Status: my very first Fan Fiction :)

Unlikely Beginning

Catching Up

"JUST LEAVE!" A door slammed. I woke up without hesitating and I stayed awake too.

What the hell was that. I rolled over to lay on my back pulling my covers off me. I quickly got out of bed pulling my hair up into a messy bun. I opened the door of my room walking out to see Niall sitting down against Mackenzie's room door.

"I'm sorry if we woke you..." I could hardly hear what Niall said, the look on his face spoke for him, things did not go over well with Mackenzie.

"What happened?"

"She won't give me a chance to explain." I tilted my head to him signalling that we should probably go downstairs. Once we got down I asked him to the kitchen. He took a seat on the stool as I poured him something to drink.

"Heath..." Niall still stared down at this hands as he spoke. "Look I know that you probably hate me," he sounded like he was about to cry and my eyes got a bit watery, I felt terribly sorry for him but at the same time he deserved to feel this way. Especially after his little stunt at the club. "I swear to you, I would never have done what I did if I actually knew what the hell I was doing."

"I know Niall. To be honest with you though, Mackenzie, she's not going to let you off easy." He now looked at me. "For a really long time! You really hurt her. Even though I know you didn't intend for any of this to happen, she still is going to be a real pain in the ass to get back with." He nodded then a smirk grew on his face.


"Harry didn't intend for anything to happen either." I scoffed at his reply. My eyes trailed off looking around the room. "He wants to see you to explain himself just as much as I do to Mackenzie. I told him not to come this morning. He wanted to but I thought we should come one at a time because two angry girls is really scary." He grabbed a hold on my hand bring my attention back to him. "You need to hear him out even though you don't own him anything...he's a good guy."

"Yeah we'll if I hadn't stepped in when I did, Harry would of kissed that girl anyways."

"No he wouldn't of. Harry wanted to get a rise out of you and I swear that's honestly IT! He can hardly remember what happened."

"You're only saying this because he's your friend! There is no excuse Ni, none at all!" I tried to remain calm but my anger started to show. I couldn't believe Niall was actually trying to make what Harry did sound okay. "Harry could have any girl, ANY GIRL. I told him I didn't want to be in a relationship but he insisted we try, what did I do? I gave him a chance. Stupid me gave him a chance and how did he repay me?"

I stood up to walk away but he grabbed a hold on my arm to stop me.

"Heather wait! Okay I'm sorry. You're right he messed up."

"He sure as hell did." I pulled my arm away starting to make my way up the stairs but stopped halfway. "You can let yourself out."


I hadn't seen Mackenzie all day. After what happened with Niall this morning, I thought it would be best for her if I just left her alone. I was in my room when I heard her bedroom door slam and not long after the front door, then her car leaving the driveway. Whenever Mackenzie had a lot on her mind she'd drive to who knows where but she did it. She'd call me eventually to let me know where she was or wherever she was headed to. I had known her for half my life and this girl was never one to hide her feelings, I was, definitely not her so I wasn't worried.

My phone began to buzz and ring on my bedside table, I quickly looked to see who it was. A picture of Kyle appeared on my screen, I slide the lock to answer.

"Hey! You busy?" He said cheerfully.

"If you count having a Nicholas Sparks movie marathon busy, then yes." He laughed at my sarcasm.

"How about you get your ass ready and we have lunch on me?"

"I'd rather not eat lunch off you, that's extremely unsanitary."

He started to laugh and a smile grew on my face. "Okay. I'll be the gentleman you know and love and I'll take you out in public." I agreed and told him I'd meet him.

I quickly applied makeup, styled my hair and slipped on a strapless light pink dress that matched the wedges I wanted to wear. I made sure not to look too over dressed and didn't spend anymore time getting ready. When I got to the restaurant I was quickly escorted inside. Kyle was already there and as soon as he saw me he got up to give me a hug.

"You look nice!" He said as we both took our seat.

"As do you," I said crossing my legs set my purse down in my lap, leaning in to put my elbows on the table and resting my chin on the sole of my hand. "Tell me everything that's been going on in your life! I want to know everything."

"That's hard since I don't have a life so you might have to tell me about yours." Great he wanted to know about what's going on with me.

I sighed leaning back in my seat, "I'm too emotionally damaged to talk about my life right now." He started to laugh at me. Only if he knew it was true.

"I want to know anyways."

"Boy problems."

"What happened?" He looked confused. "I thought you were dating that guy?"

"I am...or was. I honestly don't even know!"

"What happened?"

I started to laugh as I adjusted myself uncrossing my legs and setting my purse down on the floor. "He almost kissed a girl the night at the club." Kyle started to tense up, he was very over protective when it came to guys, it's just how he is. "It's whatever no need to worry about it!"

"That's not just whatever Heather!" I flinched at his words.

"Honestly Ky, just don't even worry about it!"

"Yeah. Let's just hope he doesn't show himself for awhile."

"You aren't going to do anything!" I demanded.


7 PM

I had been out with Kyle all day catching up. Shopped around for a few hours and finally decided it was time to go home. Especially because I worried about Mackenzie. When I pulled up into the driveway I decided to take a few minutes for myself and check my phone. I had it on silent in my purse all day avoiding any contact with Harry. That didn't stop him from leaving me over 30 text messages, a few from the guys and one from Mackenzie. Quickly skimming over all of them. When I finally finished, I got out of the car and walked up to the front door.

I stopped when I saw Harry sitting on the porch bench. We made eye contact and he stood up shoving his hands into his pockets.
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it's not good but whatever! Here's the update :)