Try to Scream

Scares The Shit Out Of Me

It took a while for everyone to get to sleep that night. We were too busying watching movies and talking. When we woke up, I felt like crap. I didn’t want to go home. I didn’t want to leave my new group of friends. But at the same time, I wanted to hug my mom.

Niall refused to let me pack; he was constantly hugging me and kissing my cheek. He’d pull things out of my suitcase and make me repack them. It wasn’t like it’d make me stay longer. Cora and I had a flight at 3; he and the boys have various flights ranging from 4 to 5. There was no way we could miss them.

By 2, Paul was at the door urging us to get going. He sent someone to grab my stuff, this left Niall and I in the room just looking at each other. “Do you have to go home?” He pouted.

“Yes, just like you do. We all miss our family.” His arms wrapped around my shoulders as he pulled me close.

“But then I’ll miss you.” He sighed, “Come home with me, see Ireland.”

I wiggled out of his grip and shook my head, “I wish I could, but it’s all too much, too fast.” He pouted and crossed his arms. “Oh stop. Maybe after the tour is done and I get used to the idea of your fans questioning my existence.”

His lips found my forehead. “That sounds like a good idea.”

“You big baby.” I smiled, kissing his lips.

“You’ve got that right, Princess.” He said kissing me back.

We walked hand in hand into the elevator with the others. But the moment it stopped in the lobby, we parted and I started poking at Harry. He constantly tried slapping my hands away, despite his hands being massive, he would miss and I’d have an open area to poke.

The fans all screamed and chanted names, as always. The boys made a few stops, but Paul insisted it was time to leave; we’d all miss our flights otherwise.

We crowded into the van; I sat in between my two boys, Niall and Harry. Liam, Louis and Zayn sat together as Cora, Danielle and El sat in the front row. I didn’t mind not being in the group of girls. I would have time with Cora when we got home and I could always text the other two whenever I wanted.

I could also text Niall and Harry, but I wanted a week of nothing, a week of silence from the crazy foreign group. I’d miss them a lot, but it would be family time. Both for me and the boys. As close as we had gotten, we all needed the space. It was only a matter of time before we got sick of each other, if that was even possible.

The drive to the airport was silent. It seemed that I wasn’t the only one thinking about things. It’s not like everyone was tired still, we’d been up for hours. I kept thinking about what it’d be like at the airport. There would be hoards of fans screaming, we’d say goodbye and hug each other. Then we’d part.

It seemed dull to think of, such a sad goodbye for Niall and I. If I could only force myself to accept the fans and what they had to say, it’d be like they didn’t exist. I knew I could do it, but I didn’t know if I was willing to give up this private life that I had. Well, as private as it could be as a friend of One Direction.

When we got to the airport, we all ran around like kids. And by “we” I really mean the guys and I. The girls stood back and watched, rolling their eyes. Fans tried to get their attention and every once in a while the boys would stop and sign something, but they’d go back to tackling each other. The security at the airport was probably going mad with confusion. But alas, everyone knew and suspected the boys to be idiots.

As mine and Cora’s flight was called, I felt my heart drop slightly. I’d almost nearly forgotten about leaving. The boys started their rounds, hugging the two of us. When Niall came up to me he smiled a small smile and hugged me tightly. “Have a safe flight, Babe.” He whispered in my ear. I could feel the butterflies in my stomach going wild. He moved away and let Harry hug me.

I closed my eyes and smiled. Zayn was the last to see me. Before he hugged me, he looked me in the eyes. When he pulled me in, the only thing he said was “Do it.” At first, I was confused. What did he mean? But as I started to walk away, I felt less and less complete. Like parts of me where falling off.

I turned and looked at Zayn, begging to understand what he meant, but he just smiled. My eyes drifted to Niall. He locked his gaze with me. I looked around, stopping for a moment. Girls kept screaming for the boys’ attention. Cameras clenched between their fingers. Flashes coming from everywhere.

As Cora grabbed my arm, I realized what Zayn was talking about. I turned to her and smiled, “One second.” I put my suitcase upright and turned back to the group of boys; confused looks covered all their faces, excluding Zayn. His smile just grew bigger.

I started walking slowly, my head facing the ground, but the moment I let my eyes wander up, I saw Niall slowly step forward. “Screw it.” I said, turning my slow pace into a full sprint. Niall threw his arms opened and grabbed me as I wrapped myself around him. “Kiss me.” Was all I could say as my heart raced. Fear filled my entire body.

He pulled back and looked me in the eyes, “You sure?” He asked, I nodded. His hands cupped my face as he drew close to me. The airport grew quiet, either that or I’d lost myself in the moment. When his lips pressed against mine, there were cheers from all around.

We kissed for what seemed like ages. The only reason we parted was because my flight had been called again. I pulled away and hugged him again, “I’ll see you soon, Ni.”

“See ya, Princess.” I turned and headed back to my suitcase, refusing to look back at the broken hearted girls. I knew I’d be all over the internet and TV soon. But in that moment, I didn’t care. I just wanted to kiss my boyfriend and I did.

My phone buzzed in my pocket, I took it out and opened the text. “GG, see you when you get back. – Zayn”
♠ ♠ ♠
So sorry this took so long. I was blocked, and I sadly have to blame the events that took place on the night/early morning of the 8th and 9th. Ugh. Stop letting me fall for foreign guys and NEVER let me let them visit again. But alas, I got my first real kiss :) It was very...classic movie like, with the whole lifting chin thing. Ugh. Stopping.

Anyway, you guys better be cheering for this, and thank the Aussie, he's the only reason I feel lovely, only reason those two just KISSING IN THE AIRPORT! laskdjfalsjkgj;hhjgf

Check out my new story: Sinking It has the boys and Titanic! It'll be short, but hopefully amazing

Song Title: Clouds - Letters and Lights

Haha, sorry about the title, I just liked it because the whole airport situation. FYI, Letters and Lights is amazing, listen to them!

xx Bambi