Status: Active; updates may be slow sometimes

Guitars & Hearts

Baby, it's Fact

“Apologize to me, Miss Rosie,” Missy, Shou’s girlfriend snapped as I stood with my back to the two. I grit my teeth and exhaled loudly through my nose nostrils flaring. I spun on my heels and glared at her. I only met the bitch twice and even twice was too much. I was about to lose it.

“Look, Missy,” I growled, “You are standing in my house. Not Shou’s, not Ayden’s, no one else’s. It’s mine. You want to come into my fucking house and act like you own it, then you can turn around and walk the fuck out. I don’t put up with bitches like you in my home. I only met you twice and I can’t stand you so I can’t even fathom how Shou or anyone else puts up with you for that matter. You’re just a stuck up, snobby, bitch who doesn’t know her damn place,” I finished up in her face. She blinked furiously as if she was surprised. “Don’t act surprised. Being a bitch is all you know. If it wasn’t, you would know how to save face and be sickly sweet around us.”

Everyone was silent; Shou didn’t even protest. That struck me odd but I shrugged it off. She pushed her lower lip out and furrowed her brows as she tried to glare at me. I swore I saw the glitter of a tear, but I ignored it. I refused to back down. Like I told her, it’s my house. Not hers or anyone else’s.

“I can’t believe you. Shou, let’s go. You are not touring with this crazy person,” she spat at my feet making everyone gasp.

“You want to spit on my feet in my fucking house?” I hissed. This bitch was dead in about one second. My hand balled up into a fist and connected with her jaw before anyone could move. The punch knocked her to her ass. I jumped on her, pinning her to the ground, my vision red with rage, as I punched her continuously. “You come into my house, act a bitch, and spit on my fucking feet?! You spoiled, stuck up, bratty, fake, bitch!” I screamed between punches. Someone pulled me off her and judging by the strong arms it was my cousin. “Get her the fuck out of my house or I’ll kill her!” I screeched kicking and struggling to get out of Zacky’s grip. Shou picked her up and rushed her out of the house as she dripped blood onto my wood floor. “Don’t fucking bleed on my floor you asshole!” was all I could scream before the front door slammed shut. I stopped squirming, and breathed heavily. Zacky let me go reluctantly. “Everyone out of my house; only Dani and Zack can stay. It’s nothing personal,” I sighed heavily before going to the back yard. I heard my front door open then close when Dani, Zack, and my siblings came outside. Dani sat to my left and Zack sat to my right. I leaned my head on Dani’s shoulder while Zack rubbed my back.

“What happened Rosie?” she whispered resting her cheek on the top of my head.

“I don’t know honestly. I just, I can’t stand her. I mean, how do you go into someone’s home and act as if your shit don’t stink? You don’t do that, no matter where the hell you’re from,” I groaned.

“Well, hopefully that didn’t just screw up the tour for us booboo,” she cooed patting my thigh.

“I’d have to talk to Tara, but she’ll probably rip my ass,” I groaned, “This wouldn’t have happened if he left her at home.”

“You’re right but you can’t go around beating the shit out of everyone,” Zack chuckled. It got me to crack a grin. He and I were so close he was more like an older brother than an older cousin.

“Zack, Dani, I love you guys,” I grinned slightly, wrapping my arms around both of them. They both smiled and said they love me too.
[Saga’s POV]

“What the hell Shou? You didn’t stand up for me!” Missy bawled as her face started to swell from all the punches. We had finally got the bleeding to stop. I rolled my eyes at her. She got what she deserved and it was nice to see someone finally stand up to her, even if she got the shit kicked out of her. Her white shirt was covered in blood stains.

“I’m not going to hit a girl Missy,” Shou sighed, “So there wasn’t much I could do. Also, it’s rude to enter someone’s home and be rude. You could’ve been polite at the very least. Should she have said what she did? No, but you should have just let it go,” he said looking at her. I was sitting on the couch in our suite watching them. This was going to lead to an argument, there was no avoiding it. I just hoped it was the argument to end their relationship. Only knowing Rosie a day or two, I could already see how much better she’d be for him.

“You’re such a pussy Shou. I don’t care if it was her home or not, she shouldn’t be talking to me like that,” she gasped. Shou’s face went blank. There it was, she crossed the line finally. Shou wasn’t one to yell, but Missy just pushed his buttons in the wrong way.

“Ya know what Missy?” he started, making her look at him confused, “You can just pack your shit up and go back to Japan. You’ve been nothing but trouble since we got together. You’ve made the last several months a living hell; not only for me, but for my band mates as well. You’re jealous to the extreme and when you see a girl prettier than you, which there’s a lot just so you know, you flip out and make it a pissing contest. I’m not a fucking thing Missy. I’m a human being. You don’t piss on a human being to mark your fucking territory. So pack your shit up and get away from me. We are through. Over. No more. Done. Broken up. Good bye,” he snapped. She stood there looking like someone just drop kicked a puppy and killed a baby. You’d think someone just told her someone is dead. My jaw hit the floor. I was glad they were over but I was surprised at how it took place. I kept glancing from Shou to Missy and back. Was this real I had to pinch myself to make sure. Yeah, it was real.

“You can suck my dick Shou! You’re not manly enough anyway!” she screamed and took off to pack her shit. I kept staring at Shou but had picked my jaw up off the floor.

“Did you really just…?” I trailed off.

He ran shaky fingers through his hair sighing before looking at me, “Yeah, I did; and I’m glad,” he replied before walking off to his room. Missy shoved past him and left with a slam of the suite door.

“Hallelujah!” Hiroto shouted running out of the room. I just laughed at his reaction as he started to dance throughout the suite. This was only the beginning of an amazing chapter.
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It is short, yes, but it's also a pretty important chapter. The next chapter will be longer! Don't worry! This wasn't a filler, but I felt this was perfect the way it ended. Comment, recs, etc. Show some love! :) and thank you to those who enjoy this story! It's because of your guys I update so quickly! :)