Status: Posted originally on my tumblr...

Blue Eyes Don't Lie

Chapter 19; Matts POV

I’d fucked up again. I’d kissed Liz. It was gonna be awkward between me and her, and then I overheard her telling Josh this morning. What she’d said crushed me. The fact that she didn’t want me like that. I mean, I was kinda glad, don’t get me wrong, I was with Holly. I love Holly; but there’s something about Liz… I don’t know what it is; maybe her spark. She’s so… alive inside. It sounds gay, but she doesn’t stop. I really wanted her. I don’t know what to do about it.
I’d gone the wrong way, obviously, by just kissing her. She is with Josh, and it’s obvious that they both love each other a lot. I mean they’ve been together constantly since they met. I had to admit; I was a bit jealous. I didn’t like this feeling.
“Matt, we need to talk.” Josh had found me.
“Okay mate. What’s up?”
“You kissed my girlfriend.”
“I know, and I am sorry. Honestly. I don’t know what happened.”
“Don’t let it happen again.”
“I won’t.”
“Good. Honestly, I am pissed off with you, but I’m not gonna let a girl get in the way of the band, no matter how much I love her. I made that promise before I met Liz. I didn’t want another girl to fuck things up, and right now; it sorta is.”
“Brilliant, Josh. I love you too.” I heard her voice filled with venom behind him.
“Oh, Liz! That’s not what I meant. I mean that even if anything happens, I won’t let it put strain on the band.”
She just nodded, looked at me, and walked to their bed.
“Liz, I’m sorry.” I called after her.
She stopped, nodded and carried on. Josh smiled weakly at me, and then followed her. I lay there with only my thoughts to keep my company. I found myself thinking about her again.
“God Matt, I love you so much.” She whispered in my ear as she pulled down my trousers.
“I love you too,” I murmured as I returned the favor. We were both left in our underwear, hers black, thin and lacy. I could see in her eyes how badly she wanted me; I could feel through her panties how badly she wanted me too.
“Please,” she whimpered.
I hastily undone her bra and flung it to the side; one piece of clothing separated us. I hastily ripped both of our pants off, and thrust myself inside of her, making her moan.
“Oh God,” she moaned.
I pulled in and out of her, thrusting and going deeper every time. I wanted this to last. Unfortunately I couldn’t last forever. I kept looking at her; touching her. Her skin felt like it was on fire, and I just couldn’t stop touching. She was so beautiful. I came, and so did she. We lay there for ages, talking; laughing and just being with each other. I wanted her to myself.
“Oi, Matt. Get up.”
“Huh?” I was disorientated, I didn’t know where I was.
“You alright mate?” Max gave me a confused look.
“Yea, I just – weird dream.”
“Weird as in sexual? Yea?”
“Go sort yourself out…” Max looked at my crotch area. Shit.
I went to the bathroom and stood there for a few minutes calming myself. I had to stop thinking about her like that. They could never know. None of them. I didn’t want to risk the band, even if Josh had said that a girl wouldn’t get in the way. I didn’t want the band to break up. Josh and I had started this band; I wasn’t gonna let something like a girl get in the way of something we all wanted. I couldn’t.
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Part 1 of Double update bc I suck