Status: Posted originally on my tumblr...

Blue Eyes Don't Lie

Chapter 24;

Chapter 24;
I woke up at about 11 the next morning, and Josh was lying there, looking at me.
“You okay?” He asked me, as soon as I was awake.
“I hurt, but I’m okay. You?”
“Don’t be. I’m gonna be fine.”
“Yea, but what’s gonna happen when you go home?”
“I have no idea. Please Josh, don’t think about that now. There’s till 2 weeks of tour left.”
“You can stay with Mum and Elissa?”
“Would they mind?”
“I don’t see why not.”
“If you ask then, it’ll be for a week, I’ll meet you in Australia.”
“You will?”
“Yea, 2 weeks without you is far too long for me,” I smiled.
“For me too,” he kissed me.
We lay there until we got to Baltimore, and then we knew it wouldn’t be long till we got to the venue, so we got up, and Max was still annoyed that he had no cereal, because I ate it.
“Max, I’m sorry for eating it!”
“I said its okay!”
“Then stop being in such a bad mood!”
“NO!” He yelled.
“Why’s he in such a grump?”
“Eh, he’s tired. He said he didn’t sleep great last night.” Josh told me.
“He did fall out of bed at about 5 this morning,” they all looked at me confused. “I couldn’t sleep, so I was watching a film, then I heard Max fall out of bed, and we sat there till 7, and then I made him go back to bed.”
“Oh. How come you were awake loads last night?”
“I hurt, so I got up, and that’s when I ate his cereal.”
“Oh right, we should get inside.”
We walked into the venue, with me being half carried, and we waited for sound check. Obviously I couldn’t be a photographer for the band while I was in this state, so they agreed that I could do it during the run through. I could hardly hold my camera, I was a wreck. I gave up halfway through and walked backstage, and shoved my camera on the table away from me. I didn’t want to look at it. It reminded me that I was practically an invalid at the moment. I didn’t want to be that.
“Hey, what’s up?” Josh walked in.
“I feel like a fucking invalid. I can’t even hold my fucking camera.” I said stroppily.
“In a week or so you’ll be able to.”
“Yea, but that’s in a week Josh! I’ll have missed loads of the tour!”
“I know, but what else can you do?”
“I don’t know,” I sighed. “This is all just a bunch of shit.”
“I know,” he kissed the top of my head. “I’d kill that kid.”
“I won’t, you know I’m not a violent person.”
“I know,” I rested my head on his chest. “I don’t know what to do Josh.”
“Everything; it’s just such a mess at the moment.”
“Oh,” I could hear his heartbeat get faster.
“We’re good though, that’s the one thing I’m happy about.”
“Good. I love you.”
“I love you, too.” He pulled my chin up gently and looked at my face.
“That looks so painful.”
“I haven’t even looked in the mirror. I don’t think I want to.”
“I don’t advise it for a while.”
“Is it really that bad?” He nodded. “Go get me a mirror or something.”
He left the room and came back with a small mirror. I looked at my reflection. It was awful. I had a black eye, a swollen lip, and cuts all over the top of my face; my right cheekbone was swollen and bruised. I sucked in a shocked breath.
“You’re right,” my voice caught. “I look fucking horrid.”
“You’re still beautiful to me.”
“God, you’re such a cheese!” I smiled.
I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket.
Hey babe, how’s the face?
I felt my blood run cold.
“What is it? What’s wrong?” Josh’s voice was full of panic.
“Nothing,” I said, shoving my phone away. “Absolutely nothing.”
“Liz, don’t lie, what’s wrong?”
“I’m serious Josh, there’s nothing wrong.”
“Don’t you believe me?”
“I would, but I saw the panic in your eyes.”
“You should believe me.”
“Fine, fine. There is nothing wrong.”
“Good,” I kissed him. “I need to pee. I’ll be back.”
“Lovely,” he said sarcastically.
I kissed him and walked to the bathroom. I sat down on the floor and replied.
Why the hell does it matter? You’re a dick. I fucking hate you. I regret our ‘relationship’ but it wasn’t one. I was just a girl you wanted to play. Just like every other girl. Don’t fucking contact me again.
I knew he’d reply, so I sat there and waited. Just as I thought, minutes later I got a reply.
Awh, don’t be like that now baby! You know there’s no other girl that I love more than you! I think we should do something about this.
I’m not your fucking baby. No, there’s no other girl you love playing more than me. No. We should ‘t. I think you should leave me alone.
But why would I want to leave you alone? I want you back.
I don’t want you.
You lie.
I don’t lie.
You do. Your whole life is a lie.
I gave up replying. I knew that arguing with him was inevitable. My phone kept vibrating with text messages. Eventually it stopped. I checked them. All the texts were from Sam. They all pretty much said the same thing of “I want you back” and “You’re a liar.” He was so weird. He couldn’t just keep changing his mind about me. I knew I’d have to tell someone at some point, but right now, particularly before a show, I had to keep it to myself. I didn’t want to worry anyone by telling them what was going on.
I walked round the venue in a confused state, and I found Sam and the rest of Twin Atlantic.
“Hey Sam…”
“H-hey Liz,” he was a bit taken aback when he saw me. “How bad?”
“Eh, I barely feel it,” in truth I was in agony. “I just wanted to say thanks, you know. For finding me.”
“Don’t worry about it,” I loved his Scottish accent. “Just be glad it was me that found you and nobody else.”
“I am. Thank you.” I kissed his cheek.
“Well you’d better go, we’ve got sound check and I’m sure Josh is missing you.”
“Probably,” I laughed. “See you later.”
There was a collective ‘See you’ when I left the room, I went to find someone to talk to.
“Max!” I yelled at him. “I’ve been looking for you.”
“What’s up love?”
“I haven’t told Josh yet. I don’t wanna freak him out. Sam’s been calling and texting me. I don’t know what to do.”
“Change your phone number.”
“I can’t Max. We’re in America. I’ll have to do it when I get back.”
“Leave it off then, use mine. Do whatever you have to, just don’t answer them. I’m serious this time Liz. Don’t have any contact with him whatsoever.”
“Yes boss,” I mocked him.
He gave me a side glance.
“What you gonna do tonight? You can’t photograph, obviously. I saw you storm off during sound check.”
“I can’t hold my fucking camera Max, I’m a fucking invalid. I think I may Skype my parents tonight. Freak them out a bit.” I winked.
“Well they’re gonna see me in 2 weeks, and I don’t think bones heal that quickly.”
“Okay, well… have fun with that I guess.” He laughed.
“I’ll talk to you in a bit Max. Thanks for the chat.”
“Anytime, love.”
I walked back to the bus, and found Josh sat there on his laptop. I pulled it off his lap and sat down on him instead.
“Do you know what the biggest pain of being broken is?”
“What is it, love?”
“The fact that I am so fucking turned on, and I’m scared it’s gonna hurt.”
“We could always try and see.” He winked.
I got up and pulled him with me; I lead him to our bunk and lay down carefully. He didn’t try to take off my shirt, so I did that instead. He was so gentle, kissing where it hurt the most. I winced when he got to my collarbone.
“Sorry,” he whispered. “You okay?”
“Mmm,” I replied.
He kept kissing me, and touching me.
“Don’t stop,” I murmured against his mouth.
I heard someone knocking on the door. Hard.
“Guys, come on. We have a show to do.”
Fucking Matt.