Status: my very first Fan Fiction :)

Unlikely Beginning

Last Hurrah

"He's really hurt Heather. Around everyone else he acts like he's perfectly fine. Then the minute it's just us he's back to being numb. Almost like there is nothing going on inside of him!" The words Louis continued to say were only making me feel worse. I had cut all ties with Harry and every time I got so little as a text message or a phone call, I ignored it. I had tried so hard to bring myself to talk to him but every time I stopped myself. 

"Eventually he'll forget about me." 

"I've never seen him like this. I don't think he's going to make it through this..." His voice faded only to pick up again. "Please talk to him. He needs you more than anything right now. Just give him another chance."

"THEY'RE HERE!" The front door flew open to expose Danielle in her bikini. I smiled winking at her only to get her to pose at me, "you like?" 

I huffed. "Do I?" 

Mackenzie was getting something from the car and I had a chocolate cake in my hands. Or that was until Niall swooped it out of my hands to attack it. Today we were all having dinner and just hang out. According to Danielle I had forgotten to bring my bikini. Everyone was out in the backyard by the pool when I walked into the kitchen.

"You can put your things upstairs!" Danielle said. "Oh wait, this is your house still. Do what you please!" She smiled making me feel a little uncomfortable. I hadn't been in the house since the day Harry and I got into that fight and I returned the promise ring to him. It wasn't a good day because I could remember just crying for the rest of the day. I shook the feeling away as I slowly made my way upstairs. Everyone was downstairs so I thought I'd go into my old room. 

"When you come back everything will be in place! I was thinking something along the lines of navy blue, just for you."

"How did you know my favorite color?" Harry smirked looking down at me. He continued to hold me tightly as I leaned my head against his chest. 

"Best girlfriend award goes to ME!" I started to giggle. Harry leaned in kissing me multiple times in a row until I could no longer breathe. "Stop!" I held onto both sides of his face trying to control him from kissing me again. 


Memories started to flood my mind. I missed Harry so much! So much to the point where my body ached for him. I wanted to hold him and for him to hold me. I just wanted to be happy again and I knew the only way I could be was if I was with Harry. The door knob was cold as I turned it entering the room that I especially designed after his favorite color. Everything was exactly how it used to be, I set my bag down on the made bed taking a seat down at the foot of the bed. 

"Crazy how it's still the same huh!" Harry said walking into the room making me jump. "Oh I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to startle you!" 

"It's fine! I'm just a little shaken up right now." 

"About what?" I looked at Harry a little confused as to why he was taking such an interest in me right now. 

"Just wedding stuff." My phone started to ring in my purse and Harry took it out handing it to me. I smiled at him thanking him in silence as I took the phone call. I couldn't say I was upset that the moment was ruined because I truly needed to get out of there. 


"This place is gorgeous! It's too bad I never got to live here." Perrie pouted to Zayn. We were all gathered around the large dinner table as we laughed and reminisced about the old times. Perrie wasn't really included in the stories. Although I thought it was sweet that she chimed in every now and then laughing at the crazy times we had in the house. She was adorable and I approved of her dating Zayn.

"So what's going to happen to this place?" Danielle asked. 

"I don't know. I guess it'll just be here or eventually we'll sell it maybe?"

"Wasn't even a year," Harry mumbled earning everyone's attention. He was playing with his phone in his hand zoning out of the conversation. I knew what he meant by it though. He was implying about us moving in and how we didn't make it past a year. It made me sad and it was just one of those things we had to just move on from.

The rest of us continued to share stories. We were so loud to the point where I got a headache. 

"I think it's time I go," I looked at Mackenzie. 

"NO! Stay the night!" Everyone started to talk over one another as they tried to convince me to stay. I was already standing up when they all stopped me from leaving. 

"I have clothes you can wear! You have some of your things here!" 

"You are on vacation!" 

"I'll take you home first thing in the morning if you want!" 

I couldn't hear them go on any longer. "FINE I'LL STAY. HAPPY?" They all started to cheer except one person, Harry. 


"You can take the room." Harry offered helping me wash the dishes as everyone gathered around in the living room to play board games. 

"No. It's okay, I'm gonna stay in the guest room." 

"Heather seriously! You will take the room." He argued this time stopping to get my attention. "I insist." 

I tilted my head to him only to smile. "You're so stubborn I swear."

"See why we make such a good pair!" 

Normally this would of made things extremely awkward. However Harry was completely right, I started to laugh hysterically to the point where I snorted. I turned bright red as soon as I realized what had just happened trying to act like nothing happen. I had never snorted in front of Harry and now he had just heard me. For a few seconds he stood there in complete shock and then Harry started to laugh hard. 

"Oh my god stop!" I yelled getting some of the foam from the sink and push it into his face laughing.

"You didn't!" 

"Harry?" He was approaching me with a ton of soap in his hand smearing it all over my face and spraying me with the sink hose. I started to scream as everyone ran into the kitchen. I was trying to shield my body but that didn't stop him. I was soaked head to toe by the time everyone there to witness what had just happened. "LOOK WHAT HE DID!" 

"You know what that means!" Liam said starting to walk over to me slowly as I backed away a few steps. He then picked me up over his shoulder running out into the backyard and tossing me straight into the pool. I screamed feeling the water swallow me whole as I pushed myself back up. Just as I reached the surface everyone started hauling themselves into the pool screaming. 

This was our last hurrah before it was back to business so we all embraced the five year old's we truly were. 


It was now a week before the wedding and everything was now a crisis. Today we were all getting fitted for our dresses and Eleanor was so much closer to an emotional breakdown than ever. "We have yet to find a location and all the place settings and-"

"We got it El! Just calm down." Mackenzie said soothingly to Eleanor as we sat around putting last minute things together. The boys were soon to meet us and I just needed Louis to take Eleanor off our hands for a minute before I explode. 

I quickly pulled out my phone to dial Harry. I knew he'd know what to do because the least he could do was help me with half the things being he was Best Man. "I need you to find a location and place settings that means chairs, tables, utensils and etc." I didn't even give him a chance to say hello because there was too much to get done before the wedding. 

"Alright calm down! We got it." 

I sighed of relief as I ran a couple more things through Eleanor and she finally loosened up a bit as well. "Who knew this would be harder than they stressed in movies." I started to laugh at her nodding in agreement. 


"So strippers?" Zayn  announced to the rest of us. Louis and Eleanor crashed the minute we got home so we all decided to take on some of the heat while they weren't here. 

"Louis doesn't want any strippers!" Perrie glared at him. 

"All guys want strippers." Harry said high fiving Niall and Zayn. I started to laugh and shake my head because it was so amusing to see the guys together. 

I scribbled down a few notes about the bachelor parties and moved on to the next subject. "That's it! I'm never getting married." 

"You will. You'll just have Mackenzie do all the work." 

"That's true! Seriously though please none of us get married for a while. This is just too much work!"

"Then I guess I can check you off the list of catching the bouquet!" Niall said being sarcastic then leaned over to whisper in my ear, "you might want to just for kicks though so at least Harry has something to hold on to!" 
♠ ♠ ♠
i want to apologize for the typo with Perrie's name in the last chapter! I fixed it though :)
Shout-out to xomrsmalikxo, you motivated me to write another chapter. I just want to get out some before school tomorrow because then I might not be able to update. So last update :) enjoy.