loving of life

Dear 'Ellie', count me in

~~~~~~~~~~Ellie’s POV~~~~~~~~~~~
I drove home with a massive smile on my face. Music had been such a great lesson. Me and Alex just laughed and joked the whole way through it... best thing about tomorrow was I had music again, first lesson.
I pulled up to my drive to see my mum threw the window. She looked out the window to see i was home and a massive smile spread across her face. I smiled straight back at her. I stepped out my car and smelt the clean fresh air. I heard the front door open and saw Sammy’s little feet running as fast as he could to me with open arms to me. I knelt down on one knee and flung my arms around him and picked him up and spinned him around, hugging him as tight as i could.
“How’s my little boy doing?” I said still squeezing him
“I’m not little, I’m 6...nearly 7! I’m big now” he said in his sweet little voice. I placed him back on the ground and ruffled his golden curls with my hand.
“oh yes, i forgot” I said taking his hand. I turned around to look at my new street to see Alex outside of his house looking at me, just smiling. I smiled back and walked into the house with Sammy.
“How was your first day, love? My mum asked flinging her arms around me
“Great” I replied
“Made any new friends yet?” mum smiled
“Yeah, Hailie, Evey, Chloe and Alex... and kind of Jack”- me
“That’s great, hunny”-mum
I walked up the stairs to my bedroom and threw my bag on my bed. I sat on my desk chair and turned around and sighed at all the boxes i was yet to still unpack. I turned on my laptop and logged on to facebook to see a inbox from Alex
----Message from Alex-----
Hey beautiful. I saw you and your brother...so cute  Music was great. I really enjoyed it  what do you instrument do you play...or sing? X
Love Alex
------Message from Ellie (me) -------
Hiya ;-) haha, thanks. I love him to pieces. Aw, same. Can’t wait till tomorrow’s music lesson. Thanks for being so nice to me on my first day, it was a great help. I sing, play piano and a bit of guitar. I heard you’re in a band? You should send me one of your songs  x
Love Ellie
-------Message from Alex---------
That’s sweet. I loved my brother too...
Its gunna be good, maybe you could play something for me tomorrow? Very talented ;) Yeah, we’re called All Time Low
Go on youtube and type in.... All Time Low- Therapy ....... or..... All time low Weightless
Hope you like them x
Love Alex

I opened YouTube up and type exactly what he told me to put... I pressed play and leaned forward in anticipation. The song started and my heart melted... it was perfect... he was perfect... it was hypnotizing. I fell in love with this song... with his voice...with him.
------Message from Ellie (me) ------
Loved? Why not love?
You haven’t heard me yet, you probably won’t think I’m so talented when you hear me ;)
...wow... you’re amazing. I love the song... i love your voice  x
Love Ellie
----Message from Alex-----
Well...ye I still love him... I always will...
I’m sure it’s perfect... just like you  Yeah... well I wrote therapy after my brother died, so it means a lot to me that song, glad you like it x
Love Alex
-----Message from Ellie-----
Oh stop it you little charmer ;)
Aw, I am really sorry Alex ... I’m here for you if you ever need me x
Love Ellie
------Message from Alex--------
No I will not stop it ;)
Thanks 
Erm... Ellie... I was wondering. Because its Friday tomorrow... and I have nothing to do... and I would love to get to know you better... after school, that night...want to go for like a picnic with me? I know a really nice place, and I will take us there and back. X
Love Alex

My belly flipped...was he asking me out on a date?
------Message from Ellie (me) -------
I would love to... x
I got to go help unpacking, and i have to unpack my room still...text me? X
Love Ellie

I walked down stairs and i couldn’t help but smile. I helped my mum pack the kitchen and time went by so quickly before i knew it, it was 11 o’clock at night. I rubbed my eyes and walked up stairs to my room. I slipped out of my clothes and into my pyjamas. I walked over to close my curtains. A figure in a window caught my eye from the house opposite. I looked closer to see it was Alex. He stood there and waved at me... I smiled back. He blew a kiss to me and I pretended to catch the kiss. I gave him one last smile and we both closed our curtains.
I slipped into bed and snuggled down. I felt my phone vibrate, so i looked at my phone
---*Text from Alex*---
Night beautiful x