Status: I'm new at this so....

The Little Mermaid

The Ending

Pearl couldn't believe what was happening to her it's a dream came true, Elvira loves her as much as she does, but now her only problem is how will her family take the news. The next afternoon Pearl went to talk to her sisters first about her feelings for Elvira.

"Emerald, Ruby I have something to confess...I'm in love with someone." Pearl said

"Aww...who's the lucky merman?" Emerald asked

"Is it your fiance Derek? I heard he is the most handsome and atlethic merman in the whole kingdom." Ruby gushed

"No, it's...Elvira." Pearl whispered

"What!? Are you insane Pearl, you have one of the best merman in the kingdom and you say your in love with a mermaid!" Ruby shouted

"Does father know about this stupidity yet?" Emerald asked

"No." Pearl said

"Well thats good, now you can marry Derek and father never has to know that his baby girl is a freak." Ruby said

As soon as those words left Ruby's mouth, Pearl broke down. I knew this would happen, I should of kept my mouth shut. she thought. Emerald and Ruby watch how their beloved sister helplessly cried in front of them, they couldn't help but feel sorry for Pearl. Emerald quickly swam to Pearl side and held her.

"'s okay. You how Ruby gets when she gets upsets, she didn't mean what she said." Emerald whispered

"Look Pearl, I'm sorry how I acted, but if you're happy being with her, so are we. I don't think father is going to be happy about this." Ruby said

After calming down Pearl went to the throne room, where her father usually rests after a long trip. She took a deep breathe and knock on the door.

"Come in!" a voice shouted

Pearl swam inside and father looking at some papers.

"Father..." Pearl said

"Ahh...Pearl came here, I have something to show you." the king said

She swam closer and saw wedding invitations.

"Aren't they wonderful? We can send them out right way." the king stated

"But father I don't want to marry Derek, I'm in love with someone else!" Pearl shouted

"What? Why didn't you tell me before? I need to meet him at once." the king commaded

"Ahh...but you already meet them." Pearl said

"Who is it! George? or Luke?" the king asked

"It's...Elvira." Pearl whispered

"What! You it's forbidden!" the king yelled

"I love her!" Pearl screamed

The king quickly grabbed Pearl and dragged her all the way to her room. He threw Pearl inside and the king took out a key and lock her in.

"I will not let you put this family to shame, you will marry Derek!" he yelled

Pearl screamed and punch at her door, begging her father to let her out. Please God, let him see that I'm happier with Elvira, please. she thought


Two months went by since the incident and Pearl was finally able to leave her room. She hasn't heard anymore plans for her wedding. Maybe father finally canceled it. she thought. While Pearl met with Elvira in secret, the king was putting the finishing touches on Pearl marriage. One day the king called Pearl to the throne room.

"Father you called for me?" Pearl asked

"Yes, I have something to give you." the king said

He swam closer to Pearl and handed her a beautiful necklace made from bright pink pearls.

"I would like you to wear this for your wedding tomorrow, it was your mother's." the king stated

Pearl just stood there in shock, holding on to the pearls. No! This can't be happening! she thought

The next morning, everyone was excited for the young princess wedding and when all the guest had arrived, the king sent for Pearl.

"Umm...your majesty Princess Pearl isn't in her room." the servant nervously said

"What!?" the king yelled

What the king didn't know is that Pearl escaped with Elvira late at night and headed towards the shore.

"Are you sure we'll grow legs, once we step out of the water?" Pearl asked

"Yes Pearl, I think you forgot when I was with Mark last year we spent most our time on land." Elvira said

"Don't remind me." Pearl muttered

"Aww...honey don't get that way my heart always belonged to you." Elvira assured Pearl

After couple more mintues of convicing Pearl it would be alright, they got out of the water and wobbled around the shore a bit. While they relax in each others arms, the king used all his power to find them.

"What do you think my father is doing?" Pearl asked

"Throwing a huge fit." Elvira giggled

Pearl closed her eyes and thought how all the guest that travel to the kingdom to see the wedding felt when they heard she disappered.

"PEARL!" a voice shouted

She quickly opened her eyes and found her father stand in front of her with his hand around Elvira's neck.

"Father let her go." Pearl asked

"Don't call me father, you stopped being my daughter when you left with this sea witch." the king shouted

"Please don't hurt her, I'll go with you and marry Derek, but please don't hurt her." Pearl begged

"If I let go of her, you'll came back to the kingdom?" the king asked

"Yes.." Pearl whispered

The king smiled and before Pearl could notice, he twisted Elvira's neck so fast all she could hear was a gruesome crack. So slowly Pearl watched Elvira's dead body fall down to the shore.

"Now come on Pearl, I think we can still make it to the wedding." the king said

Pearl took slow strides towards her father and as he turn around she push on a rock, accidently making him drop his trident.

"Pearl, what the hell are you trying to pull?" the king asked

She quickly pick up the trident and stabs him at least 50 times, leaving him for dead. After she stops, Pearl runs towards Elvira's body and holds her for a long period of time. As she held her, she notice something shine in the distance and slowly walked towards the the object. Glass she thought

Pearl pick it up and walked back to Elvira.

"Don't worry Elvira, we be together soon." Pearl whispered

She bent down and gave Elvira one last kiss, while she slowly cut her wrist and watch the blood flow out of her body. As the waves crash into the shore it takes with it the remains of an impossible love.