Status: Just Started.

No Regrets.

Every Wall That's Up Must Come Down.

I stood in front of the mirror, and made sure I was fit for work. Roman walked out of the bathroom and smiled at me; he was carrying his IPod and had his headphones in. I couldn’t help but think of how adorable he looked.

“Babe?” Roman questioned.

I turned to face him, “Yes?”

He was sitting on the bed, “Why don’t you like listening to Kennedy’s band?”

I was stumped; I didn’t know how to answer the question without revealing anything about John. Roman knew about the relationship I had with John, he just didn’t know that it was John. All I ever told him was that it was one of Kennedy’s friends. He never put two and two together, thankfully.

I shrugged, “I don’t know, I like listening, they’re just not necessarily my favorite.”

That was a lie. I couldn’t bear listen to them, because I would hear John. It was hard enough to hear him on the phone when I talk to Kennedy; I don’t think I could make it through a song without crying. His voice was always amazing, when he sang to me my heart melted. I snapped out of my depressing thoughts and stepped out of the room.

I made two bowls of cereal and handed Roman his. He sat at the table and ate his cereal; I stayed and ate at the counter.

“I’ll be home early today.” He stated.

I nodded, “I should be home at three.”

The two of us had two completely different jobs; he worked as an intern at a law firm, and I was an assistant marketer. Roman placed his dish in the sink and grabbed my hand. He pulled me into a hug and kissed my forehead. After a few seconds I pulled away and placed a soft kiss on his lips.

I walked towards the door, “I’ll see you this afternoon.”

He waved goodbye and I was out the door in seconds. Once I was out of the apartment building, I hailed a cab. The ride to work seemed to take forever; that was the cause of New York traffic. My desk was piled with papers and folders, I groaned and sat down. A cup of coffee was set on my desk and I glanced back and thanked Chloe; the other assistant marketer.

The folders were finally filed and all of the paper work had been signed. I answered my last phone call and was able to transfer it to my boss. I stood up and looked at the clock 3:48; I was almost an hour late. I left the building and hailed another cab; we stopped at an AT&T store and I finally got another cell phone. Back in the cab, I saved Roman’s and Ken’s numbers; I texted Roman to let him know that I was on my way home.

I texted Ken as well, ‘Hey, it’s Kay.’

He immediately replied, ‘It’s about time. What’s up?’

The cab stopped in front of my apartment and I paid him. I slipped off my coat as I waited in the elevator.

‘I just got home from work. And you?’ The elevator dinged and I stepped out and walked towards my apartment.

‘Just driving around Jersey.’ He replied.

I opened the door and placed my coat on the rack next to the door.

“Babe is that you?” Roman called from the living room.

“Yes, why were you expecting someone else?” I questioned jokingly.

I took a few steps and almost cried when I saw the scene in front of me. There sitting on my couch was Kennedy, Garrett, Pat, and Jared.

Kennedy stood up and pulled me into a hug, I held him tight.

“You said you were in Jersey.” I stated, still in his grasp.

He chuckled, “I know, I lied.”

Ken let go, he allowed Jared and Pat to hug me. According to Roman, the three had barely been there for a few minutes before I walked through the door; which meant he had little time to talk to them.

“Where’s John?” Roman wondered aloud.

I was in the kitchen cooking for everyone. They glanced at me; I was frantically shaking my head. The guys understood, therefore making up an excuse.

“He wasn’t feeling well.” Jared stated.

I smiled and mouthed a ‘thank you’ to them. The steak was ready and the five of us sat at the dinner table and ate. Roman and I questioned them on the tour and what it was like.

“Did I mention that we’re staying here for a few days?” Kennedy asked.

I smiled, “Really; which hotel?”

The guys chuckled, but Kennedy continued, “I said here.”

I nodded, “Well we have the extra bedroom and the couch.”

“Yeah, we already put our stuff up.” Ken stated.

As everyone finished their food, I washed the dishes; Roman helped the guys settle in. A knock on the door pulled me away from the dishes. I racked my brain trying to figure out who in the world would be coming over. I figured it was most likely one of Romans co-workers. My shoes got caught on my skirt and I almost fell into the door, I kicked them off. Finally, I got to the door. I opened it and froze.

“I-I, what are you doing here?” I gasped.

There he stood in the doorway, looking just as I did.

“I don’t know.” His voice rang through my head.

Every image of him that I had pushed to the back of my mind emerged.

I finally chocked up enough courage, “John you have to go.”

He nodded; before he could turn around Roman was calling him in.

“John, come on in.” He called from behind me.

John glanced at me with his eyebrow raised.

“He doesn’t know.” I whispered.

Roman laced his hand with mine, and led me back into the living room. I glanced back at John, who was now trailing behind us. Every part of me was crumbling down. These past four years I spent building up walls against John, trying to forget all the things about him. But now, here he is, haunting me in my house.
♠ ♠ ♠

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