Status: Posted originally on my tumblr...

Blue Eyes Don't Lie

Chapter 2.

It was messy and smelly inside the bus.
“Sorry about the smell…” Josh apologized.
“God! Did something die in here?”
“Possibly. We’re not sure.” Max said, with a wink.
“That… Is nasty. Seriously… get some air freshener and a vacuum.” I stated.
“Okay. DRINK TIME!” Josh yelled.
“Why are you yelling!?” I shouted back.
“Cause Dan, Chris and Matt aren’t here. Silly girl.” Max said, with a boyish grin.
When those three ambled in, Josh and Dan decided we were all going to do shots. This was fine with me, but obviously not with Max.
“Aw, come on mate. You know I hate shots,” he whined.
“So? Come on Max, be a big boy,” I got him back for the ‘silly girl’ comment.
“Argh, eurgh. Fine.”
Lots of shots later, Josh and I decided it was a good idea to get some air.
“So… are you, are you drunk?” He asked.
“I-I think so? I can’t feel my feet.”
“That’s never good… Air was a good call, and we can talk now more, yea?”
“I suppose so…”
“So this… Sam…”
“I don’t know if I’m ready to talk about him yet…”
“I’m just asking the basics ya’know. I do know what it’s like to be cheated on.” He stated all serious.
“I suppose… Well… He fucked my best friend about 4 months ago, and at first I didn’t know if I could trust him again, I told him if he never saw her again then I’d consider forgiving him. He agreed, and we slept together, he took my virginity, and tonight… I saw him with her again. He didn’t even try to deny it,” I sighed. “I don’t know why I told you all that.”
“She slept with one of my best friends too.”
“Relationships. Can’t live with them, can’t live without them.”
“Exactly.” He agreed. God, he had a nice smile. It was one of those infectious ones that you can’t help but smile back at.
“Okay, I need to get back to my car,” I told him.
“You can’t drive! You’re far too drunk! You can stay in the bus tonight? If you want…”
“I was supposed to be going to Sam’s anyway, so it should be fine with my parents… I may need to move my car though… Is there anyone sober enough?”
“One of the crew should be, come on.” He grabbed my hand, and we walked to go and find someone to move my car.
“So, um, Josh.”
“So, um, Liz?” He mocked me.
“Don’t mock me,” I said jokingly, but slightly serious. “Are you… single?”
“Why? You want some of this?” He asked, winking.
“Hey! I’m just making conversation; I just told you my ‘life story’ about the imbecile Sam.”
“Yeah… I’m single, I have been for a while, and I just… prefer people to not know… The fans they can be…” He trailed off, not sure how to finish the sentence.
“Over-bearing? Malicious? Bitchy?”
“All of them,” he laughed. “Well, you seem pretty cool and collected, treating me like a normal person.”
“I’m not. On the inside I’m screaming like a fangirl. Watch out in a minute, I’m gonna whack out all your CD’s and get you to sign them. Oh no. I don’t own them. I download them all off mediafire,” I joked. “Nah, you are a normal person. Just had… better chances, and more talent than half the people.”
“And the whole CD’s thing?”
“I own them all…” I laughed. “Seriously, I do. Well apart from the EP. I have no idea where to get that.”
“You’ve heard the EP? Not many people have…”
“Yeah, ‘Taste’ is my favorite.”
“Really? Hmm,” Josh started thinking, but then we passed a crew member. “Oh, mate, reckon you could do me a favor? See my friend here, is a bit too drunk to drive her car… Don’t give me that look, love, you know you are.” He winked. “Anyway, could you move it for her? Just to near the tour bus? Cheers.”
And with that, my car problem was sorted. Although, we had to find my car…


The next morning, I woke up in Josh’s bunk, with his arm slung over my stomach. I had a killer headache. I attempted to get out without waking him up, and failed. The second I tried to get my legs over his body, his eyes flew open.
“Oh… Morning,” he blushed. “Do you remember what happened last night? Cause if I’m honest, I haven’t got a clue.”
“Yeah… We got really drunk, I thought it was time for us to go sleep, so I half carried you here, and you got me in a killer hug, and we fell asleep. Nothing else.” I smiled.
“Okay, cool. Man, I feel rough.”
“Same. I haven’t drunk that much… Well… Since me and Sam got together…” I looked up at the ceiling.
“Hey,” he said, turning onto his side. “Don’t get upset. He’s not worth it, okay?”
“Yeah, it’s just… I really did love him, and I trusted him… I don’t trust a lot of people, but once I do, I’m sure of you. And if you break it, it’s rare you get it back.”
“Do you trust me?” He asked. Someone was serious this morning…
“I suppose? I haven’t known you that long, so it’s hard to say.”
“Do you trust me enough to tell me about your arms?”
I froze. I didn’t want him to think I was mental.
“Wh-what do you mean?”
“Why do you have scars?”
“I… I lost a lot of people, and a medical condition. I couldn’t deal with it. I didn’t see any other way,” I closed my eyes, and I didn’t want to look at him.
“Oh, I hope you never feel like that again,” he kissed the top of my head, and my eyes opened so fast you could see them roll forwards. “We should get up, before they all think the worst.”
“Erm, okay?” I said, voice small. “Do you have any ibuprofen or something?”
“Yea, I’ll get you some,” he got up and walked away.
I was left alone in his bunk. What did this mean? I mean I’d slept in the same bed as Josh Franceschi. JOSH FUCKING FRANCESCHI. I mean come on. Life probably doesn’t get better than waking up to that. I probably looked like a wreck. Before I could think anymore, Max came and opened the curtain on the bunk.
“Oh, Liz… Hi! Why are you in Josh’s bunk?” He looked confused.
“Fell asleep, couldn’t drive my car home… Wait I spoke to you last night?”
“I honestly don’t remember much of last night. I remember you and Josh went out to get air, and then… Nothing.” I laughed at him.
“Okay. How are you so awake?” I eyed him curiously.
“It’s like… 2 in the afternoon? How long have you been asleep?”
“It’s 2 in the afternoon? SHIT. My parents are gonna kill me!” I looked at my phone, and sure enough. 14 missed calls, and 30 texts. “Great. Gonna get a bollocking.”
“I have never met someone with a more… colorful vocabulary,” he joked. “Why are you gonna get a bollocking?”
“Well. I was supposed to be staying at Sam’s last night, but… obviously… that didn’t happen. And I phone them at about 11 when we wake up. But I didn’t and they get worried easily.”
“Oh, right. Well. I’m gonna go find Josh.”
“He’s gone to find me something for this shitting headache. Have fun!”
He laughed at my choice of words, and I decided it would be a good idea to phone my parents to let them know I’m alive.
“Hi mum, I’m alive.”
“Elizabeth!” Great. Full name. “Where on earth are you!?”
“I’m still at the Winter Gardens. I broke up with Sam. Got drunk with You Me At Six, and fell asleep in Josh’s bed.” That was what I wanted to say.
Instead, I said, “I’m just getting dressed. I’ll be home soon. I’m fine.”
“Okay, see you soon.” And she hung up the phone.
“Everything okay?” I turned to see Josh’s face right in mine.
“Yeah, they… worry too much. I didn’t hear you coming.” He handed me pills and a bottle of water, and sat down on the bed next to me.
“Do they? I didn’t think someone could worry too much.”
“They know everything about what I’ve done. Just not what I did with Sam.”
“It gets better. I promise,” he stroked my face softly. “You’ll find someone worth your time.”
“Did you?” I asked quietly.
“Not yet.”
“Yet?” I looked into his eyes. They were so amazingly blue.
“Nope.” He shook his head and brought his mouth to mine.
That was all I needed. The kiss deepened with every second we spent attached to each other. Eventually Josh broke it off.
“Christ, I’m sorry,” he apologized. “I didn’t mean to do that.”
“It’s fine,” I stammered.
“It’s not though! You broke up with your boyfriend last night!”
“He and I got together 2 hours after he broke up with his girlfriend.” I said voice really small.
“Are you serious?”
“Yeah, I felt bad though. Drunken nights are bad.” I stated. “Particularly with me.”
“I found ours pretty good, Liz. Don’t put yourself down.”
“I don’t mean like that,” I laughed. “I just meant I do stupid things when I’m drunk.”
“Like trying to drive last night?” He winked. “Nah, I’m serious, everyone does stupid things when they’re drunk. I found you pretty fun.”
I smiled. “I should probably get ready to go…”
“Wait! You should come with us! We’ve only got one more gig left, and that’s tonight. Brixton?”
“I don’t have tickets.”
“Yeah you do!” He gave me two tickets and backstage passes. “Bring another one of your friends. One that likes to party hard.” He winked.
“Okay. I’ll go… and shower… and find my car and that. I’ll see you tonight.”
“Don’t I get your number? I mean you’ve slept in my bed,” he laughed.
“Fine; and I’ll call you when I’m there tonight, yeah?”
“Yeah,” he smiled and kissed me again. “I’ll walk you to your car. Do you remember where it is?”
“Nope. Not a clue. I know it’s round here somewhere.”


“Hey, Charlie, you up for a concert tonight?” I was on the phone to my other best friend, Charlotte, or Charlie, which she prefers.
“Erm, yeah, sure. Who?”
“You Me At Six? We have free tickets and backstage passes and that; I’ll explain when I see you. I’ll pick you up in like an hour?”
“Yeah, sounds good, see you!”
“See you!”
What was I gonna wear?