Status: Posted originally on my tumblr...

Blue Eyes Don't Lie

Chapter 4.

When we got to the hotel, Charlie and I were sharing a room, and Josh was with Max. Which I was kind of glad for. I didn’t want to rush it.
“I’ll see you in the morning?” I asked him.
“You sure you don’t wanna hang out for a bit?”
“Nah, I’m really tired, but we can hang out tomorrow? Yea?”
“Yea, sure,” he smiled. “Night Liz.”
“Okay, good. Goodnight Josh,” I kissed him and turned around and went into my room.
I smiled, and fell asleep instantly.


When I woke up, I heard my phone ringing; I didn’t look when I answered, because I assumed that it was going to be my parents.
“Liz, I’m so sorry, you have to believe me.” It was Sam.
“I don’t want to fucking talk to you. You promised it wouldn’t happen again, and it did. Leave me the fuck alone.” I hung up the phone and laid there until Josh came in.
“Liz? What’s up?”
“Sam called.” I said my voice thick with tears.
“Oh. Are you okay?” I shook my head. “Right, stupid question.”
He lay down next to me and I curled up against him.
“Is there anything I can do?”
“You’re already doing it.” I said, with a massive smile on my face.
“Don’t take this the wrong way, but you need to shower, you smell like beer.”
“Wanna come?” I looked up at him. He nodded. “Too bad.” I winked.
“What! That’s not fair!”
“Oh, quit whining and get up.” I took his hand, and took him to the shower.
We both got in fully dressed and instantly became soaked. Our clothes clung to our bodies, and he brought his mouth to mine. It was one of those kisses that become deeper the longer it goes on. I pulled away.
“Taking it slow, remember?” I said, slightly out of breath. Only he managed to take my breath away.
I realized that with Sam, there was no passion, no fire. We were just… together, with no reason to be. That wasn’t love. It was what two teenagers thought was love. We didn’t belong together. I belonged with Josh. Everything about that moment became everything I wanted to hang onto. Everything I’d wanted. I just wanted to be with him more. I wanted him to not stop.
“Yea, I remember,” he said, slightly less perky.
I kissed him and pulled his shirt off.
“That’s a good look for you,” I teased.
He pulled mine off in return.
“Mucho Bueno.”
“You speak Spanish?”
“Nah, I just know words,” he laughed.
“You’re so weird.”
“Says you!”
“Uh-huh!” I couldn’t believe it. Two days ago I was with Sam, slightly unhappy. And now I was with Josh fucking Franceschi, play fighting in the shower.
“No! You’re the weird one!”
“Eurgh, no! I’m just… different! In the best way possible!”
“Exactly! You-‘’ I cut him off with a kiss.
“No. You are the weird one,” I laughed.
“And you are the sexually frustrated one,” he taunted.
“Now that’s definitely you,” I laughed.
Eventually we got out of the shower, with difficulty, and got dressed.
“You guys ready to leave?” Matt asked after he stuck his head round the door.
“Yeah,” we said laughing. We were both sat on the bed, just talking.
“So Liz, where you headed to?”
“Well I gotta take Charlie home, but after that… No idea.”
“You could come stay with me for a bit?”
“You think it would be okay?”
“Yeah, I sleep in the basement, I know, weird right?”
“No, I think it’s sweet that you still live with your parents,” I smiled as we walked out of the room. “Charlie, you ready?” She was sat with Max and Dan. I hadn’t seen Chris properly yet, apart from last night on the stage, and the drunken night in the bus.
“Yeah, sure. I’ll see you guys again soon no doubt.” She hugged them all goodbye, I told them I’d see them soon.
“I’m gonna come with you,” Josh told me. “You’re gonna need some help getting to mine afterwards.”
“Okay, I’m gonna go pee. Go wait in the car, I’ll be back soon. ‘Kay?”
“Okay, are you coming Charlie?” Josh asked. She looked at me and I gave her the look.
“Erm, no, I need to pee as well.”
“We won’t be long.” I kissed him.
As soon as he walked off, Charlie hounded me.
“You’re going to his house?!”
“Yeah, he goes to America soon, so I thought I’d spend time with him before he goes.”
“So you two are like… a couple now?”
“I suppose so? We haven’t really talked about it.”
“So have you two like… had sex?”
“NO! Well… nearly. We showered together this morning, which was nice.”
Charlie just laughed and we walked back to the car.
“You okay?” Josh asked.
“Never better,” I smiled.


“… and make a left here, and that’s my house just there.”
“It’s so cute. Josh?”
“I’m nervous. What if your parents don’t like me?”
“They will. It’s impossible for them not to.”
“Do I look okay?”
“You look beautiful.”
I smiled as we walked up to his door. I held my breath as we waited for his parents to open the door.
“Josh!” His mum was clearly delighted to have Josh home for a while.
“Hi mum, this is Liz, my girlfriend.”
“Hi Liz, lovely to meet you.”
“Lovely to meet you too Mrs. Franceschi.”
“Call me Anne,” she smiled. “Tea anyone?”
“No, thank you.”
“No thanks mum. We’re gonna go downstairs.”
“Okay, I’ll see you soon.”
He showed me down to his bedroom, and we sat down on the bed and put a film on.
“She seems to like me?”
“I think so, but she’s only just met you.”
“I don’t really feel like watching this.”
“What you wanna do?”
“Well…” I turned round and looked at him. I pulled his chin up and pressed his mouth to mine. “We could do this.” I murmured against his lips.
“I definitely prefer this,” he replied.
I lay down, and pulled him on top of me. We eventually got rid of our clothes and were left in our underwear.
“You wanna do this?” He asked.
“I-I don’t know. I still don’t think we should rush.”
“So that’s a maybe?”
“How about this…” I turned us both over so I was on top, and kissed down his body, and kept going. I pulled down his boxers, and looked up. He nodded. I ran my fingers up and down his shaft, and gripped it gently, and began to move my hands up and down. I put him in my mouth and licked his tip and then began to suck. He moaned in approval, which in turn made me moan, and the vibrations from my throat made him tense faster. I knew he was close now, the fact that he gripped the sheets told me. I kept going until he came, and he sighed. I moved up the bed next to him.
“You are amazing.”
“Are you just saying that cause of what I did?” I teased.
“No, I seriously mean it. You are amazing.”
“You’re not so bad yourself,” I winked. “Tell me one thing you think is amazing about me.”
“Just one? Erm… Your amazing personality, the fact that you are so passionate about what you believe in, and don’t stop at anything. Your turn.”
“Your eyes.” I didn’t skip a beat.
“My eyes?” He seemed confused.
“Your eyes. They’re so blue it’s unreal. I love how I can look at them and… lose myself in them. They amaze me every time I look at them.”
“You can look at them any time you want.”
“I also think the way you are so passionate about your music is amazing. And your feisty personality. Even when you’re grumpy you’re adorable.”
“I am never grumpy.”
“Lies,” I laughed, and kissed him. “You were grumpy when you woke up this morning.” He raised his eyebrows. “Max told me.”
“Ahh, Max. What are we gonna do with him?” He joked.
“Not give him caffeine?”
“That would not be possible, he’d find a way.” We both laughed.
“I feel like I’ve known you forever,” I told him. “I feel like… Like I didn’t meet you a couple of days ago, like we’ve been like this for years. It’s so strange; I’ve never had this before.”
“I know; I have that too. Did you not have it with Sam?”
“No, I realized that. I found that there was no… real connection between him and me, that there was no passion, no spark. I think we were just together because we could be, and that we were just muddled by that night that we had together. We had nothing like this. I think it’s mainly because I felt like I couldn’t trust him. I knew what he was like when I got with him, and I don’t know. I just feel like this is better.”
“I feel this is better for us too. I’m kinda glad that he did what he did. I mean, think about it. If he didn’t, you wouldn’t have met Max, and I wouldn’t have met you. And we wouldn’t be like this.”
“You make me so happy, Josh.”
“You make me happy too.”