Status: my very first Fan Fiction :)

Unlikely Beginning

Minny Vacation

"Okay first things first, hand over the phones." Danielle demanded throughout the limo. She reached out her hand to Mackenzie first who held even more tightly to her phone as she got closer.

"WHAT IF THERE IS AN EMERGENCY!" Mackenzie mediated.

"I already talked to Anne and we both agreed that phones should be taken away. If they need to reach us for any reason, they have the hotel number and they can call that! Now give it!" This time Danielle didn't even wait for Mackenzie to hand over her phone, she gladly ripped it from her hand grinning. I didn't want that to happen to me so I quickly handed her my phone as did Eleanor.

Once she had all our phones in her possession she opened the car door taking a step out.

"Oh this is going to be a fun two days!" Eleanor said sarcastically.

"You got that right!" I replied following behind her and Mackenzie as we all got out of the limo. Just as I got out of the car the hotel came into full view. It was absolutely breath-taking. From where I stood you could see the beach from inside the hotel and there was a waterfall right in the center of the lobby. I continued to admire every aspect of it all as we made our way to the front desk.

"Hi Danielle Peazer!" Danielle announced to the lady who was behind the computer. She instantly typed a few things into the computer nodding that our reservation was put into place, handing Danielle four room keys she called a bellhop over to us. He notified us that he would get our luggage up to our room in no time and with that he was off.

"I've never actually had a bell hop get my luggage for me." I whispered to Eleanor, she laughed at me rubbing my arm.

"Neither did I until I started dating Louis now if I don't have a bellhop it feels odd."


"Alright pick your rooms and we'll get down to business!"

We quickly scattered in different directions in search for rooms. Mackenzie and I choose rooms right next to each other that had a connected bathroom. I didn't really mind at all because she already was my roommate before all this so I was more than happy to share with her. Plus with the size of this suite we probably would never even run into each other.

With time to spare I started to tour my room. I came to realization that I had my own walk in closet, a flat screen TV right in front of my bed. A fire place right underneath the TV and the best thing of all was the queen size bed that I had all to myself. It had large fluffy lavender comforters and about a hundred pillows at the head of the bed and two black wooden bedside tables that displayed purple lamps. This room was absolutely beautiful to the point where I was sure I had just fallen in love with an inanimate object but I couldn't help myself it was just so stunning.

I had only wished one thing and that was for Harry to be here with me. I started to feel sad because I had missed him so much and that I had no way of contacting him for the next two days. I was sure the rest of the girls felt the same way so I knew that I had to just suck it up and just be grateful that Anne gave us the opportunity to relax for a while. Each and everyone of us knew we needed it!


"So here are the plans we are staying the night tonight just going to hang out. Then tomorrow we have a spa day and the day after that...well I haven't even decided what we do then but as for right now we just relax!" Danielle squealed.

"How come you get to plan this whole stay?" Eleanor questioned her.

"Because!" She glared at Eleanor not wanting to argue with her. Eleanor huffed leaning back to hear what else she had to say, I patted her leg in comfort and Eleanor flashed me a small smile.

"So can we just hang out by the pool today or what?" Mackenzie asked.

"Yeah I guess we could..." Danielle looked down at the notebook in her hand. We didn't even wait for her approval as we all jumped up from our seat running to our rooms to get dress. Once we all had our bathing suits on we pushed past Danielle who shouted the rest of her plans to us as we walked out the door.

"She's going to be pissed...." Mackenzie emphasized the pissed. I laughed linked arms with both Mackenzie and Eleanor as we made our way into the elevator and going down to the lobby. It wasn't long before we heard the ding again and the elevator doors slid open, revealing our bellhop who looked in his teens. He almost blushed when he made eye contact with the rest of us. I was assuming it was because we only had really short sundresses on with our bikini's underneath.

"Oh...I was about to bring your luggage!" He said shyly.

"Danielle is up there so she'll take it!" Eleanor said causing the rest of us to giggle. We stepped out of the elevator making way for him to get in and headed to the pool.

"That's what she gets for taking my phone!"


"This place is unbelievable!" I said pulling my shades on over my eyes as I laid back enjoying the warm sun.

"Best two day vay-cay ever!" Mackenzie sang.

"It's really nice to not have to worry what the boys are doing all the time! Sometimes I feel more like I'm the mother of One Direction!" I started to laugh at what Eleanor said because she was so right. Those boys were quite the handful!

"Just be glad you aren't Anne right now! I wish she could of came with us but that would of meant the boys would of probably tore the house apart!" I said imagining what on earth they could probably get themselves into.


We were getting close to laying out for quite a while so I decided it was time for some real fun. Mackenzie had her earphones on and Eleanor looked sound asleep so I got up making my way over to the bar. The bartender quickly caught my attention as he made his way over.

"Hi what can I get you?" His smile was to die for and his tan was pure sun kiss. He was kinda beautiful which made my smile much bigger than normal.

"Hi! So I'm kinda bored I was gonna to dump some ice cold water on my friends over there!" I quickly pointed to where Eleanor and Mackenzie were, I turned back to make eye contact with the bartender who already knew what to get me.

"Here ya go!" He handed me two slushies. "I mean if you're gonna pour ice why not go all out! Color and everything!" I laughed at his suggestion tipping him and taking both of them making my way back.

I couldn't hide my smiles as I tip toed back to my seat. I stood in between the both of Eleanor and Mackenzie reaching both hands out over them and slowly tilted the slushies porring them all over the both of them. Before I had a chance to fully dump the entire slushy they both jumped up screaming grabbing the attention of everyone in a miles radius of the pool! I started to laugh hysterically getting pissed off glares from both Eleanor and Mackenzie. I turned around to see the bartender laughing his ass off too putting up a thumps up.

"OH HELL NO!" Mackenzie yelled at me. She quickly jumped over the chair pushed me straight into the pool. I yelled as I cannon balled straight in coming back up laughing.

"YOU SNOOZE YOU LOSE!" I yelled. They both started to laugh taking a few steps back and hauling themselves into the pool with me! I could hear a bunch of guys yelling and throwing their fist into the air. I went under feeling someone pushing me down.

Once I came back up again I saw that Mackenzie was laughing and Eleanor in the distance behind her snapping pictures of the both of us.

"Bitch gonna pay!" She screamed as I laughed splashing her. Now it was truly starting to feel like a minny vacation.


We splashed around in the pool for a little while until I got tired, I started out of the pool as a group of people made their way over to me. "Hi Heather right! You're dating Harry Styles?" A petite blonde girl said.

"That would be me!" I shrugged ringing my hair out to get rid of the water so it didn't drip as much.

"I know you're probably busy but could we get a picture?"

"Of course you can!" I smiled approaching the group.

"Could we take a picture by ourselves first?" I turned around to see a broad shoulder guy who looked about 6 feet tall. He had a LA snap back on which was all I could really see at this point, the sun was in my eyes blinding me so once my vision came to I realized it was Kyle.

"Kyle! Hi!" He smiled bring me into his arms for a tight hug.

"How are you beautiful?"

"I missed you so much...I'm so sorry about what happened the last time I saw..." He stopped me before I could finish.

"It's okay Heather! That's the past, we are always going to be friends no matter what." He smiled which assured me that he wasn't lying.

We quickly took a picture together and he released me allowing me to take a picture with the rest of the group. Mackenzie then got noticed as well and so did Eleanor so for the next half hour we took pictures with fans and signed autographs.

Just as Mackenzie was finishing taking pictures with fans she spotted Kyle as well. They went off to quickly chat and I grabbed Eleanor, "we should probably get back to Danielle now. Poor girl is probably using our name in vain!" She laughed nodding.

"We probably should!"
♠ ♠ ♠
thank you for all your patience! :) this chapter is only the start.

I know I say this sooooo much but thank you again to those of you who continue to read and subscribe.
ALSO special thank you to my new recommendation made by PS_itsbrooke <3

my very first ff will be coming to an end soon however I will start another one. I'm not sure just when I will but I already have somewhat an idea :) before I end it. I'll link it on here so you all can start reading that one if you want haha.

You've all contributed in this story some way or another and I cannot thank you enough.
EXCEPT the one who truly made this happen for me is of course my lovely bff heatherxo <<< read her stories.