Status: my very first Fan Fiction :)

Unlikely Beginning


Waking up to a phone ringing was never my favorite. I nearly threw my phone across the room when I realized it was not my phone ringing it was a different ringtone. I rolled over to discover Mackenzie was passed out next to me, she had been falling asleep in my room a lot lately but I didn't mind. Except for the fact that her phone had just woken me up!

"Kenz!" She didn't move. "Kenz!" I said it a little louder now but still nothing. "Mackenzie Jacobsen!" This time I slapped her ass and up she went nearly taking me out with her arm. Only one of her eyes was open and I couldn't help but laugh a little.

"Your phone is ringing or was. Thank you for letting it wake me up!" I threw a pillow at her falling back down into bed as I attempted to fall back to sleep. Her phone beeped which meant she had just received a text messaged a few seconds later it followed with her screaming.

"Niall texted me!" She jumped up and down before landing right onto me. I pushed her off but she did it again.

"Oh my god! I'm going to kill you!" I pointed to the door and said, "Out!" I could feel her giving me a dirty look but she did as said and I got only another hour in when she came to tell me what she and Niall talked about. I came to terms with the fact that I was not going to be able to sleep anymore so I minus well listen to her because either way I was going to have to hear about it.


"What about this one?" I stopped looking through the clothing racks and took a look at what Mackenzie was holding up. I shook my head no. It was a green mini dress that would of looked great on her but would of been way too sexy for her first date with Niall. She frowned and angrily placed the dress back onto the rack walking over to me.

"I'm kind of done with this store, on to the next!" She grabbed a hold of my hand as we walked out of the store, we got a few weird looks from people as we walked through the mall hand in hand. We didn't have a care in the world what they thought, she was my best friend. So what if we held hands it's not like we were sucking face.

"I can't believe I just met One Direction!" A girl and her friend yelled jumping up and down. We looked at each other and realized that the boys were somewhere in the mall. It wasn't hard to spot them all we had to do was look for the group of girls screaming. That was fairly simple.

We heard screaming and saw that there was about 20 plus girls crowding around the boys near a shoe store. Making our way over Louis spotted Mackenzie and I. He squeezed passed some fans pulling us into a circle that was made by all the girls. It was pretty overwhelming I almost wanted to yell for them to make room but I knew they wouldn't of done anything they would of just stayed put or even gotten closer, I wasn't going to take my chances. Harry slid his arms around my waist and I brought my arms up towards his neck when one of the girls yell out, "Are you dating?"

Harry whispered into my ear. "Get ready to be my rumored girlfriend." He smirked and all I could think was this was just great.
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ahhhhh okay so this is gonna be my last update for the night. but I'm kind of fan girling at my own chapter LOL. okay :) till next time.