never try that theory because Louis would kill me if I hooked up with Dasha." Liam laughed at my comment and turned toward me.

"What about me? Aren't I your best friend?" I turned away from the t.v to him and his lips met mine. Kissing Liam didn't feel like kissing Toby or Harry, but it felt good. We we're both heartbroken and needed comfort and we were their for each other, so I don't regret it.

Without breaking the kiss, Liam pushed me down so I was lying on the couch and he was on top of me. The kiss started to get more ruff and he started playing with the hem of my shirt then took it off. I was pretty surprised at how ruff he was but I didn't mind. I helped him take off his shirt only breaking the kiss for a second. He started playing with the band of my yoga pants when Liam yelled.

"What the bloody hell is going on here?!" Oh that wasn't Liam, that was Harry.
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Sorry that this chapter is so short :( I only have 3 % battery and I broke my charger and I dont have this chapter on my phone.The next chapter will probably be tomorrow if I get a new charger!

Much Love! xx