A Train To Anywhere


When Liam woke, he had a pounding headache. His vision was blurry and for a minute, he had forgotten where he was. He sat up, hands passing over his hair before pushing himself up from the bed and over to the window. The sky had darkened and he couldn't help but wonder how long he had been asleep and what the boys were doing at that moment.

He yawned, closing the curtain and walking over to his suitcase, opening it up and dumping out his clothes on the bed. He pulled out a pair of sweats, a tee shirt and a jumper before pushing the rest of the clothes onto the floor; No one was going to see his room anyways. After sliding off his jeans and replacing them with the sweats, Liam felt his stomach rumble. Being so out of his mind during the day, Liam had forgotten to eat, unless you count the piece of toast on the train.

He pulled the rest of his clothes on, slipping his room key into his pocket and slid out the door, making his way downstairs. He looked around, pulling his lips into a tight line before turning and beginning to make his way back up stairs. They must have changed their mind about the whole thing.

“Liam.” Astin called. He turned around, smiling at her before going back down the stairs. “Were you going back to your room?” She asked, pulling her jumper around her body.

“I thought everyone had gone.” Liam replied. She shook her head, wrapping a scarf around her neck.

“They're just in the other room, is all.” She laughed. “You can go on in if you like.” Liam nodded, taking a few steps toward the room, stopping when Astin continued talking. “Or you can come with me. Mum ran out of chocolate so she's sending me down to the market.” Liam didn't hesitate to say yes. He really didn't want to be stuck in a room with people he didn't know.

The two stepped outside, Liam automatically wrapping his arms over his chest. If it was possible, it had gotten even colder than earlier in the day. He followed behind Astin quietly, both of their feet crunching in the new snow.

“So, Liam, tell me about yourself.” Astin called, turning around and walking backwards. Liam shrugged, looking up to the sky and licking his lips. “Come on, you can't be that boring.”

“There's not much to tell, really.” He replied. Except that I’m in a world famous band and I completely ditched them to run off to a small town on the other side of the country because no one gives a fuck that I have a prescription drug problem, he thought to himself. “I travel a lot during the year, usually with my mates.” Astin nodded, turning back around and aiming her face to the sky, sticking her tongue out to catch the falling snow flakes. “What about you?” Liam asked, jogging to catch up to her.

“What do you want to know?” She asked, smiling over at the boy. They stared at each other for a minute before she turned her head and shoved her hands into the pockets of her jumper. Liam wasn't completely sure if the red that appeared on her cheeks was the cause of the cold or a blush. “I'm 17, 18 in April. I like coffee and books and snow and dancing and sex.” She laughed at the last thing and Liam blushed, even though it was obvious she was joking.

The pair continued walking through the empty town; everyone was either in bed or cuddled up next to a fire. Finally, after what seemed like ages, they got to the market, where they purchased a basket load of chocolate for Astin's mum.

“I think we've got enough.” She laughed as they walked back to the inn. “Mum, we're back.” She called, slipping off her shoes next to the door and skipping into the other room, Liam on her heels. “This is Liam. He's staying here.” Astin smiled, popping a piece of chocolate into her mouth and sliding onto a small couch.

“Nice to meet you.” Liam smiled, holding out his hand and shaking the woman's. She grinned back happily, taking the bag of chocolate into what was obviously the kitchen. “Do you live here?” He asked, looking around the room. In the corner sat a rather large Christmas tree and around the room, random books or magazines were lined wall to wall.

“We have a house out back but I spend most of my time here. I just love it.” Astin smiled. She patted the seat next to her and Liam made himself comfortable. “It's very quaint and quiet. Usually, winter is our off season so I spend most of my time in that room of yours reading.” Astin's mum walked back out, handing each of the teens a cup of hot chocolate before kissing her daughter on her head.

“I'm headed to bed, sweets. I'll see you in the morning.” Astin nodded, sipping at the hot liquid. “It was nice to meet you, Liam.” Liam nodded in agreement and watched as her mum slipped out the door.

The two sat in quiet for a few minutes, their sips being the only thing interrupting it. Finally, Astin placed her cup on the table and pushed herself up from the couch.

“It's getting late. I should be getting to bed.” She said, yawning. Liam nodded, also standing up from the couch. “I'll see you tomorrow, yeah?” She questioned.

“Yeah.” He replied. He waved before placing his cup on a counter and making his way back upstairs, where he shoved his key into the lock of his door. He almost immediately fell onto his bed, closing his eyes and falling asleep without the help of the medication swimming in his blood.
♠ ♠ ♠
Mmm, I wish it was winter. :/

Anyways, here you go!

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