Status: Posted originally on my tumblr...

Blue Eyes Don't Lie

Chapter 15;

Matt was sat on the floor of the bus, staring at his computer screen.
“What’s wrong?” I asked.
“I broke up with Holly,” he said, voice lifeless and not bothering to look at me. “And I don’t know why.”
“Matt…” I whispered to him. “Tell me you didn’t.”
He nodded. “It’s the biggest mistake.”
“How long have you been sat there?”
“A couple of hours?”
“Why didn’t you try and call her?”
“Cause she won’t answer.”
“Want me to try?”
He nodded and I grabbed his phone.
“Hello?” She answered; her voice was thick with tears.
“Holly? This is Liz, Josh’s girlfriend.”
“What do you want?”
“Matt’s behavior. It’s concerning. He’s been sat on the floor staring at the screen for hours.”
“Shouldn’t have broken up with me then.”
“I don’t think he wants that. Do you wanna talk to him?”
“Yeah. I guess.” I handed the phone to Matt.
“Holly, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean what I said. I want you. Only you. You have to know that. You mean everything to me. I love you,” there was silence for a bit. “I know I was an arse. Can we forget this whole thing happened?” I assume she said yes, cause his face lit up. “Okay. I’ll talk to you soon. I love you.”
He hung up and looked at me, and smiled.
“Thank you.”
“No problem. Next time, don’t be a dick.”
“I won’t.”
He smiled and I walked back to mine and Josh’s bunk. He was wide awake.
“Morning,” He said when I opened the curtain. “How come you didn’t sleep here?”
“I couldn’t sleep. Matt was awake while I still was. We ate. Fell asleep on the sofa.”
“Oh, right,” he pulled me into the bunk and kissed me. “I really love you.”
“I love you too, you know I do.”
“Yeah, I know.” He smiled.
“You should get up.” I laughed.
“Yea, probably. I need a shower.”
“Yea, you do.”
“Come with?”
“Why not? I need one too.” I smiled and pulled him to the shower.
He turned it on, and we climbed in fully dressed, and he kissed me hard. He pulled my shirt over my head, and I returned the favor. I pulled down his trousers and boxers, and he pulled down my sweats and underwear. They were all soaked through.
“I love you,” he whispered. “So fucking much.”
“I love you, too,” I whispered back. “You’re everything.”
He kept kissing me, and touching me. I didn’t want him to stop. Ever. I could never get enough of this. I lifted my leg around his hip, balancing my foot against the wall. He teased my entrance with his tip.
“Josh,” I moaned.
“Easy, love.” He said as he entered me.
He kept pushing deeper with every thrust, making me gasp every time. All I could focus on was him, and with the water running over my body, it all added to the heightened sensations. I was really close.
“J-Josh,” I whimpered. “I-I’m c-close.”
“M-me t-too.”
He kept going harder and faster until both of us came. He kissed me and put me back on my feet and began to wash my hair for me, reaching down my back for the ends of my hair. He massaged the shampoo into my scalp, it felt so good. I washed it out, and then he began to wash my body, and I stood under the water and pulled him under the stream of water with me. I kissed him deeply, and began to wash him; starting with his hair, and working my way down.
Eventually we had to get out of the shower, and we went back to bed. We lay there for hours, saying nothing to each other, just being there with each other.


Pittsburgh. I had a feeling that tonight was gonna be good. Matt was back up to health, and Josh and I were good as well. I trusted Josh with my life, and I guess he trusted me too. We were all sat in the bus playing FIFA, as usual, and I was sat on Josh’s lap. I’d never felt more at home than when I was with my boys. I’d gotten talking to Chris whilst Josh was playing, and it was the first proper conversation I’d had with him.
“Chris, you’re always so quiet!”
“Yeah… I just never have a lot to say.”
“That or you’re planning all of our deaths,” I winked.
“Definitely,” he laughed. “Nah, I just tend to be quiet.”
“Yeah, I guess… So, how bad are you gonna try and whoop Josh’s arse on FIFA today?”
“Badly. He needs to lose… oh, at least one or two games today.”
“Too damn right!” Max shouted over all of us.
“Hey!” Josh bellowed. “Just because I’m the best one here! You just all suck!”
“Shut up,” I smiled. “Josh, of course you’re the best one here.” I rolled my eyes.
“Why you being sarcastic?”
“Cause… it’s funny.”
“No it isn’t,” he grabbed my waist. “This is though.”
“Josh. Don’t you dare,” He knew that my waist was one of my most sensitive spots. “Seriously. Do it and I will hurt you.”
“Oooh, scary,” he joked. “Dead scary.”
He started to stroke my waist, and I froze on his lap. Everyone started looking at me, wondering what I was gonna do. I turned my head round to look at him and then elbowed him in the chest.
“Ouch. Shit,” he winced. “That was mean.”
“Shouldn’t have done that,” I shrugged.
I kissed him and all the tension disappeared, and everyone’s attention went back to the game.
“I’m sorry,” I whispered into his ear.
“Should be,” he whispered back and kissed my cheek.
“Let me make it up to you later, yea?”
He nodded and turned his attention back to the game, while I played with his hair. I loved his hair the way it was right now. Longish, and flicky, unless he straightened it. It covered most of his face, and I could see his blue eyes underneath it. God I loved his eyes. It was one of my favorite things about him. Other than his personality and just him, of course. I really love him so much. I don’t know where I’d be without him. I stopped thinking, and continued playing with his hair, putting my head against his neck and my arm over his shoulder. I was truly at home with him. With all of these guys. This was my life now. I didn’t want anything to happen to take that away.
“I love you,” I murmured to him. “So fucking much.”
He tore his attention away from the game.
“I love you too,” he mumbled into my ear. “You are everything to me.”
I kissed him, and then we turned our attention back to the game.


The show was amazing that night. I’d never seen them so focused and into the music. I was so content with life. This band, these boys, were amazing musicians. I couldn’t imagine life any other way for them.
“Great show tonight boys. I’m serious. Best one yet.” I smiled, kissed Josh and gave the rest of the hugs.
“Thanks, love.” Josh murmured against my lips.
“Welcome.” I smiled.
We went back to the bus for drinks, as we were travelling all night. It got messy. As usual.


I woke up. I noticed it wasn’t Josh I was lying with. Fuck. Who was it? I was on the floor, and Josh was in our bunk. I could see him. I got up slowly. It was Matt. What the fuck had happened? I tried to remember but only ended up more confused as I tried to think. This fucking hangover was awful. I got up and went to the bunk, thinking nothing of it. Josh woke up as I got in.
“What the fuck?”
“I don’t know, I can’t remember what happened last night.”
“Liz… I don’t know what happened either. I know it had something to do with Matt?”
“All I remember is the first 20 shots. And then telling you I loved you loads, and then waking up about 5 minutes ago on the floor.”
“I don’t remember anything. I remember your first 10, 'cause I kept telling you to take it easy. By the time you’d done 10, I must’ve had about 15? I can’t remember. MAN. I’ve never drunk that much in my life.”
“Me either,” I laughed. “Move over, I wanna go sleep.”
He moved over the bed so that I could sleep.