Status: my very first Fan Fiction :)

Unlikely Beginning

The Club

Once I was done at the door I made my way into the club. The music instantly deafened me making it nearly impossible to hear anything but the loud music. I quickly made my way over to the rest of the Event Organizers who were monitoring the club to make sure everything ran smoothly. Nearly every person I pushed pass was already drunk. The dance floor illuminated the room making it look blue and purple.

Lily was talking into her headset as I approached her, as soon as she saw me a big smile plastered on her face. She grabbed a hold of my hand pulling me to her as she spoke into my ear, she still had to yell because the music made it impossible to hear.

"Play time!" When I pulled away to look at her she was jumping up and down in excitement. We were free to enjoy the rest of our night and I intended to. First I just had to find the boys and Mackenzie, except that was going to be nearly impossible. I scanned the room standing on my tip toes but I still was not tall enough to see anyone. Making my way through the only open space, I walked to the bar and leaned in to yell something to the bartender when a hand slid around my waist. Immediately I swiped the hand away turning to see who this person was just as my adrenaline shot up.

"What the fu-" instantly I recognized the face staring directly at me.

"KYLE!" My arms flung around his neck as I nearly knocked him over but he quickly got his balance squeezing me tightly. My feet were no longer touching the ground as he spun me before stopping to look at me.


"Oh my god, you're here!" Kyle was an old friend of mine from back in high school. Scratch that one of my best friends back in high school. Mackenzie was going to flip as soon as she saw him because right after high school he went off to Duke University leaving the both of us behind. He was blessed with a brain and athletic ability, I would of been shocked if he didn't go to a big college.

"I heard you were quite the Event Organizer now so I thought I'd check out what all the hypes about!" His smile was luminous. I could not take my eyes off him for a second.

"It's so great to see you! And to think my night couldn't of gotten any better." His hands never left my waist as we stood there in awe of each other. I insisted that we both find Mackenzie because she needed to see him. We managed to find her practically dry humping Niall on the dance floor. When she got clear view of Kyle she practically pushed Niall off her and jumped right into Kyle's arms.

"I CANNOT BELIEVE YOU ARE HERE!" Mackenzie screamed over the music. "WE NEED A PICTURE!" She quickly pulled her phone out handing it to Liam to take pictures of the three of us. After introducing him to all the boys I could sense that it got weird for them. We all made our way to one of the seating areas and talked for what seemed like so little time. Mackenzie and I never left Kyle's side until I was called over by Lily because something was happening at the door.


"I need you to get Harry!" Louis said from behind me. Mackenzie quickly appeared behind him panting she looked like she was crying. He got a pain expression on his face like what he was about to say was not going to make me a very happy person.

"What happened?" I quickly approached Mackenzie and she was crying even more now. She stuttered to tell me that Niall kissed some girl and she needed to go home. I turned to Louis and he continued to tell me about Harry.

"Heather I'm sorry! They all started drinking too much and then Harry started dancing on some girls and I couldn't stop him. I'm sorry!" That's all he needed to say because I immediately stormed into the club to find Harry. Louis followed behind me as fast as he could but eventually I lost him in the crowd of dancing people. I spotted Harry off in the corner of the club as a girl leaned back into a wall, one of his hands was rubbing her side as the other was pushed up against the wall hiding her face. He was leaning in as I pulled him.


"What do you mean?!" He was now grabbing onto my hips laughing, I wanted to shove him but his grip was so firm.

"Why are you all over that girl?" I yelled into his ear.

"It's not like you care Heather! Why don't you go back to your Kyle. It's not like you love me remember!" I was like a ticking time bomb because as soon as he said that I shoved him off me and slapped him right across the face.

I was already out of the club as I ran straight into Mackenzie. She grabbed a hold of my hand as we both started down the street, few blocks passed when we finally stopped my chest began to heave. I was completely out of breath and I began to sob hard. My stomach grew weak as I placed my hands on my hips hoping that I wouldn't completely lose it right there. I felt Mackenzie's arms wrap around my neck to comfort me which only made me cry more.

I could hear start to cry now too.
♠ ♠ ♠
i guess the fairy tale only last so long.
poor Heather and Mackenzie ): & Kyle will appear again soon.

Don't hate me or do haha :) anyways keep reading. thank you to everyone who continues to subscribe, read and recommend my story. i love you ALL.

still updating from my phone. I shall soon put up a layout just idk when.