This Was No Accident, This Was a Therapeutic Chain of Events

Back To Normal.



"Aww cute." Blair cooed as she saw Ryan and my hand tangled together into one.

The girls were over, like usual for dinner.

"Ouiet Blair." I smiled as I took a seat at the far end of the table smelling some type of pasta Brendon was good at making.
"Here bitch." Brendon said jokingly as he put a bowl of pasta in front of me.
"Watch your language fucker." I smiled innocently as I tripped him while he was on his way back to his seat.
"Good to have you back." Erelin laughed as we all started to eat.

Everything was alright, I felt like myself again.

2 months later

"Kayley wait up!" I giggled through the school hallway as I chased her through groups of people.
"Have to catch me!" She said as she ran out into the court yard.

I saw her hide behind a tree but I pretended to not see her.
How typical.
I looked left and right and decided to go right, the opposite of where she was hiding.
I rushed from the court yard to the front of the school to the court yard yet again, creeping up behind Kayley.
I slowly ran up behind her and slithered my arms to grip her and whispered, "Got Ya," making her scream.
She giggled and tried to squirm away but of course, i refused to let her go.

"You guys are so..." Brendon started to say but he got all tounge tied and shook his head and bit into the sandwich he had in his hand.

Kayley immediately stared at Brendon's sandwich which made me laugh.

"Give me some bitch." She finally said as she snatched his egg sandwich and bit the other end of it.
"That was your sandwich anyways." He shrugged as he pulled out another sandwich.
"Basterd." Kayley sighed as she laid on me, sorta.
"Guess what Kay!" Brendon said with a mouthful of food throwing his hands in the air sending some of his sandwich towards the jocks.
"What Brendon?" Kayley asked with an exasperated sigh.
"I'm getting a band together, finally." Brendon said excitedly.
"Who will be in this band?" She asked showing some type of interest.
"Ryan, and two friends of mine Spencer, and Jon. Plus me." Brendon beamed.
"Sounds cool. I want skittles." She said randomly.

I laughed and laced my hand with hers and rubbed her thumb with mine.

"You guys are so cheesy." Brendon said, finding the word that was long lost.
"At least I am with my girlfriend like I should be." I said as I squezzed Kayley's hand.
"Quiet you." Brendon said as he shook his finger at me.
"It's only true." Kayley agreed.

I was glad she was back to normal.
She didn't look like a twig anymore, and she was here at school with me where she belongs.