loving of life

Let it roll

It was my first day of school, i could feel my knees shacking... i hate starting new schools, it’s the worst thing ever... ever since my mum and dad had got divorced when i was 6, my mum, me and my little brother Sammy have been trying to find a nice place to stay...somewhere my dad wouldn’t be able to find us... but he always finds us...wins my mum back...and once again....brakes her heart, and there we go again, on the road, leaving all my friends and new life behind. I don’t get a say in it all, i just have to keep my mouth shut...i have to... for mum...
Some schools are nice: everyone is really friendly. Wanting to be friends with the new girl (me) they help you around. Make sure you’re not on your own. You quickly find a group of friends with schools like that.
But some school: they just stare at you... send you the wrong way...play pranks on you...make your life a living hell at that school. Everyday hiding away from them. Constantly looking over your shoulder.
As i pulled up in my old 1988 Nissan car, swarms of pupils walked up to the grand school doors