Status: Active; updates may be slow sometimes

Guitars & Hearts

This Heart is Your's

I can’t believe the face that was glaring at me from front row. I nearly fucked up the song and dropped my bass to dive into the crowd so I could beat the shit out of them. I shook my head and knew this is when I had to play my ass off to teach them a lesson as to why I’m better. I glanced over to the side of the stage and saw Shou and Hiroto watching us. Everyone else was but Shou and Hiroto were focused solely on us. I couldn’t help but smile as I played. It made me flaunt around even more. We were performing our last song before I knew it. I was sad to leave stage because it was so exhilarating. I didn’t want to leave but knew we had to. Brian said who we were again and allowed all of us talk before we left. When it got to me I smirked as I walked up to my microphone. I took it in my hand, my bass slung behind me.

“I hope everyone enjoyed us tonight?” I yelled, beaming when I received a wave of their screams of approval. “You guys were amazing! Rosie loves you Tokyo!” I shouted and blew the audience kisses before leaving stage. Shou had his arms open for me as he smiled at me.

“You were amazing out there Rosie,” he beamed embracing me in a tight hug. I returned his embrace, inhaling deeply, intoxicated by his scent. “Can you play guitar?” he asked with a look on his face that indicated he was thinking about something. I nodded. “I’d love to make an acoustic song with you dear,” he smiled, pecking me on the lips. When he pulled away we were both smiling.

“Well, the GazettE is up. Want to hang out a bit before your show?” I asked excitedly. I’d love to get some alone time with him. No fans, no security, no band members; just he and I, getting to know each other even more.

“Hai, of course I would love to,” he held his hand out for me to take. He led me to Alice Nine’s dressing room and kicked everyone out since they were already done. He closed and locked the door, leaving just the two of us. “So Rosie, you said Alice Nine is one of your favorite bands. I’m sure you know quite a bit about me. I want to know about you,” he said curiously, “Tell me about yourself.”

“Well, what would you like to know?” I cocked my head to the side slightly.

“What’s your favorite color, how’d you form Chaos, everything,” he said, scooting closer to me on the couch.

I scratched the back of my neck sheepishly, “Well, I love colors in general but as for favorites? I love red, purple, blue, black, white, silver, hot pink, etc.” I shrugged. “Chaos came about as a joke honestly. I learned how to play acoustic and electric guitar before I was 10 years old. Then I got a bass for Christmas one year and I fell in love. My friend Dani loves to make noise so she learned the drums around the same time when I finished learning guitar and started learning bass. I mean, my cousin is the rhythm guitarist for the American band Avenged Sevenfold. Most of us in fact are related to the band,” I laughed, “the rhythm guitarist is my cousin; the lead singer is Dani’s cousin; Skylar is the cousin of their lead guitarist, so the three of us have known each other for as long as our cousins have. Ayden and Brian on the other hand, we met one day when we were bored and just screwing around in my garage when we were teenagers. I think I was 16, Dani was 18, and Skylar was 17. Brian and Ayden happened to be riding their skateboards around the neighborhood, heard us and stopped. We started talking and we’ve all been inseparable ever since,” I grinned. “Hannah’s been in the mix since we met Brian and Ayden as well. Her and Brian are like childhood sweethearts,” I snickered. “It’s cute though. Anything else you’d like to know?”

“You’re an amazing person Rosie,” he said as if he was in deep thought, “You’re so bright, friendly, just wonderful,” he smiled. “What about music? What do you like to listen to?”

“Avenged Sevenfold, Alice Nine, the GazettE, Dir en grey, DespairsRay, Aiden, Atreyu, Bullet for my Valentine, the Beach Boys, pretty much everything and anything from Jrock to country to scream to rap,” I laughed. We continued talking for what felt like moments before he was called for to perform. I pouted at him.

“I’ll be back before you know it Rosie,” he cooed, cradling my face in his hands.

“Not soon enough,” I pouted. He chuckled at me before kissing me chastely and running off to the stage. I smiled dreamily before being smack in the shoulder by Dani.

“Hello, earth to dream land,” she teased. I pulled myself from my thoughts and looked at her. “We have fans to go meet with soon. Granted, they’re originally here for the GazettE and Alice Nine but they like us now too,” she said as she dragged me off to where we were going to be meeting the fans with passes; after about an hour or so Alice Nine’s set ended. Shou ran up to me and picked me up in a hug from behind, scaring me initially before I started laughing at his silliness.

“Ready to meet fans Shou?” I giggled as he put me down.

“Of course,” he grinned. Fans came and fans went. I thought I’d go blind from all the flashing cameras but it was a nice change of pace for Chaos. People were asking for pictures and autographs. If this was what it was like to be a musician I couldn’t wait. The line of nearly crazed fans was dwindling when I looked up and was face to face with the person I saw standing in the audience.

“Are you fucking kidding me?” I growled as Missy stood there looking like she sucked on a lemon. “What in hell’s name could you possibly want? I already beat the shit out of you,” I groaned. I heard everyone around me groaning and sighing as well. A few hissing curse words under their breath.

“I’m not here for you. I’m here to see Shou,” she spat. Shou was behind me with his hand on my lower back. I could feel the tenseness in his body.

“Like Rosie said, what could you possibly want?” he sighed irritated.

“I want my Shou-kun back,” she pouted and ran her fingers down his chest. I felt him tense a bit more but he didn’t pull away. I just ignored it. “I miss you honey and I want you back. Forget about this girl. All she wants you for is the money. I love you Shou, I really do,” she tried to purr. I felt my body fill with rage. How dare she? Before Shou could open his mouth I stormed off. I didn’t want to hear her voice anymore; it was like nails on a chalkboard and I had had enough of her bull shit. Dani saw me storming off and followed me.

Shou’s POV

Rosie stormed off before I could retort back to Missy.

“Look, you’re crazy if you think I would ever take you back. You say that Rosie only wants me for my money? I think you have it mixed up. You only want me for my money. That’s all you ever wanted. She’s a rising musician. She’ll have her own money soon enough. You were broke when we met; the moment you got a taste of money, that’s all you had eyes for. I care for Rosie. I stopped caring for you a long time ago Missy,” I growled, turning on my heels and walking off, following the direction Rosie went as I left Missy speechless.

“That bitch is crazy!” I heard her voice, muffled slightly, through the door to their dressing room. “Why can’t I ever like a guy that doesn’t have some crazy ex in his life? I mean, I’m falling for Shou, Dani. I really am. If this bitch fucks it up I’ll end her.” She growled. I was a bit surprised by the statement about her falling for me as well as ending Missy. I may extremely dislike her but that’s a bit far.

“You’re just going out on dates Rosie, you’re not actually together,” Dani replied comfortingly.

“So what, I’d still like there to be no more crazy ass exes,” Rosie groaned. I frowned and was a bit hurt. I would show her that I care for her. I wanted her to be mine. I exhaled to relax myself and knocked on the door and everything went silent. I could hear someone get up from their chair and they opened the door. Rosie was standing there looking upset.

“I want to talk to you,” I said as I took her by the hand and led her down the hall. She looked at me confused and a bit worried. “I want you to realize how much I honestly care about you,” I said. I looked into those beautiful blue-green eyes of hers. “Rosie, will you be my girlfriend?” she stood there stunned, mouth slightly agape and eyes wide as a doe.

“I don’t know what to say,” she whispered, stutteringly slightly.

“Please say yes?” I grinned crookedly.

“Of course Shou, I’d love to be your girlfriend,” she grinned up at me, tears shining in her eyes. It was safe to say they were happy tears. I caught her lips in a heated kiss as I wrapped my arms around her tiny frame, pulling her as close to me as physically possible. She made me feel alive again; as if my body were on fire. It was an amazing feeling. I got the butterflies in my stomach and I could feel her heart pounding in her chest. This was the best thing to ever happen to me.
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I am exhausted right now. I wanted to get this chapter done because that was a slightly cruel cliffhanger so I decided to give you guys a less extreme one haha Hopefully I'll be able to work on chapter 8 soon since I'm off work til Wednesday, but one of my classes also starts on Monday. So we shall see how the updates go. As always, feedback, recs, anything are greatly appreciated!