Status: In the works :)

Eternally Yours

Crazy, Darling

“What do you think?” Cora asks, adding finishing touches to my nails and then twisting the top back onto the bottle of nail polish. I surveyed her work, taking in the deep ruby-red and the twisting pearl-white swirls, beginning and ending with a sparkly rhinestone.

“About what?” I ask absent-mindedly. She’d talked the whole time about her date and I feel a little bad about it, but I tuned her out half-way through. I mean, this is the third time she’s talked about, analyzing and reanalyzing and driving me bananas.

“About going on a double date with me and Gabe—gah, you don’t listen at all do you?”

“I thought his name was Scott?” I ask, preoccupied.

“No, that was the guy I went out with Wednesday. This is the guy Morgan wanted to set me up with.”

“I thought Scott was the one,” I tease. “What happened to that? I thought you were going to marry him and have his babies and grow old with him and all that stuff.”

“Nah, I decided he was actually pretty lame. He was so… philosophical. I didn’t understand a thing he said the entire time.” She pouted at me like she was thinking ‘I just don’t have any luck do I?’ which is bullshit. She can get whatever guy she wants, she just gets bored with them so quickly.

“I thought that’s what you liked about him? Something about intelligent comments on things that matter and listening to you even though you aren’t saying anything important.”

Cora just glared at me. “Being informed on the things that are happening outside of ESPN is nice, but I don’t want to listen to why our date reminds him of this poem he read the other day about baby turtles making their way to the sea.”

“You said you thought that was sweet!” I laughed lying back on the couch.

“Whatever! It was at the time, but now it’s just weird. So come on already, Sin. Do you want to double or what?”

“Ugh,” I groan, rolling over on the couch and reaching for my phone on the coffee table.

“Yes!” Cora screeches. “You’re calling Riley, right?”

“Yes, Cora, I’m calling Riley.” I roll me eyes. She does a quick victory dance and kisses my cheek. I ignore her, unlocking my phone and then tapping on the picture of Riley. I press the phone to my ear and wait. He answers on the third ring.

“What’s up, babe?” he answers breezily.

“Hey,” I answer dreamily. I can’t help but grin. Riley just has that effect on people. “What are you up to tonight?”

“Nothing, really. Why? You want to do something?” I can practically hear the smile in his smooth, clear voice—it sends shivers up my spine. I bite my lip to suppress the urge to giggle like an idiot. It’s ridiculous how happy this kid makes me.

“Actually, Cora has a blind date and she wants to know if we want to double. What do you think? You up for spending a little time with me?”

“Always,” he laughs. “What time are we talking?”

“Uh…” I glance up at Cora. “What time?” I ask her. She mouths ‘seven’ back at me, smiling smugly. “Cora says seven. Is that okay?”

“Sure. Am I picking both of you up?”

“Yeah,” I answer, blushing for no apparent reason.

“I can’t wait to see you, baby,” he mumbles into the phone. “What do you say we hang out at my place after, yeah?”

I can tell by the tone of his voice what kind of mood he’s in and what ‘hang out’ means. My stomach twists in anticipation. “Mm-hmm,” I half gasp, half groan in ecstasy. “Yeah, sounds good. Actually, it sounds amazing.”

“See you in a while, Sin. I love you.” Click.

“Sin, what’s wrong?” Cora asks, coming over to sit next to me on the couch. She most have noticed the mix of shock and disbelief on my face.

“He just said he loves me.”

“Isn’t that a good thing? You really like him. I know, I’ve seen the way you swoon every time he so much as glances your direction.”

“I don’t know. I don’t know how to feel about it. It’s just so… weird.” And it is weird, which is weird in itself. I really, really like him. He’s absolutely amazing. He would drop everything for me any time I need him. It’s just… I don’t know… hearing it, feeling the way my body reacted to the words just felt so wrong.

“I think you’re crazy, darling. He’s a keeper. Maybe it just feels so new, you think?” Cora urges.

“Yeah, maybe.” No, not maybe. It felt very, very off.
♠ ♠ ♠
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