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Blue Eyes Don't Lie

Chapter 8;

We left for America a few days earlier than we needed to. We wanted to check it out for a bit, before all the travelling, and tried to get adjusted to the time change. It was more difficult for me than it was for the guys, I mean, they’d been loads of times before, so they didn’t have much trouble. There was also another problem. With me being 18, I couldn’t drink out there, so I couldn’t really go to bars with them, I also wasn’t allowed to drink because of the surgery, and the fact I was still on the medication. So when the guys went out for drinks, I sat in the hotel room by myself. Josh asked every night if I wanted him to stay with me. I always said no. I wasn’t here to distract him from the band, even if it is just drinks. The whole point of me being here was that he didn’t have to worry. He almost never came back drunk. I always slept with him. We were hardly ever apart. And that was exactly the way we wanted it to be.
It was the day before the tour started and Josh and the boys were going out for drinks.
“Are you sure you don’t want me to stay?” He asked me.
“Josh, just go. The tour starts tomorrow. I’ve got stuff here to keep me busy; I gotta pack up all our shit and things like that. I’ll be fine. Don’t worry about it. Go.”
“Maybe I’ll stay tonight; we can have our own pre-tour party…” He whispered
“Later. Now go, before I go and get Dan.”
“Dan doesn’t scare me,” he said. “I’d honestly rather stay with you.”
“Seriously Josh, do whatever you want, just don’t let me being here distract you.”
“I do just wanna be here with you, I’m gonna tell the guys that I’ll be staying in tonight. I gotta rest my voice anyway.”
If I was being completely honest, I was kinda fed up of Josh babying me. I was 18 for Christ’s sake. I didn’t need to be watched like a toddler. I loved Josh, I really did, but with him being a constant in my life, and I hadn’t had a day without him since the day I met him. I knew that after America, they were going to Indonesia and then Australia. I had to tell him that after the America tour I was gonna go home, and then see him again after Australia. I had to know what it was like to really miss someone I loved. I had to bring it up somehow, without hurting his feelings.
“They say it’s cool, they’re not really going out tonight anyway, which I think is just bollocks to make me feel better.”
“Okay, Josh, we need to have a chat.”
“I have a feeling this is gonna be one of those serious conversations…”
“It is. It’s how I’m gonna go home after this tour.”
“Are you… breaking up with me?” He asked; he looked like he was going to cry.
“No! Of course not! I love you Josh! And that’s why I need to go home. I need to see what it’s like to miss someone I really love.”
“Oh, okay. I understand now.” He crossed the room and kissed me. “I do understand; when will I see you again?”
“Australia? Or when you come back.”
“I’d prefer Australia, but whatever suits you.”
I was glad we’d had that conversation and he seemed to understand where I was coming from. He knew I loved him, and he knew that I hated being away from him.
“So, what do you wanna do tonight?” I asked.
“We could stay here? Watch a film or something?”
“As long as we don’t actually watch it…” I replied as I brought his mouth to mine.
“That is fine by me,” he murmured against my lips.
He moved me over to the bed, and gently laid me down on it, and lay down on top of me. I pushed his shirt off, and he pulled mine off in return. He kept kissing me, all over my body, face, neck, chest and stomach. I rolled over so I was straddling him. I kissed down his chest and stomach to his trousers. I undid them and pulled them down, and he was laying there in his boxers. I pulled those down as well. I could see his member, throbbing. I wrapped my hands around it, and started to move them up and down. I took my thumb and lightly ran it over his tip, and he moaned, lightly biting his lip. I then placed him in my mouth and began to suck. He gripped the sheets tightly, and looked up at the ceiling, trying not to come.
“Just let go,” I murmured, and the vibrations in my throat made him come instantly into my mouth.
I crawled up the bed next to him, and he kissed me, and then placed himself in between my legs, but kissed down my body, coming to my panties. He took those off and started playing with my clit. It was annoying me.
“Josh,” I moaned.
“Shh, love.” He then thrust two fingers inside me.
I moaned as he did so, it felt so good. I wanted him to move them faster; I began to move my hips with his hand, forcing him to enter me more. He shoved another finger inside, which felt amazing. I was really close and I know he could feel how close I was.
“Just let go,” he told me, and I couldn’t hold on any more.
“Shit, Josh!” I moaned at my climax.
He didn’t waste a single second. Once that was over, he pushed himself inside of me, pushing deeper than he’d ever gone before, which made me moan. I could see he was trying not to come again, but I was already close. All I could think about was him pulling out and pushing in. It felt so good; he’d never taken me this high before. He kept touching me; I’d never seen him like this before.
“J-Josh,” I whimpered.
“I-I know,” he moaned back.
And then we both came. It was pure satisfaction for both of us.
We lay there, just kissing each other, and touching.
“I love you,”
“I love you, too.” I smiled.
“I’m gonna miss you when you go home.”
“We still have this whole tour, and even when we’re apart it’s for 2 weeks.”
“Yeah, I guess,” he pouted.
“Oi! No. No pouting!” He pouted even more. “It makes you seem like a 5 year old.”
“You love it.” He winked.
“Mmm, I do.” I smiled.
By this time, it was about 1am, so we decided to sleep, well… he decided to sleep. I just couldn’t. I kept thinking about all the ‘what if’s’ and it wasn’t a good thing for me to think about. I didn’t get any sleep. By the time Josh woke up. I had been lying there, staring at the ceiling for 9 hours.
“Morning, are you okay?”
“Morning. Yeah… are you?”
“Yeah, did you get any sleep last night?”
“No, not really.”
“You can’t keep doing that Liz. You need your sleep.”
“I can’t help it.”
“What’s on your mind?”
“Everything. I keep thinking about what I’m gonna do when I’m at home. I’ll probably have to see people again. Like my old friends. I haven’t really spoken to anyone since before the surgery. I spoke to Charlie once or twice, but I feel like I’m drifting away from everyone. I’m thinking ‘what if I go home and nobody likes me anymore?’ or ‘what if I go home and everyone hates me because I’m with you?’ I just don’t like… I don’t know.”
“It’ll be fine. Liz, you can’t keep thinking about stuff you don’t know. Just please, stop worrying.”
He kissed me, and instantly I stopped worrying.
“I’ll try,” I smiled. “You’re the only one who can make me forget everything.”
He smiled, “you do the same for me.”
We kissed, and there was a knock at the door.
“Hey guys, are you ready to get on the road?” It was Dan.
“One sec, just getting dressed.” Josh yelled.


We were in Chicago, it was the second show of the tour, and everything was going good. The guys knew I was going home after the tour. I was quite sad, but I knew it was the right thing for me to do. To give the guys some space to do what they needed to do. Max and I had become quite close in the last few weeks, which was good; I had a best friend on this tour, as well as Josh. I didn’t really see much of Chris, and when I did, he was always really quiet, but I guess that’s just him. Matt had also become quite a good friend on tour, he kept trying to teach me bass, but I got bored easily, and frustrated when I didn’t get it right. Dan… well he was just Dan. We talked a bit, but we weren’t as close. We enjoyed teasing each other, and had a laugh. I guess I had to accept the fact that these were my boys now. And pretty much all I had left. The crew were nice to me as well, which was good, the fact that they talked to me when the boys were on stage was nice.
Anyway, in Chicago, we were planning on having a little drinks session in the tour bus after the show, which I was quite excited for, as I’d finished the medication cycle, so I could drink again. Before show time, Josh took me into the small bathroom and kissed me deeply.
“Josh,” I warned.
“Just… one? Before stage?”
I answered by kissing him, and taking off his shirt. We were quickly undressed, and he pulled my leg around his hip. He entered me quickly, and didn’t waste time. He pulled my leg higher around him, allowing him to go deeper inside me. I gasped with pleasure. I was close, and he could tell. He went faster, which made me moan loudly. I began to tense up around him, he could feel it, and I could feel him tensing up, and we both came. He kissed me and we got dressed.