Status: Active; updates may be slow sometimes

Guitars & Hearts

Break her Heart, They'll Break your Face

It was the week we were leaving for tour with the two Jrock bands but our manager had booked us for some photo shoots as a promotion of the tour. So, all 15 of us were currently at a large warehouse. Why it had to be a large warehouse you ask? I’m not sure but probably because there’s so many of us. Chaos’ look was ‘sexy, nerdy, punks’ but the GazettE and Alice Nine had their own styles. I was dressed in a blue plaid micro mini, a black scoop neck cropped tee shirt, and black combat boots. The stylist asked me what kind of accessories I felt to be appropriate and I ended up with a medium sized bow in my hair, a silver 3 row spike bracelet, and those black frame glasses without the lens. The makeup artist painted on bright blue eye shadow, a semi thick line of black liner, and a bunch of mascara onto my eye, electric blue nail polish on my fingers, and clear gloss on my lips.

“Something’s missing…” I pouted as I checked myself out in the mirror. I glanced over at the other accessories and saw a silver necklace that said ‘Bitch’. “That’s it!” I squeaked, putting it on. “Perfect,” I nodded smiling. I walked off to the set to my band, seeing everyone with different color themes but still looking uniform with the ‘Sexy, nerdy, punks’ look. Dani wore a black pencil skirt that zipped up the front, a white V-neck tee shirt, neon pink suspenders, hot pink lace up booties, a stud and spike bracelet, the same fake glasses as me, and a pink bow in her hair. Her makeup was just layers of black eye shadow, liner, and mascara topped off with a pale pink gloss. She has pink hair and it was the easiest to work around. The guys wore simple clothe, with added accessories for the punk part of the look. We gathered together for our group photos, making some fun poses where Ayden and Skylar stood on the outside with their arms up like they were pointing at something, then Dani and me with one foot up and acting like we were thinking while Brian stood in the middle with his arms crossed looking intimidating. We did some where it was the typical stand there and stare at the camera being bad asses then we took some more and the group ones were done, allowing us to get our individual sessions. For mine, they wanted more of the innocent school girl sexy and the “I’m hot and you want to fuck me” look. It wasn’t a hard look to pull off for me. The pose they ended up picking was where I was standing with my one hand on my hip and feet shoulder with apart while I bit on my thumb gently. Dani’s pose was the innocent school girl look since she had the suspenders. Since our session was done, Dani and I decided to go get some food since we were starving. We didn’t bother changing into our sweats and stayed in our shoot clothes instead. It was less work that way. We were walking by the GazettE’s set and we received cat calls from Uruha.

“In your dreams baby,” I giggled, blowing him a kiss.

“You’re killing’ me Rosie,” he winked causing Dani and I to laugh. We then walked past Alice Nine’s set as they were finishing.

“Any of you guys hungry? Dani and I are going to get food,” I offered, Hiroto and Nao quickly jumping at the opportunity. We walked out of the building, all of us still in our shoot clothes, and walked to Starbucks.

“So, I’m really sorry about what happened at my place the other day. When I beat the shit out of Shou’s girlfriend,” I apologized as I scratched my neck sheepishly. “I just couldn’t stand her but I let my temper get the better of me,” I sighed. I looked up at them only to find them smiling making me look at them like they were on crack.

“Honestly Rosie? It was probably the best thing to happen to everyone, well except Missy, but definitely the rest of us; especially for Shou. He ended up dumping her sorry ass that night when we got back to the hotel,” Hiroto beamed, nearly skipping. I tried to mask my enthusiasm.

“Well, that’s a good thing. She was seriously one of the biggest bitches in the world,” I laughed, everyone else laughing with me as we walked into Starbucks. Everyone ordered something to drink and I got a simple chocolate mocha. We made our way back to the warehouse to find everyone else done with their shoots. We all packed up, changed, and were off to our hotels and homes respectively.
[Shou’s POV]

“I’ve never been on a plane!” I heard Rosie whine as her friend Dani dragged her along.

“You’ll be fine, Rosie, now come on!” Dani groaned as she tugged on her friend’s arm. I couldn’t help but watch the two and think how cute Rosie looked. She pouted as her friend Ayden picked her up and put her over his shoulder. I noticed myself smiling unconsciously but stopped myself when I realized. I hadn’t been separated from Missy that long but I didn’t feel any remorse over it. In fact, I was glad we were over especially since we were going on tour with a band that has two women in it. I made my way onto the plane to find first class had been reserved just for all three bands, the roadies, managers, and anyone else involved with the tour. Then there were Dani and Rosie. Rosie was sitting in the seat nearly in tears as she gripped the arms of the seat so tightly I thought she would pierce the fabric. She had her eyes squeezed shut and she kept mumbling to Dani. As I approached them to go to my seat I heard Rosie was saying ‘please don’t crash’ over and over. Dani was trying to relax her but was failing miserably. I felt bad for both of them. Flying really wasn’t all that bad. I swallowed a few times and decided to do something to help them out.

“Rosie, mind if I sit next to you?” I asked gently, catching her attention and silencing her and Dani. She stared up at me like a deer in headlights with tears in her eyes and make up smudged.

“If you want to sit next to someone who has never been on a plane and is utterly terrified then have at it,” she replied, still in slight shock. I smiled down at her.

“Maybe I can keep your mind off the flight,” I offered, sitting next to her and taking her hand. She looked from our hands to my face and back. “Is something wrong?” I asked looking at her. She shook her head.

“No, this is just unexpected,” she mumbled, “But I appreciate it. Sorry if I break your hand,” she gave me a crooked grin and I swore my heart skipped a beat but I ignored it. I smiled back at her.

“You’ll be okay, I promise,” and deep down, a part of me knew that would be true.
[Shou’s POV still]

We were almost to Japan and Rosie had finally relaxed enough that she was now asleep and calm. I was watching her as she slept and yet again found myself smiling but I didn’t stop myself. She looked like an angel. I pushed a lock of hair out of her eyes and tucked it behind her ear. She stirred and I quickly took my hand back and put it in my lap, scared she was going to wake up. I didn’t want her to, not yet. She was so peaceful. Thankfully, she only moved to a new sleeping position. I smiled again at how adorable she was. I never felt like this with Missy. I never watched her sleep because she rarely stayed at my place. I saw Saga walking up with a shit eating grin plastered to his face. He nodded his head and signaled me to follow him to the back so as not to disturb anyone that was sleeping. I rolled my eyes and got up to follow him.

“I must admit, you two look picture perfect together,” he whispered smirking.

I glared at him, “I only sat next to her to calm her down and such so she wasn’t so scared the whole flight,” I snapped back, crossed my arms over my chest. He snickered at me. “What?” I whispered.

“You have no idea how much that meant to her,” he grinned softly, something he rarely did. I cocked an eyebrow.

“We’re one of her favorite bands, of course it meant a lot to her that one of use sat next to her,” I said confused.

“Are you seriously that stupid?” he hissed. He looked over my shoulder, “Here, listen to Dani,” he said as Dani walked up next to me.

“Who is listening to me about what and why?” she eyed him suspiciously.

“Shou, about how much it meant to Rosie that he sat next to her,” he rolled his eyes like it was obvious.

She shot him a death glare, “Well, guess the cat’s out of the bag now,” she growled before turning to me, “Look Shou, she likes you. Not only are you part of her favorite Jrock band, but she has a crush on you. She admires you and how well you sing and all that. You sitting next to her on the flight without anyone telling you to meant so much to her because it meant you noticed her,” she explained. “You just can’t let her know any of us told you, otherwise I will cut off your manhood and put it on my mantle,” she warned. I held my hands up.

“Don’t worry, she won’t know I know,” I replied. I was flattered Rosie admired me and had a crush on me, but I didn’t feel the same way so I didn’t want to lead her on and end up hurting her. This was going to be harder than I thought.
[Rosie’s POV; normal]

“I made it!” I shouted giddily in Dani’s face as we walked off the plane.

“I knew you would silly,” she laughed at me.

“Well I’m sorry I’m terrified of falling or crashing and going splat or boom,” I retorted sticking my tongue out as we were ushered on our busses. “Wow, this is awesome,” I said in awe as I saw how roomy the bus was. I made my way to the bunks, claiming mine and making sure it was close to the floor. I put some of my bags in it so no one would take it. Dani took the bunk above mine; Brian and Hannah (yes, she was invited to go with us) took the bunk across from mine; Ayden took the one above his brother and Hannah; and finally Skylar took the final bunk that sat there on its own perpendicular to our 4 bunks.

“I can’t wait to get to the hotel,” Hannah grinned as she saw me sitting in the main part of the bus. She sat next to me and I smiled back at her.

“I’m just excited I’m even in Japan,” I chuckled. She and I continued conversing for about an hour until we got to the first hotel. Everyone made their way in, escorted by security since we were the first band to get there. There was a decent amount of people waiting, surprisingly fans of Chaos and asking for pictures and for us to sign things. We excitedly agreed before security pushed us in the hotel as the GazettE and Alice Nine pulled up, causing a mob of screaming fan girls, and fan boys, to congregate.

“Well, one day we’ll get a crowd like that,” Skylar laughed as we got to the elevator to go to our suite. All of Chaos just reserved a single suite since we had no problem sharing beds but didn’t want to reserve 2 or 3 hotel rooms. We all got situated and within 20 minutes of being there I was itching to go to the pool.

“No, Rosie, because we would have to have the pool closed off to anyone except us and the other two bands, and that costs money,” Ayden told me as I begged him to go to the pool with me.

“Ugh! You’re such a mood killer!” I whined and left him. I saw Dani lying on the couch and pounced on her. “Hey pookie,” I giggled. “Wanna go see if any of the Jrockers want to hang out?”

“What the hell, why not booboo,” she laughed, both of us getting up and walking out of our suite in our sweats and hoodies. We made our way over to where the GazettE was staying and knocked on their door and Ruki answered it.

“Hi Ruki, we were wondering if you or anyone wanted to hang out? Rosie here is bored and everyone is refusing to take her to the pool so she wants to know if you guys want to hang out?” Dani asked smiling. I looked over her shoulder the best I could and waved.

“We were just going to relax tonight, but we’d be more than happy to do something tomorrow?” he offered. We nodded and accepted, heading off to Alice Nine’s suite. Dani made me knock on the door but I looked at her first.

“Look, Dani, I need to apologize to Shou for beating up his girlfriend. So I’m going to ask to speak to him alone,” I sighed frowning. It was something I didn’t want to but it was the right thing to do. She nodded and went back to our suite. I took a deep breath and knocked on their door. Nao ended up answering. I was almost thankful, almost. “Hey Nao, I was wondering if I could speak with Shou in private?” I asked nervously.

“Hai, let me get him. Give me a second, Rosie,” he grinned. He walked back into the room, the door still open, before he brought Shou with him. I grinned somewhat awkwardly at him and he looked at me confused.

“Hey, um can I talk to you?” I asked, wringing my hands.

“Of course,” he replied, closing the door behind him. I lead him down the hall to the balcony on the other side of the French doors. We sat down at one of the small iron tables. It was dusk and the stars were starting to twinkle in the darkening sky. I sighed and looked up at him.

“Okay, well first off I would like to apologize for beating up Missy. I shouldn’t have done it but I let my temper get the better of me and lost it. Secondly, I would like to thank you for sitting next to me on the flight. It meant a lot,” I gave him a small smile, albeit an awkward smile but still a smile.

“It was no problem and thank you for apologizing but it doesn’t matter because I broke up with her but I would like to ask a few things,” he replied. I swallowed nervously but nodded, giving him the signal to ask. “First off, where did you learn to punch like that; secondly why did you beat up my ex-girlfriend?”

“I learned from having older male cousins and a younger brother and sister. The reason I beat Missy up was because she was a total bitch. Which I apologize of how I’m speaking about her but I’m telling the truth. I only met her twice, and the second time she was being disrespectful in my home. I don’t put up with that bullshit. I had enough of her attitude. Should I have said what I said? No, I admit that. But she just pushed the wrong buttons and I snapped. Then she continued with the spitting on my feet and I’m sorry, but no one spits on my feet especially in my home,” I shrugged. He was nodding as he listened. I bit my lower lip, hoping this wouldn’t turn into someone getting pissed.

“Honestly Rosie?” Oh shit here it comes, “She deserved it,” he grinned slightly. Did I just hear what I think I just heard?

“You thought so?”

“Hai, which is why I didn’t do anything about it,” he shrugged, “someone needed to teach her a lesson and you happened to be the teacher,” he chuckled. “I do like how you stood your ground though,” he grinned fully, finally looking me in the eyes. Those eyes, I couldn’t pull away; they were hypnotizing. My heart skipped beats and had a hard time breathing.

[Shou’s POV]

I locked eyes with her and felt something inside of me come to life. I never experienced this feeling with anyone before, but it was a good feeling. I felt like I was light as air and nothing could bring me down. And her eyes. I was enchanted. I’ve never seen such beautiful soulful eyes. Without realizing it, we had scooted our chairs close so our knees were touching but we never broke eye contact. I couldn’t help myself; there was some kind of pull to her. I closed the gap between us and pressed my lips to hers in a chaste, closed lip kiss. It was only seconds long but it was almost like I felt sparks when our lips touched. I never experienced these feelings with Missy; no sparks, not light as air euphoric feeling, none of this. She was the one who pulled away, her breath hot against my lips. Those lips, they were so soft and supple. Almost addicting. Her breathing was short and rapid. I looked into her eyes and heard someone clear their throat. Rosie and I jumped, as if the noise broke whatever spell had us captivate by each other. I was blushing a million shades of red and saw her cheeks were as dark. I looked over to the door and found Saga standing there with Dani next to him, both wearing those shit eating grins.

“You break her heart and I’ll break your fucking face,” Dani, though smirking, growled at me before turning and walking away.

“Same. Rosie is a sweetheart, don’t fuck with her Shou,” Saga said, a seriousness surrounding him before he walked off.

“Uh, I’m going to get back to the suite. It’s been a long day,” Rosie stuttered, shooting up, keeping her face covered by her hair. Before she walked off I grabbed her hand gingerly making her freeze in her tracks.

“I’m sorry, but I’m not sorry. I liked that,” I whispered, my heart picking up speed at those words. She turned her head slightly, face still a dark red.

“I liked it too,” she was barely audible as her lips curled up ever so faintly before she scurried off. I watched her walk to her suite and couldn’t take my eyes off her.
♠ ♠ ♠
Rosie's outfit for the photo shoot:
Dani's outfit for the photo shoot:
Yay :D Two chapters in less than 5 hours?! That's a record for me haha this chapter is dedicated to Vixyn Of Syn for reading and commenting! :D I really appreciate it and hopefully this chapter is well loved as well (: