Status: my very first Fan Fiction :)

Unlikely Beginning

Pick One

Harry Styles just asked me to move in with him. How crazy was that! It was so sudden being that we had only been together for a few months and he was an international superstar. He was a guy who could get any girl in the world was sitting here asking me of all people to move in with him.

"Are you sure?" Was all I could say.

"Yes...I mean if you don't want to that's fine!" He was rambling on for a while until he stopped himself flashing me a painful smile that left his face pretty quickly. He avoided making any sort of eye contact with me as we sat there in silence. I could feel the tension between us and I knew I had to say something or else he was going to take that as a no.

"Harry..." I trailed off.

His eyes met mine. "Yes?"

"I'd love to move in with you!"

Harry's eyes grew shocked like he had just seen a ghost. Almost immediately he pulled me into the tightest hug only to pull away and kiss me a few times. "You really mean it?"

I smiled and said, "I mean it!"


The next day Harry and I decided to tell all the boys and Mackenzie that we wanted to move in together. He called them first thing in the morning asking them to come over my house because we had a very important announcement to make. Within minutes they were all pilled into my living room couch awaiting to hear what we had to say. Harry and I stood in front of them for quite sometime trying to get our thoughts together before telling them the big news.

I guess we took too long because Louis shouted, "Are you pregnant?!"

"No!" I managed to say a little quieter than he was.

"You look really nervous." Mackenzie said about to get up only deciding that it's probably best she stay where she was to hear what we had to say.

"Okay okay we'll tell you just hold on!" Harry said bringing up his hand to stop then all from
talking. He quickly looked at me awaiting my permission to tell them, I quickly nodded. It was probably better he tell them because at this point I was frozen. I could feel my stomach starting to eat itself and all I wanted to do was crawl into a hole and never come out again. This was a big step in Harry and I's relationship and I did not know how they would all respond to the news.

Once Harry started to speak a little part of me started to feel the sense of relief. "As you know we've been together for a few months and we didn't want to do the whole long distance relationship..." Harry paused as they all leaned in to hear what he had to say next. "So last night I asked Heather if she'd move in with California." At once all the boys started to talk over one another making it completely impossible to understand them.

"What about the tour!" Niall blurted out.

Their accents clashed but it seemed like Harry understood them perfectly. He finally got them to calm down and he continued to speak. "Yes I know we're going on tour and my life is in London but Heather's life is also here. I asked her to move in with me so it's sort of my responsibility to move in with her here. I'll go on tour except as soon as it's over we're moving in together!"

I could feel myself starting to get sick. "Maybe this was a bad idea." I said earning all of their attention. I quickly made eye contact with Mackenzie who looked like she was about to burst into tears.

"YES IT'S A BAD IDEA!" Louis said sadly.

"HORRIBLE!" Liam followed.

"TERRIBLE BECAUSE YOU DIDN'T INVITE US!" They all said in unison.

I was in completely shock.

"You all wanna move in together?" Harry questioned them shocked.


"Did you really think that we would let you just move in together and abandon us all?" Liam said looking around getting the rest of them to agree.

"We're a family Harry! You can't just leave us hanging like that!" Niall said a little hurt. Mackenzie quickly stood up from where she was sitting and walked over to me. She was practically in tears and I rubbed her upper arms in comfort.

"You can't just leave me like that!" Mackenzie said pulling me into a hug. I couldn't help but start to feel completely awful.

"I'm not leaving you okay! I'm so sorry." I pulled her into a hug placing my hand on the top of her head pulling her into a tighter hug. When she pulled away she flashed me a smile and I continued to hold onto her.

"So then it's settled! We're all moving in together!" I yelled. And before we knew it the boys were all jumping around like wild animals, Mackenzie actually started to laugh as I wiped her tears away. This was happening, Mackenzie and I were moving in with One Direction.


The boys were leaving in two days and I tried every possible way to push it out of my head. That included keeping busy. The boys, Mackenzie and I almost immediately started looking for possible houses. What we wanted, how this was going to work, who was going to pay for what, where did we want the house to be and mostly that this was going to be long term.

"The boys and I will pay for the house all expenses paid." Harry said looking at me. We all sat at the dinning table with piles of papers that had images of possible houses on them, which included all the information underneath the picture. They were gigantic and I couldn't even imagine how much they costed.

"Yeah no! I am not letting you pay for everything." I said looking around at everyone.

"Really Heather we want to!" Liam said smiling. He was always the really calm one to me. Always assuring me that everything was going to be okay.

"So what are we suppose to do? Be the maids?" Mackenzie said jokingly.

"Exactly!" Niall responded earning a smack from her. We all laughed at the both of them continuing to look through the piles of paper.

"I don't know about this Harry... I mean these houses are really big!" I said nervously biting down on my bottom lip.

"Well there are 7 of us and you girls are most definitely going to need your own bathrooms as well as your own room for just your clothes!" Harry said with a laugh.

"Still! This is too much."

"No it's not Heather. I want this for us, for all of us!" He said softly. Harry made me incredibly weak, he made me so vulnerable that I was afraid of some of the things he could probably get me to do just by asking. And at this point all I wanted to do was keep him with me forever and if that meant letting him and the guys buy a big house for all of us to live in, then so be it.

I no longer wanted to argue with him because I already knew I had lost this one fair and square. I just knew I was going to feel extremely guilty about it later on.


"This is the one!" Zayn yelled. We had been at this for nearly an hour now. I was ready to give up! There were so many options. So many house to choose from and the craziest part was, Mackenzie and I were free to pick which ever one we wanted. It didn't matter the price it didn't even matter the location. If we wanted it, they were going to get it. It was seriously a dream come true.

"Let me see!" Mackenzie and I said in unison, we quickly jumped out of our seats to go to the other side of the table were Zayn was holding the piece of paper in his hands. He had amazing taste! This house was freaking beautiful, I had never seen anything like it before and here he was suggesting we get it.

"That's the one!" Mackenzie yelled out.

"Then it's the one we're getting." Niall said as the rest of us gathered around to take a look at the picture. This house was a freaking mansion! Mackenzie and I started to squeal jumping up and down. We were so excited we couldn't help but show it!

These were the perks of being the girlfriends of Harry Styles and Niall Horan.
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I'm so sorry that I haven't updated in such a long time. A friend of mine went missing and was just found, he passed so it was really hard for me. I have been really busy with that and I alsostart school tomorrow. My updates will not be as often anymore but I will try my best.

I owe you all an update because if I don't do it now. I probably will never get to it. So here it is.

also thank you for recommending me LittleAprilShowers <3