Status: Posted originally on my tumblr...

Blue Eyes Don't Lie

Chapter 23;

“Liz? Shit, is that you!?” It was Sam McTrusty from Twin Atlantic.
“Help me.”
He screamed for someone to help, and a couple of the security guards came and carried me inside. They lay me down on the couch and I was in so much pain. I was proud of myself for not crying.
“Where does it hurt the most?” The first aider asked me.
“My ribs, I think one of them cracked.”
“Okay, we’re gonna need to get her to a hospital.”
“Don’t tell Josh until after, please? I don’t want him to worry.”
“I won’t.” I could trust him. I think.
“Thank you,” I murmured as I was being carried away.
He smiled and nodded before I couldn’t see him anymore. I was driven to the hospital where I was given morphine and an x-ray. I’d broken 3 ribs, and fractured my collarbone. No more photographing concerts then. I’d also busted a couple of fingers, and torn a few ligaments in my wrist. I was given strong painkillers to take, and some more bandages. Fuck, I was a state. I had blood coming from cuts, I was sure I had a swollen lip as well. All I wanted to do was shower and sleep. I got back to the venue, and Josh was pacing at the door. Great.
“Liz!” He looked me all over. “Fucking hell. How bad is it?”
“3 broken ribs, fractured collarbone, busted fingers, torn ligaments and I don’t know how bad the rest of me is.”
“Do you know who did this?”
“Who was it?”
“It was Sam; as in ex-boyfriend Sam, not the nice Sam.”
“Nice Sam?”
“McTrusty. He found me.”
“Oh right. How did other Sam know where you were?”
“You’re gonna hate me. I talked to him earlier today, and I said some things that obviously pissed him off and so he felt the need to do this.”
“You talked to him?”
“I wanted to know some things.”
“How many girls he cheated on me with. There were 5 girls in total, and at least 10 times with each girl, so I got cheated on a lot.”
“Oh right.”
“You’re mad.”
“A bit; but you are messed up. Get in the bus and clean up please? I don’t like looking at you like this.”
I walked into the bus, and found the rest of the guys. There was a collective of ‘Shit’ and ‘Fuck’ when they caught sight of me.
“What the fuck happened?” Max asked me.
“Someone decided that I needed a beating,” I have him a glance when I said someone. “And so they gave me one.”
“How bad is it?”
“Eh, not too bad at the moment.”
“I meant what have you done?”
“I didn’t do anything, but 3 broken ribs, fractured collarbone, busted fingers, torn ligaments, and whatever else you can see.”
“Oh shit. That’s bad.”
“Mmm,” I hummed and walked to the bunk. I heard someone behind me. I turned round abruptly to see Max stood there.
“I take it from the glance, it was Sam.”
“Yea,” I said a little teary.
“Does… does Josh know?”
“Yea, I think he’s a little mad though.”
“I would be too, but either way, it was you decision to see him.”
“And now it’s my fault I got beaten, yea? Cause I was stupid enough to go and see him?”
“Liz, you know that’s not what I meant.”
“Didn’t have to say it, I already knew it was. Either way, it wasn’t the fact that I saw him, it was what I said. He didn’t like it.”
“His own fucking fault. You didn’t deserve any of this. At all. Well you deserve Josh, cause he’s good to you, but not Sam, your uncle and now beaten? It’s just not right.”
“Doesn’t matter whether or not we think it’s right, it still happened, there’s nothing we can do now.”
“Well… there is…”
“Max, no. You are not going after him.”
“I’d like to see you stop me, particularly in that state.”
“Max, I’m serious. Don’t bother. There’s no point.”
“There is a point! You’ve just been beaten and practically left for dead!”
“So? I don’t want any of you guys getting hurt either.”
“We won’t get hurt.”
“Trust me Max. Don’t go after him. He’s more mental than I am.”
“What do you mean?”
“He’s a manic depressive. He didn’t use to cut himself, he used to beat himself. So don’t. I’m serious.”
“Okay, I won’t.” He smiled.
“Good, now I’m going for a shower. I need to get all these shitty clothes off me.”
I got in the bathroom, locked the door and sat on the floor of the shower once I’d turned it on. I couldn’t hold it in any longer. I let out everything that I didn’t do.


Josh found me there, fully clothed, sat in the bottom of the shower crying and clutching my ribs.
“Come on, love.” He took off my wet clothes, wiped away the rest of the blood, mud and makeup. He then put on the fresh clothes I’d brought to the bathroom with me.
When I was dressed, he towel dried my hair so it wasn’t dripping down my back and carried me to our bed. He put me down gently, and made me take the pain killers.
“Did I really deserve this?” I asked tearfully.
“No, no-one deserves this. Please sleep, you’ll feel better after.”
“Will you lay with me? I don’t want to be alone.”
He answered by sliding in next to me, and I pushed my back against his chest and he put his arm around my waist, careful not to hurt me. I winced.
“Sorry,” he whispered in my ear. “Did I hurt you?”
“No but lying on my side was not a good idea.” I chuckled.
“Silly girl,” He kissed my neck. “Sleep now. I love you.”
“I love you too,” I sighed.


I woke up a couple of hours later in complete agony. I couldn’t lie there any longer. I got up and went and sat on the couch, limping slightly. I had no idea what had happened to my leg or foot. Josh hadn’t moved when I got up, and surprisingly no-one else was up. I sighed and turned on the TV. Typically, at 4 in the morning, there was nothing on. I shoved on Harry Potter, which reminded me of home a lot. There was only 2 weeks of the tour left. I didn’t know if I could travel on a plane like this. I should be able to right? I didn’t think about much, and whacked out a box of cereal and ate it dry. There wasn’t much else to do while everyone was sleeping. I couldn’t really practice gaming; not with gammy fingers and messed up wrist. I really wanted someone to be with me. Everyone was sleeping; I could hear their soft snoring. I wanted someone else to be awake. I got through about an hour of the film before I heard someone coughing. I wasn’t really sure who it was. Everything seemed not scarier, but… everything seemed to make me jump more. I guess I was in shock. Eh, I don’t really know. I heard a massive crash, then a groan. I got up to look at what had happened, and there was a naked Max on the floor.
“Max? What happened?”
“I guess I fell out of bed. I’m not really sure,” he laughed quietly. “What are you doing awake?”
“Woke up, bones kill.”
“Ah, I see. Want some company?”
“If it’s cool? I mean if you wanna go back to bed, don’t let me stop you.”
“Nah, it’s all good. I’ll probably fall asleep on the sofa though. What are we watching?”
“Harry Potter.”
“I haven’t watched these for ages!”
“They remind me of home,” I said quietly. “I used to watch these all the time when I was ill.”
“Oh right. You wanna chat about what happened today or not?”
“I haven’t told Josh what happened yet, but I guess I could tell you.”
We both sat on the couch, and I told him everything that happened, from the feeling of being watched at the concert, to the beating and when Sam found me on the floor.
“Sounds like a rough night.”
“Was a bit, and you know what the worst part is?”
“No, what?”
“We’re out of fucking cereal.”
“Awh shit no! That was my cereal!”
“Sorry.” I smiled pathetically.
“It’s cool. We’ll get some more tomorrow. Maybe 4 boxes though.”
Max and I sat there for about an hour or two before he started falling asleep. I poked him.
“Max, go back to your bed.”
“Huh?” He muttered sleepily.
“Go back to your bed.” I pushed him towards his bunk, and when he’d got in, I got back into bed with Josh. He’d moved over to the wall, so I got back in easily, and it felt much better.
♠ ♠ ♠