All I Want to Know Is If You're Alive

Chapter 4

When Elizabeth opened her eyes, nobody was on the path. The dirt path was barren, not a single person on it. Elizabeth got up and started walking back towards her house. Her mother probably noticed that she wasn’t there, but decided that it was best not to go and find her, and Elizabeth saw no point in finding her mother. Plus, she really didn’t want to watch the battle.

“I wonder how long I was asleep for.” Elizabeth said to herself. Just then she started to hear faint yelling, as if someone was far away and trying to call to Elizabeth. She turned to see if there was someone behind her, but saw nothing except for trees and more trees. Elizabeth continued walking, but the yelling kept getting louder and louder. Elizabeth turned around, and saw a man, dressed in brown and white running towards her.

“Run for your life, sweetie! The Union army is retreating!” the man said, running in the direction she was heading. She didn’t know what he had meant, until she saw more people running in the direction of the man. She started running in that direction, trying not to tire herself out. But Elizabeth was pushed by someone onto the ground, landing on an old log near the edge of the path. She got up quickly and continued on, before tripping on a rock in the path. She tried to avoid the people running away from the battle site, but the number of people running was increasing, so she found it hard. Elizabeth was being trampled by many people, and the pain she had was growing with each footstep on her body. She didn’t want this happening to her. Elizabeth knew that if she had just stayed home, all of this would have never happened. She would still be home, staring at the picture of William, wishing for him to come home.

Elizabeth was also having a harder time breathing. With each step taken on her, it felt as if her lungs were being crushed slowly. Yet, all she could think of was if William was okay. She didn’t want to find out that he was dead because of a wound in his arm or a miscannon. She didn’t want her worst fear to come true.
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one more chapter to go. . .