Status: Work in progress

The Delusions of Alice

Before She Falls

'Alice could see in the mirror that she was once again stuck in her eight year old body as the man, who looked exctly like her mothers boyfriend, Peter Black, except he seemed to have white rabbit ears psyically attached to his head, slowly walked toward her with an appreciative smirk. His lustful eyes traveled up and down her small body in anticipation as he threw her onto the bed. Her head hit the metal head board with a loud thump disorienting her. He scared her even if she didn't know exactly what he was going to do.

"Please Stop. Dont." She whimpered as he ripped open her whit button down shirt letting the buttons fly across the room, and started undoing her pants. She tried to struggle, but he was to strong and even if she could have gotten out of his grip, there was no where she could have ran. The house was completely empty except for the two of them. He pulled her pants all the way off followed by his own. while his hands were busy she got up and ran, but he caught her by the wrist, flung her back down on the bed, and climbed on top of her.

"Don't worry Alice I would never hurt you." he wispered with a sadistic gleam in his eye. He thrust himself into her with no warning. She screamed feeling like she was being ripped apart. She cried as he thrust into her again and again going harder and faster with each thrust. She was in so much pain she wanted to die. She wanted him to die. She wanted to kill him. After what felt like hours to her he finally pulled himself out and got off of her. She curled up in a ball sobbing.

"Shh...Remember Alice you are mine and you always will be." He said running his fingers through her hair. She flinched away from his touch and got up and ran.'

Alice jerked awake heart racing from the remembered fear from the half dream half memory that still haunted her dreams. Eight years ago her mothers boyfriend had raped her. She never told anyone, but she made sure he would never touch her again.

'Alice waited silently in her room pretending to be asleep until the house was silent except for Peter's snores. She slipped out and made her way to the kitchen. Grabbing a serrated knife she went back to her parents room. She opened the door slowly and slipped inside. She stood over Peter her heart racing in anticipation of her revenge. She shoved the blade into his eye socket and dragged the blade down across his face. He woke up screaming, which woke up her mother as well. Her mother screamed as well as Alice just sat down giggling. Her mother stared at her and the knife in horror as Peter continued to freak out. Finally her mother snapped out of it and called an ambulance.'

Alice laughed at the memory. He hadn't touched her since that day. Of course no one knew why she had done it, so they all assumed that she was insane. Although who's to say that they're wrong. She had always been different. Since as long as she could remember she has had voices in her head, some seemed like actual people, but others just seemed like voices that were just there to torment her. She had also always seen things that according to most people don't exist, demons, angels, fairies, and other creatures that most people didn't believe in, but of course no one knew that either.

She shook off her thoughts and memories as she looked around her room. Her walls were painted black just as she wanted them. She got almost everything she wanted now. Her mother and Peter were too scared of her having another "breakdown" to tell her no anymore. Well except when it came to weapons, but those she got on her own anyway. She had pretty much anything her parents wouldn't let her have hidden somewhere in this room.

She went and and peeked out her window. She flinched back as sunlight burned her eyes and sighed realizing she had to get ready for school. She grabbed some clothes and the small box from her top drawer, and went to the bathroom to take a shower. After getting undressed she sat on her toilet still shaken up by her nightmare, and pulled out one of her razors. The razor gleamed in the light as she stared at it considering whether or not she was goig to use it today. She sighed knowing she needed it and drug the blade across her thigh. She stared as her blood welled up and started to drip down her leg. After a few more cuts she sighed and got in the shower washing the blood off with water so hot that it burned her skin. She stayed in the shower until the cuts stopped bleeding and then got out and got dressed.

Both her mother and Peter sat at the table eating breakfast when she got downstairs. Peter unconsciously touched his scared face when he saw her. She smirked. He was still afraid of her. She sat next to him at the table and while she ate her mind started to wander.

'I walked back upstairs and grabbed a plain double edged dagger. I walked back downstairs with it behind my back and a happy looking smile on my face. Neither of them took any notice of me as I walked back into the kitchen. I came up behind my mother and slowly moved the dagger out from behind her neck. I gently traced the blade across her skin. She flinched, tuning to look at me in horror. Peter started to move towards me until I looked up from my mothers face and he flinched back and sat down again. I smirked and looked back down at my mother who was now crying.

"What's wrong mommy? Are you scared of me?" I asked sounding almost hurt. She shook her head quickly.

"That's too bad. You really should be." I said coldly as I slit her throat quickly. Shaking the blood from my hands I slowly walked over to Peter. He scrambled to get out of his chair falling on his ass in the process. I followed him as he tried to get away, but he let himself get cornered in the kitchen.

"Please don't hurt me. I'll do anything." He begged, sobbing uncontrollably.

"Stand up." I ordered. He listened. I pretended to knee him in the nuts and he flinched covering himself exactly as I wanted him to do. I drove the dagger through his hands and into what he was trying so hard to guard. He screamed and sunk to the ground.'

She shook off the thoughts that were always present when her mother, Peter, or pretty much anyone was around, grabbed a piece of toast and left for school. The walk to school was boring and uneventful as usual. Although there did seemed to be a strange purple and black cat following her. It would appear and disappear randomly, but she didn't think anything of it really. She paid more attention to the blaring music coming out of the headphones she had in.

The roar of students pushing through the doors of North Lane High school was so loud she couldn't even hear the deafening music coming from her headphones. She took them out irritably as she pushed through to the hall, wishing she could kill each and every person there.

'They pushed me into the door frame roughly. Some people were actually trying to get to class on time but most were just being assholes. I heard the muttered insults as people pushed and squeezed by me, and I felt for the gun in my jacket. A football player purposely pushed me into the lockers roughly causing me to accidentally pull the trigger. The gunshot rang through the hallways as everything suddenly went silent for a moment, then everyone started freaking out. I pulled the gun out into full view and laughed as everyone started slowly moving as far from me as they could get. The football player who had shoved me into the lockers was cowering in a corner. My head turned towards the preps that were whispering to each other. Some of them were even crying. The head bitch was comforting them.

"Don't worry...She won't actually kill anyone. She may be insane, but she's not a killer. She'll get locked away after this." I smirked and shot her in the head. Her blood splattered all over the girls she was attempting to comfort. That's when the chaos really started. People started screaming and running towards the doors, trampling smaller people in the process. This is what I was waiting for. I started shooting in every direction, killing everyone I could. Of course people got out, but there was nothing I could do about that. The bodies were starting to pile up. I heard sirens in the distance and laughed. They're coming to take me away.'

The tardy bell tore her from her fantasies and she put her headphones back on so she wouldn't have to listen to the teachers drone on about subjects that honestly didn't matter to anyone here. She spent the remainder of that Friday avoiding teachers, and people in general for that matter. Well other than her "friends", the group of girls her mother had paid off to hang out with her, they amused her. They were a perfect example of human idiocy. She hated them even more than most.
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I don't know how long this is going to wind up being but I will try and update as mush as possible. I hope you like my Alice.