Status: my very first Fan Fiction :)

Unlikely Beginning


I waited impatiently as we made our way into the crowd of people exiting their planes. However it managed to take Eleanor and Danielle a million years to get out of theirs.

"Okay I just cannot wait anymore!" Mackenzie yelled out. She had been needing to use the restroom ever since we got out of the car. That was about half an hour ago and she was jumping up and down hoping to hold it in as long as she could.

"I told you to go!" I laughed taking out my iPhone and taking a video of her. This was a moment we all needed to document and if she managed to pee herself I sure as hell wanted to get it on video.

"I know! I thought they'd be here by now and that I could go after but they're still NOT here." She groaned swaying her hips side to side. "I don't want to miss them getting here!!"

"Mackenzie seriously! GO." I said loudly getting a few stares from the people around us.

"Okay okay." She started to run towards the restrooms as I tip toeing to see if I could catch a glimpse of anyone familiar.

I looked down at my phone when I was pushed to the ground being piled on by someone extremely heavy. "WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM!" I yelled getting up from the ground pulling my sweat hoodie that was riding up my waist showing a lot of skin.

"FEISTY!" I noticed the accent to see Zayn smiling up at me as he got up from the ground as well. "I like it!"

I started to laugh as he pulled me into a hug, I allowed my hand to find their way up to his shoulders hugging him tightly. "What's up cutie?" I smiled as we both pulled away to get trampled on by the rest of the gang. We all stood in a large circle hugging each other when Mackenzie came back, then the chit chat began. I noticed that everyone was here except for Harry. I didn't bother to look for him because I didn't think he'd want to see me anyways.

"You look so thin now and your hair is so much longer!" Danielle said holding on to me as we made our way to baggage claim.

"That's what happens when you leave for eight months!" I frowned at her.

"I know! We're here now though!" She jumped up happily.


Once we got their the four of us girls stood by the conveyor belt waiting for their bags to appear as we caught up with one another.

"This is so unreal!" I said as Mackenzie and I admired the beautiful ring on Eleanor's finger.

"I know! I told Louis that we had to come back ASAP so we could all plan the wedding. Of course you know I have to have my Bridesmaids there with me!"

My jaw dropped open, "YOU WANT US TO BE YOUR BRIDESMAIDS?"

Eleanor nodded biting down on her lip. "If you don't mind?"

"Are you crazy?!?! YOU DON'T EVEN HAVE TO ASK." Mackenzie yelled out as we all tackled her to the ground laughing.


"I'm having the wedding here. I have a lot of family here in the U.S so it makes sense! A lot more than in London that is so we are flying them all out and Louis's family is already here on vacation so it's perfect." Eleanor started to fill us in on her plans with the wedding. "All we really need to do is location, flowers, dresses, dinning stuff and a few other things but it's not much!"

I started to grow nervous, "all in 2 weeks?"

She nodded pacing back and forth in my kitchen. We had booklets upon booklets of wedding details spread out all over the island counter that we all crowded around. It was just us four and the wedding planner who was planning the wedding and the boys all decided to take over the big house and stay there for the remainder of the stay.

"That's a shit ton El!" Danielle said not realizing till now that we really had to get down to business.

"One more things," Eleanor said grabbing a hold of my arm dragging me out into the living room. She turned to me with the glossiest eyes and I knew this girl was about to tell me something I didn't want to hear and I was going to agree no matter what. She would turn into Bridezilla anytime soon and I really didn't want to be a target when that happened.

"What is it?" I said waiting nervously for her to say anything.

"Heather, I know you're going to hate me more than anything!" I looked at her to carry on, "you just have to understand that I already have my Bridesmaids picked out and Louis has his Grooms Men." She cleared her throat and I could feel myself start to over analyze. "I wanted to know if you'd be my Maid of Honor?"

My eyes grew in shock and I couldn't help but tear up a bit. "I'd love to El! You know I'd do anything for you!" She smiled only for it to fade rather quickly. "One more thing," I nodded, "Harry's going to be Louis's Best Man." And all the excitement was flushed away.


I opened my mouth to explode into reasons why I could now not be her maid of honor because of the humongous detail she just added in. But Eleanor could already see that coming so she started to talk continuously before I had the chance. "YES I KNOW. I hate myself for that happening too except you have to understand. That's Louis's best guy and you've become my best girl. And it so happens that you two were together and now you are not. We both already talked this over and we are sacrificing a lot. SO PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE," she grabbed a hold of my hands bringing them to her chest. "do this for me!"

I sighed heavily thinking it over. I mean what could possibly go wrong with Harry and I being the second most important detail of the wedding. The Maid of Honor and the Best Man are suppose to get along and what if we don't. Could we possibly ruin the best day of Eleanor and Louis's life? I started to contemplate it over and over again in my head till I finally decided on what to say next. "El, I love you. You know that!"

"So you will?"

"Harry isn't going to want to have anything to do with me. We haven't exactly spoken in months and for us to have to spend this much time together just for the wedding. It might not end well!" I looking down.

"We already sat down with Harry. He's already agreed to it!" Eleanor said happily. It didn't take long for me to process why he'd say yes. For one it was for our best friends and two because this gave us both a reason to spend time together. When I had the chance I was going to strangle him!

"Fine. I'm doing this for you though!"

She didn't even hesitate she started to jump up and down until she couldn't anymore. Eleanor filled me in on Perrie coming in for the wedding to be a Bridesmaid in my place and that Harry was to be joining her on the plane ride.

Then tomorrow was the start of wedding planning.


"I'm coming out!" Eleanor yelled from behind the dressing room door.

When she emerged her dress came first. It was large and poofy from what I could tell and the detail of the dress was breath taking. She came out turning straight to look into the mirror as the girls and I all awed. She looked beautiful like a princess and I felt like a proud mother as I started to cry. I was the only one getting emotional as I excused myself from the room.

Mackenzie quickly whispered to let me go as I walked out into the hallway. I took the elevator down till I was in the lobby and out into the sidewalk. I could finally breath as I couldn't hold in my tears anymore. I decided it was best not to go off into any direction because we were in New York. I would get lost in a heartbeat and who knows where I'd end up.

Eleanor wanted to get a dress from Vera Wang which I honestly didn't blame her so we took a private jet out first thing this morning. Within a few hours we were in New York and she was trying on her dream dress. I dreamed of getting my wedding dress made by her too so I didn't complain.


I had been out here getting some air for quite a while. I knew I should probably get back in so I took my last few seconds to collect my thoughts. I was about to head inside when a certain girl in the distance caught my attention. The blonde girl was getting out of a taxi when she started in my direction. For some odd reason she looked awfully familiar until it dawned on me. That girl was Perrie Edwards.

The closer she got I knew it really was her. I didn't plan on saying anything because I was sure she'd think I was some crazy fan but instead she approached me. "Hi!" Her voice was perky and happy making me loosen up a bit. "I know this is crazy and I'll probably look stupid after asking but are you Heather Gibson?"

I was shocked that she even knew my name. "Yes that's me."

She laughed and I knew she was relieved. "Oh good! I was about to get really embarrassed if it wasn't you. I'm Perrie!" She reached out her arms as I obliged leaning in to give her a hug. "It's so nice to meet you Heather! Might I add you are quite the stunning beauty that is all Harry can speak about." Just then Perrie realized she had said way too much because her hand immediately flew over her mouth as she shook her head mumbling a few words to herself.

"It's okay!" I laughed. "It's honestly okay, I get that a lot. Eleanor and the girls are inside, I was just out getting some fresh air so if you want I'll go in with you." I smiled at her.

She nodded as we walked inside side by side and into the elevator. I could feel that she was itching to say something so I quietly waited till she did. "Heather?"

I turned to her. "Yes?"

"I'm so terribly sorry for that outburst back there. Sometimes that happens!"

"Don't even worry about it! I'm not big on first impressions anyways. Second impressions are much better!" I said as Perrie giggled.

"I promise my second one will be MUCH better!"

I smiled as the elevator came to a stop, I turned my attention away from Perrie because we were about to get off. The doors started to slowly open as I brought my attention back to the doors only to see Harry staring right into me.

"Hi," he said smiling wide showing me his dimples making my heart literally melt.
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anotherrrr update :) Perrie and Harry are now here!
Thank you for the lovely comment PS_itsbrooke <3 your comment made my day!