Status: my very first Fan Fiction :)

Unlikely Beginning

The Beginning of The End

"We all knew we'd get here someday! I'm just surprised we are already here. We love you Eleanor and Louis, I wish your marriage to be long and fruitful." Harry said tilting his wine glass in their direction, he earned claps from everyone in the audience as he walked over to the table were Eleanor and Louis sat giving them congratulation hugs. After Harry had gone it was time for all the Grooms Men to make their speeches. Of course it being the boys it was quite entertaining! They gave semi serious speeches with the occasional funny mushed in their somehow. Along with a few inside jokes that only some of us understood and a tad bit of singing involved. I mean you would expect that from One Direction wouldn't you?

"I have to say you did really good with the caterer!" Niall joked laughing into the microphone deafening the rest of us in the room.

"I'm just excited for you both to move out because it's starting to get a little cramped in the house!" Liam chimed in winking at Louis. "I expect babies soon!" We all burst out laughing as did Louis and Eleanor.

"I'll wait a while thank you!" Eleanor yelled back.

"Now we only have 4 out of 5 guys ready to find some women! I think it's called a couple of lady killers, is that right?" Zayn looked over at Mackenzie and I because he still was trying to get a hang of the California slang. I put up a thumbs up as he announced to everyone that he was right on point. I laughed once again which caused my face to start physically aching from laughter. The three boys continued to joke around and entertain the crowd as their speech finally came to an end. Making it now my turn to say something for Eleanor and Louis. I walked nervously to the spotlight where I was cheered on by more than a few. My nerves started to settle in as I grabbed a hold of the microphone from Liam. He smiled at me rubbing my arm in a comforting way as I had to take the stage all on my own now. Technically it wasn't a stage, it was the dance floor but you get the point.

I gripped tightly onto the now crumbed Maid of Honor speech I had in my hand and took a deep breath. The light shined into my eyes making it hard to focus on anyone, finally I made eye contact with Eleanor and Louis, I could feel myself less tense now.

"I'm not from any famous boy band so standing in front of a crowd of people is still nerve wrecking." Everyone started to laugh making me start to smile. "This morning I was sure of the speech I wanted to give, I even wrote it down, sort of memorized it and now it's all completely erased! That doesn't matter though because everything I want to say is already inside my heart where those two lovely people have already made themselves comfortable." Eleanor blew a kiss at me ensuring me that my speech was moving along perfectly, "I've come to love the both of you in a way that I never thought was possible again. You've picked me up in situations where I could not and helping out make today special for the both of you was only the beginning of my thank you." I could feel my throat starting to close and tears start to well in my eyes. "Eleanor I am so honored to be your Maid of Honor, you're like the sister I was always begging to have but never got! And Louis you're like the brother I never wanted but got anyways! When you put two amazing people like you together I can assure you, it's going to be magical. The love the both of you share is what I hope to have someday have for myself and I know that your love will last an eternity and so will the memories we will continue to share as friends. I love you and congratulations love!" Everyone burst out in clapping as I walked over to Eleanor and Louis.

Louis got up first to meet me pulling me into a large tight hug. He smiled thanking me as I moved past him to Eleanor, she had tears rolling down her face. I quickly moved my hands to her face wiping away her tears gently. "I love you Heather!" I smiled big hugging Eleanor tightly rubbing her back.

"I love you too Eleanor!"


"Get over here and dance!" Mackenzie yelled at me from the dance floor.

I shook my head laughing at how crazy my friends had looked just now. Zayn was busting a move that I had never seen before and Perrie giggled at his attempt, she pulled him to her as they collided into Niall. He on the other hand was grinding roughly on Mackenzie who looked quite tipsy. While Louis and Eleanor were happily holding onto one another also getting a kick out of how ridiculous they looked.

But where was Harry? I started to look around in attempt to spot him in the bunch of people who stood around chatting with one another but he was no where in sight. I got up placing my clutch down on the table we were all seated at slowly starting to walk around in search for Harry. I had gotten half way around the room when someones voice spoke over the music the DJ was mixing. "Looking for someone?" I turned around to see Harry standing behind me slowly making his way closer to me. His tie was loosened and his sleeves were rolled up, giving me the impression that he was already tired of being so nicely clothed. I smiled at him about to speak when he pulled his left hand from his pocket reaching a decent amount towards me. "Can I have this dance?"

His voice sounded tired but he showed nothing of it. I nodded taking his hand as we made our way to the dance floor and once we got there the song immediately change to something slow. This was just perfect because I wasn't already tortured enough today!

"If you want to go sit it's fine." Harry said concerned from the sudden change of face expression I now displayed.

"It's fine!" He nodded pulling me close him, his arms found their way around my waist and I carefully brought one arm around his neck and my other hand rested against his chest. I could feel his heart beating quickly. I looked up making direct eye contact, "are you feeling okay?"

"I believe so." He said calmly as we rocked slowly to the music as everyone around us did the same. "So I look nice huh?"

A flush of embarrassment took over me as I hung my head down laughing a little. He was implying to early today when he complimented me on how I looked and I replied with a simple 'you look nice' I was guessing he had not yet let it go. "You do but that's not what was suppose to come out! It just came out that way."

He started to laugh along side of me. "Thank you for making me feel like I'm ten!"

"No no! Okay! You look really handsome Harry!"

"You're getting warmer!" A grin appeared on his face, I lightly slapped him with the hand that was against his chest getting him to growl at me. "Geez! I just want a nice compliment."

I giggled. "Okay how about, you look dashing!"

"Ohhhh. I like that one!"

"I bet you do!"

"I already told you how beautiful I thought you looked so you won't be getting another compliment." Harry said blushing a little. I looked at him giggling as I rested my head lightly against his shoulder.

We were silent for a few more seconds as Harry cleared his throat, I lifted my head up to face him. "I miss you Heather and I can't hide that from you any longer." I started to feel my cheeks burn as my hands started to fall from their place, Harry looked at me worriedly not releasing his hands from around my waist. "Please don't do this again."

"Harry I-" I was beginning to burn up. "I miss you too I really do. It's just right now I think it's best we stay apart." It pained him to hear it but he had to. "I love you with all my heart Harry. Please know that."

I was about to pull away when he pulled me back firmly into him, my heart started to ache as I looked up at him. "I love you Heather. Know this, I'm going to fight for you because my love for you will never die."

Harry pulled away slightly from me as he reached into his right pocket. Something shine was in his hand as he looked down at it and then back up at me curling his hand into a fist. "Promise me something?" I nodded at him licking my lips. "One day we'll get here and-"


"No. We will get here someday and everything will be how it was intended to be. I gave you this once and you returned it to me. But promise me that you will never return it again." His hand uncurled from the fist it was just in revealing the promise ring he had given me. His eyes met mine again as he let the ring sit in my hand waiting for me to react somehow.

I reached to his hand picking up the ring and placing it back onto the proper finger. "I promise."

He pulled me to him one more time tightly into his embrace. Harry lightly planted a sweet kiss to my cheek which burned as his hands fell from my waist. In seconds he started to walk away from me disappearing as he was swallowed by the amount of people that surrounded us.

I knew I should of ran after him but I just couldn't bring myself too. I was still in love with Harry Styles and I knew no matter what I did. That would never change.
♠ ♠ ♠

DON'T HATE ME! I have an explanation for why they didn't end up together at the end of this story. I have decided to do a sequel! I'll write the first chapter tonight. SO BE HAPPY, I GAVE IN :))))

Patience is a virtue my pretties! This love story is not yet over.