Status: Posted originally on my tumblr...

Blue Eyes Don't Lie

Chapter 6; Josh's POV

I kissed her goodbye as she went off for her surgery. I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t want her to see me cry, because I knew she hated it. I had to sit around for hours on end, waiting for any news on how it was going. I went to the front of the building and called Max.
“Hey mate, how’s it going?”
“I’m going outta my mind. She’s in surgery. I don’t know what to do.”
“What? Mate, you never told me! What’s happening?”
“Brain tumor. Golf ball size, it’s being removed. I haven’t heard anything and it’s been 2 hours.”
“Okay, mate. I’m on my way down there now. Don’t go crazy on me, yeah?”
“Okay. I’ll see you in a few.”
The line cut out. I went back inside and up to her room. I don’t think she’d even told her parents what was happening. I sat in the chair and put the TV on a random channel. I couldn’t focus. All I could think about was her. I didn’t know what to do.
“Alright?” Max had finally turned up.
“Not really, I’m going mental with not knowing.”
“She’s gonna be fine.”
“She kept on saying that, I’m hoping your both right.” I put my head in my hands and neither of us said anything until a nurse came in.
“What happened? Is she okay?” I leapt to my feet.
“She is fine, the surgery went excellent, one of the best we’ve done to date,” she smiled. “She’ll be back up soon.”
“I told you!” Max shouted at me.
“I know,” I grinned. “Thank God for that!”
“You know, I think she is one of the most entertaining people I have ever met, the first being me, of course. She has the most colorful vocabulary and such spark…”
“Mate, I know. She’s amazing. I love her.”
“Have you told her?”
“Yes. A lot. She said she loves me too.”
“Have you two…”
“Yeah, we have.”
And then she came through the doors, still passed out on the gurney.
I had to wait for ages for her to wake up.
I saw her eyelids flutter.
“Hey, are you awake?”
She just mumbled incoherently, and then slowly opened her eyes. I leaned over and looked into them.
“I really love your eyes.” She told me. And then I kissed her.
“How are you feeling?” I asked her.
“My head fucking kills. It feels like Dan’s in there playing his shitting drums.” And Max started laughing.
“I told you mate, colorful vocabulary.” I couldn’t help myself but laugh.
“Eurgh, go find me something?” She asked.
“I’ll go get the nurse, leave you two to your love birding.” Max said, and he left the room.
As soon as he left I kissed her deeply.
“I was so worried about you.” I told her.
“I know you were; I could see it in your eyes when I woke up.”
“You know, Max thinks you’re funny.”
“Really? I’m not funny at all.”
“He mainly likes the extent that your vocabulary goes.”
“Ah, he mentioned that on the first night. I can impress you with some more, but not while people are around.” I looked up to see who she aimed the last sentence at, and saw Max had re-entered with the nurse.
“Ooh, that sounds tempting,” Max winked. “Maybe when you’re feeling better. Don’t want you to hurt yourself thinking of all the words you could impress me with.”
“Go back to sleep, love. We’ll talk again when you feel better.”
The nurse had given her some morphine and she was slightly drowsy, so I thought the best thing for her was sleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for taking forever! I've been really busy, but I hope you enjoy :)