
When Dreams Come True

“Jerboa! Jerboa! Please wake up, honey. You’re having a bad dream.” Her mom’s voice filled her mind. Jerboa shot up on the bed, looking around to see her mom sitting at the edge. She shook her head the dream had seemed so real, she had felt the impact of the other car. “Mom… It was so really.” She whispered. Mom smiled at her daughter and stood up, “Come on hurry get up! Dad has some good news to tell us.” She said before walking out of the room. Jerboa pulled the covers off and stood up almost falling back on the bed, her legs hurt. She didn’t think anything about it and walked into the kitchen where her mom and Dad were. Both of them were smiling ear to ear, “What’s the news?” Jerboa asked while she made her breakfast. “We are moving into a new house today! You’re going to love it, baby girl!” Jerboa stopped and looked at her family, “Really?! Oh my God! How nice is it?! Is it cool? Is it close? Oh I’m so excited!” She yelled dropping what she was doing to run over and hug her dad only to have him shove her away. “Go get dressed and we will go see it.” He said before turning away. Jerboa felt a little hurt but didn’t say anything her father has never done that before but soon the thought left her mind and she rushed to go get ready.

When she ran into her room she was shocked to see that all her stuff had been packed into boxes, “How come I didn’t notice that earlier…” Jerboa though to herself but shrugged it off. Rushing around the room she managed to find a black corset that she had been working on, long purple and red skirt, and a pair of black boots. Jerboa didn’t like wearing so much black, she had always loved to be very colorful.

Walking out of the house and to the car she was shocked to see that her parents had gotten a new vehicle, she had always wanted to get a car that was her favorite color, pink. Jerboa jumped up and down in excitement, seeing her parents and sister already in the car she ran over and jumped inside. “Oh my God! When did you get this, Daddy? We can really afford a new car?!” She asked as she buckled her seat belt. Jerboa smiled and looked over at Lily who was sitting beside her, Lily just stared ahead at the back of Dad’s seat. Lily was clothed in a long black dress that reached her ankles and a pair of black shoes; the look on Lily’s face was blank almost lifeless. Jerboa looked her sister up and down taking notice of how dull her hair was almost like it was losing its color, turning to an ugly grey. Jerboa felt her heart skip a beat as she thought of how bad her sister looked it reminded her of death, “Lily? Are you okay?” She asked, reaching over and placing her hand on her sister’s shoulder before jerking it back, her sister was as cold as ice. Lily slowly turned her head and looked at Jerboa, her lifeless eyes meeting icy blue, “Why wouldn’t I be…” Lily whisper barely loud enough for her to hear before looking back at the seat in front of her.

Jerboa was about to say something to her again when the car pulled to a stop, “We are here.” Said Dad. Jerboa looked out the window before pressing her face against the window, looking up at the huge house before them. “This is our house?!” She asked in shock. Jerboa pushed the door open before getting out and taking a couple of steps back to get a good look. The house was like something from a dream, it had three stories, on the right side of the house was a forest and the left was a cliff, below was the ocean. Jerboa felt so small looking up at the big house, walking over to the left she looked at the ocean, “Are you sure that its safe having a house so close to the edge?” She asked her Dad as he came up beside her. “The house is built onto the cliff side. You have no need to worry.” He said with a smile. “Now come let’s take a look inside our new home. I beat you want to see your new room.”

Jerboa walked into her new home, the house reminds her of a castle. Straight when you walked in was a flight of stair leading up the second floor, looking to right lead to the kitchen, looking to the left was the living room. “Well what do you think?” Her father asked with a small smile. Jerboa looked up at him, “I love it Dad!” She said giving him a hug only to have him grab her shoulders forcefully, squeezing to the point she want to scream in pain. Jerboa looked up into her dad’s eyes they were a deep black like her little sister’s making her tremble, “Daddy you’re hurting me…” She whispered. He jerked back, “I’m sorry I just don’t want you to hug me anymore.” He said before turning away and head down the hall with Jerboa right behind him. At the end of the hall was big purple door, he turned around to look at his daughter, “This is your new room.” He said before opening it. Jerboa ran inside and was shocked, “It’s what I have always wanted, even down to the last little details.” She said before jumping onto her king size bed. Sighing she rolled over to the left before noticing that she had her own little door for outside, it was facing the woods; she really didn’t like the woods to much they were to creepy. Rolling over to her other side she noticed that she had a stereo and lots of CDs; she decide to listen to her favorite band.

Love, you were meant for this…

The day went by fast for Jerboa; she was so happy about her new room. “Jerboa! Time for Dinner.” Called her mom from the kitchen. Jerboa smiled and jumps off her bed and ran into the kitchen, seeing all of her family and Eric sitting at the big table. Eric smiled at her before standing, “Guess what?!” He said grinning ear to ear. Jerboa walked over and sat in the chair beside him, “What?” She said to him. “Your parents said that I can move in and stay with you.” She jumped up and gave Eric a big hug, receiving one back. “I’m really happy!” She said.

The dinner was filled with laughter from the teens as they talked about the house and how much they loved it. Dad stood up and slammed her hand on the table to get their attention, both teens looked. “There are a couple of rules, guys. One do not ever go to the east wing, Two do not ever go into the woods.” He said. Both of them nodded their heads. “Good now go play or something me and mom are going to clean up, okay.”

Eric and Jerboa walked back to her room, both going and sitting on the bed, “I can understand the woods part but not the east wing.” Eric said before sighing and falling back, putting his head in Jerboa’s lap. “I don’t know… My parents are acting weird since this morning. Wait did Lily eat with us a while ago?” She said running her fingers through his hair, “Now that I think about it I don’t really remember seeing at all. I think we should go to the east wing; maybe your parents are hiding something naughty… Let’s check it out soon.” Jerboa keep playing with his hair as he talked. “Yeah I think we should. I don’t know about you but I’m really tired.” She said with a yawn. Eric got up, “Me too. I’m going to my new room and go to bed.”

Jerboa woke up with a start as lighten flashed outside, sitting up she looked out her door only to see a pair of red eyes looking back at her. Jerboa heart started racing as she realized whatever it was, was in the room with her, laying back down hoping it is just a bad dream. Suddenly she felt the bed give away as something got in the bed with her; it crawled slowly up to her. She opened her eyes to see red eyes looking down at her, as lightening flashed outside she saw that it was a black cat. The cat sat on her chest growling at her, turning her head to the side to look at the door again, she saw a strange light coming from the woods. Jerboa looked back at the cat as the fear sat in again, she didn’t know what to do so she closed her eyes and tried to go back to sleep.

“Jerboa, it’s time to get up.” Eric said pocking her in the nose; cause her to sit up in the bed. “I had the scary dream…” She said looking up at her friend. “It’s probably because you moved to a new house.” Eric said. “Yeah you are right. Hey how about we go exploring the house.” She said getting out of the bed, walking over to her dresser, she opened it and was a little shocked to find that all her clothes were black and grey, no color whatsoever. She went over and picked her clothes off the floor she had worn the day before and decided to wear them again.

After getting dressed both teens went looking around the big house, they couldn’t believe how fancy and beautiful the house was. Soon they found themselves in a long hallway; at the end was a silver door. Jerboa walked up to the door to get a good look at it, written on the door was, “Vestri Somnium Terminus Hic Quod Vicis Litis Suscipio.” Jerboa felt a little uneasy standing in front of the door; Eric put his hand on the doorknob, “Wait I don’t think we should go in there. It gives me the creeps.” Jerboa whispered. Eric looked at his friend, “Its fine. Now come on.” He said turning the knob. Both teens walked into the room only to have the door slam shut and lock. Jerboa turned back around, trying to open the door, looking over to her right she saw a sign on the wall that read “East Wing”. She stopped and looked around to see they were in another hallway; the only lights were candles hanging on the walls. “Eric… This place gives me the creeps lets go try to find another way out of here.” Eric nodded. As they made their way down the hall; it felt like someone was watching them. When they got to the end of the hall there was a flight of stairs, “Hey maybe we can take these and come out in the main hall.” Jerboa said starting up the stairs with Eric tagging along with her.

As the two may it up the stairs they were greeted by the black cat with red eyes. Jerboa stopped and fear ran through her body as the cat watched the two of them, “Didn’t your Father tell you not to come to the East wing. Bad little girls need to be punished.” Said the cat before turning into a tall man. Suddenly the house started shacking, Jerboa to the chance and ran past him with Eric traveling close behind her. Jerboa ran into the first room she could find, running over to the window to see that the cliff was starting to crumble and give away. Suddenly the house started shacking harder before the cliff gave away and it feel into the ocean below, Jerboa grabbed a hold of the window seal, screaming as the house sunk to the bottom of the sea. After what seemed like forever she looked out the window again, seeing colorful fish swimming by, “I’m not dead?” She asked herself. Jerboa couldn’t believe that the house was not filling up with water but she brushed it off. “I need to find Eric and my family.” She said looking around the room for a weapon only to find small knife, “This will have to do for now.”
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The saying on the door means "Your Dreams Ends Here And Time To Fight Begins."