loving of life

Hello brooklyn

I stepped out the car, the smell of grass and flowers were overwhelming... it seemed nice... it had a friendly vibe. I slowly stepped out my car. My eyes glistened as i looked in wonder at the new school. I genially shut my car door and locked it. “nice!” said a tall, lanky boy with dark swept spiky hair as he walked past me, checking me out. I just stared back in confusion. As a pulled my bag onto my shoulder a group of 3 girls walked over to me: one had very blonde, long hair (about to her ribs) with a thick side fringe, dip dyed green ends and 1 ear had a large stretcher like mine (about 14mm). Another had bright red hair, just past her shoulders, she had cute freckles all over her nose and cheeks that went perfectly with her bright green sparkling eyes. The last one bright blue eyes just like me. She had hair down to her hips that was tinted lilac. She had 1 silver nose ring.
“Sorry about him...he’s my brother unforchantly” said the blonde girl
“oh its fine” I replied
“I’m Evey... the red head is Hailie... the lilac one is Chloe...and you’re new right?”-Evey
“Yeah I am... I’m Ellie”-me
“Well welcome to Brooklyn school...you’re gunna love it, what’s your timetable?”-Hailie
“thanks, erm... Languages...Art...Maths...Science...Music” I said as they looked over at my timetable as i read it out.
“well we’re at least in everyone of them classes...feel free to sit with us, we’d love to get to know you”-Chloe

Dinner came quickly, I stood in the food line with Evey, Hailie and Chloe, just chatting away like i had known them for years, we just all clicked.
“why did you move here again?”- Chloe
“urgh, just my mum wanted to move away from my dad...it’s a really long story... but basically since I was 6, when my mum and dad got divorced, my mum’s been moving all over trying to forget about my dad so he can’t be involved in our lives. But somehow, where ever we move, after a couple of month, my dad always finds were we are, and my mum takes him back...then he breaks her heart again, and then we start over...we move again”-me
“why did they get divorced?”- Hailie
My palms started to sweat and i started to get all hot because of that question...my voice went a bit wobbly when i said “he just cheated on her” I forced a little smile out...what was i meant to say... i couldn’t tell them the truth...that my dad abused me and my mum...sexually and fiscally...leaving bruises all over our bodies... always living in fear, hiding from my own dad...scared of going home after school...
“why does she always take him back?”-Evey
“I guess she just loves him...”- me
I didn’t get time to finish what i was saying because a hand violently hit me on my arse. I quickly turned around to see who it was... it was Evey’s brother stood with 2 other lads: 1 was bald and the other and short-ish hair with big muscles
“what the hell Jack, leave Ellie alone, she doesn’t want some slimy lad all over her”-Evey
“why do you think Rian isn’t near her then” Jack said as he winked at me and pointed at the bald one
Chloe looked at the one with short hair and blushed “Hi Zack”
Then... a boy with swept brown hair walked over and smiled at me with a perfect crooked smile “Hi...I’m Alex” our eyes glistened as we looked deep in each others eyes
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sorry if its a slow start