Status: Active

Flight 1D Down.

Chapter One: Congratulations Casey!

Congratulations Casey Williams!

You are a winner of the Flight Start Contest! You and 2 other winners will be flying down to the Caribbean Islands for a relaxing weekend of luxury! With you and our 2 other winners, will be the Wolrd's Most Famous Boyband One Direction! Your flight will be leaving this Friday, which should give you enough time to pack and get ready for your trip! Congrats again Casey!


Flying Start

I couldn't take it! I couldn't believe it! I won! HOLY CRAP!! The email was actually a lot longer, but i skipped over a few parts. i was just so excited!! i shoved my laptop off my lap and ran out of my room and down the hall.

"MOOOOOOOOOM!!!! MOM! MOOOOOOOOOM! MOMMY!!!! MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!!!!!" i yelled at the top of my lungs trying to find my mother. i couldn't contain my excitement! i ran into the kitchen almost slipping because i was wear a pair of fuzzy socks. I saw a note on the counter that read:


Went out to breakfast with Bill. Be back later.


Seriously? I rolled my eyes at the note and threw it away. Bill was my Mom's boyfriend. I had nothing against, he was actually pretty cool. My mom and dad got divorced when I was 11 and my Mom started dating Bill when i was 13. If it gives you any description, Bill looks like Matthew McConaughey, but acts like Robin Williams. I find that funny because my last name is Williams.

Its a lovey Monday morning, and i make myself a bowl of cereal and sit on the couch in the living room and watch Spongebob. And its my favorite episode! its the one where Spongebob teaches Patrick and Squidward how to blow a bubble. Ya know with the technique!

When i finished my cereal, i already start packing! i packed few cute swimsuits, like i have a blue and white striped one, and a pink one with white Hawaiian flowers. Don't forget the matching towel! I pack all the major necessities like sunblock, bug spray and all that jazz. I used to be a girl scout so i was always prepared! I packed a few water bottles as well, just in case we actually have to pay for drinks on the plane, though I'm sure you don't have to.

I swear i packed so much, its not even funny. I logged onto twitter and decided to share the fact that i won the Flying Start contest to my followers. I actually have a lot for being not famous or anyone special. I mean i guess you could say me and my two best friends were popular, but also, not really at the same time. I didn't really find anything special about myself. Sure i have a pretty nice house, and a lot of good clothes, but i mean Me, myself. I was 5'4 1/2" and had dirty blond hair that ended just below my tits. speaking of tits...lets just say they re bigger than most of my friends. But i don't really brag about. i sometimes wish they were smaller, because some outfits look better on people that don't have size D boobs. But its whatever, I just go with it. But my two best friends are probably the most gorgeous girls on the planet!

Seriously! Evelyn is 5'7" and super skinny! She could be a Victoria's Secret Angel! She has a nice complection and is pretty tan, when im not that tan. She and beautiful brown hair and the prettiest brown eyes! Seriously, i get so jealous of her because some of the HOTTEST guys ask her out. But shes not shallow like that. Shes more down-to-Earth than of all 3 of us, she is probably the most laid back.

Cody is gorgeous too! Oh my lord!! She has long, light brown, wavy hair and the most beautiful green eyes, next to Harry Styles of course. Cody keeps all 3 of us together. All 3 of us are so different in our personalities, that we're the same! Cody is the edgy one, like a rocker chick! She can sometimes be a bitch, but only she needs to be. and Evelyn is the girly one, where i am..well i don't know. I'm probably the most realistic, but a lot of people always say how sweet and caring i am. I guess they are right. I always did a lot of community service back when i was in Girl Scouts. Evelyn and i are pretty athletic too. She does lacrosse, and i do tennis and soccer! i love it so much. But all 3 of us do a lot in music, its what keeps us sane.

i signed onto twitter like i was going to before i got sidtracked about how beautiful my friends are and how im just ordinary.

CaseyWilliams1D: Hey everyone!! guess what?? I WON THE FLYING START CONTEST!!! #yeahbuddy #tittysprinkles

@1DAll_the_way: @CaseyWilliams1D OMG NO WAY!! SO JELLY!! TELL THE BOYS I SAID HI!

@TheBoysOverLife: @CaseyWilliams1D ARE YOU SERIOUS?!?!? NO WAY!!!

@Mrs_Styles: @CaseyWilliams1D Go die bitch!! you don't deserve to meet them!!! stupid c**t!

My mentions almost exploded as soon as i hit the send button. Some were nice..and others not so much. But they were just jealous. This Friday, I get to meet One Direction, and I'm not gonna lie, I was looking forward to meeting one in particular. But let's face it, there's no way he'd like me. I'm ordinary..and he's..well, he's Louis Tomlinson.

I called Evelyn and Cody right after i tweeted but neither of them answered. Evelyn must have been out on a run and Cody was doing god knows what. Damn, I know they signed up too but the chances of them getting picked as well were very I wondered how they would take the news of my winning. Would they be happy for me?

I was sitting on my bed rereading the email because I skipped over some stuff because I was in awe on how this was happening to me! I've always wanted to meet One Direction, I felt like we could actually be friends. Cody, Evelyn and I all felt that way. I guess its because we aren't like other fans. We all fell in love with their music, their looks are just like the prize in the bottom of the cereal box, not needed but much appreciated.

I was about to go take a shower when i got a text from Cody saying:

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