Status: still in progress

The Ebony Secret


She fell asleep quickly, and her dream started in a dark green forest. She walked around cautiously, afraid of every leaf.

“Alexis?”, a familiar voice sounded.

Lassirra sat on an old stump, Ghusoon, tethered in her hand beside her.

“Yes?”, Alexis answered.

“Come”, Lassirra said.

Alexis walked nervously over to the stump where she sat with the small deer, and sat in the grass next to it, looking at Lassirra.

But then Alexis started to fade away from her surroundings. The leaves were dissolving, as well as Lassirra and Ghusoon.

“Lassirra?!” she called into the blurry forest. “What's happening?”

Then Alexis saw black. Just black, but after a few seconds, she saw pinpricks of light. Then the world was rushed into the darkness as soon as it had left.

Now, Alexis wasn't in a forest like the one where she left Lassirra and Ghusoon. She was in a vast meadow that seemed to have no end. The grass was a shade of green that Alexis had never seen before, exceedingly bright yet it seemed so natural to her eyes. She heard the wind flowing through it, sounding like light rain.

“Excuse me Miss.”

Alexis heard a voice behind her, masculine with a thick Irish brogue. She turned around, and was slightly startled to see a small man, maybe four inches at most, standing on a small boulder behind her. He had flame-colored hair and was wearing a suit that was dark green, like moss.

“Um, hello.” Alexis said. This can't be the fairy, she thought, he doesn't have wings.

“Ay Alexis. Maeve, me lady, sent me down 'ere to speak to ya.”

“Hello,” Alexis said, “I don't mean to be rude, but, you don't really seem like, you know, a fairy.”

“Ay, yes, Alexis. Me name's Seamus. I'm a leprechaun. The Irish fairy folk. We're wingless, ya see?”

Alexis nodded.

“Where are we?” she asked.

“In the Irish dreamland. Little Irish girls and Irish boys go off to 'ere when they get all sleepy. Now, what I's here for's to show ya this.” Seamus waved his small hands in a way that made it look like he was opening a curtain.

In front of them now, Alexis saw small houses, clearly occupied, for there was smoke coming out the chimneys and there were lights glowing inside. She smelled fresh bread being baked and heard the laughter of children.

Then, quickly, the sun began to set. Children brought in their fun and games, and soon enough, all that Alexis and Seamus could see were the lighted windows, glowing gold with the light of old oil lamps.

Eventually, someone in the house opened the front door. Light poured onto the beautiful grass. Who appeared to be the mother of the children said something to one of the small, redheaded girls. She left the room, and came back with a smooth wooden bowl.

“What's in that bowl?” Alexis asked Seamus.

“Milk 'n honey. We fairies love our milk 'n honey.” Seamus said.

The girl took the bowl and put it on the doorstep. The mother than kissed her head, sent the children off to bed, and closed the door. Alexis was curious to see what would happen to the bowl of milk and honey.

After a few minutes, the lights were all out in the house, and strange things started to happen. Alexis was sure that she could hear playful laughter. Little figures started to gather around the steps. Then, they climbed them and drank out of the bowl.

“What's this supposed to teach me?” Alexis whispered.

Then, the houses, the other leprechauns, and the bowl was gone. It was daytime again.

“Alexie, that 'ere teaches ya, simply, that if ya be good to our folk, we might help ya, ya see? Simple rule in life for ya. Maeve wanted this one to be the first, so ya know what t' do if ya need a 'lil help.”

Alexis smiled, thinking about the things she could possibly fix using this tip. She turned to Seamus.

“Is that it then, Seamus?”

“Ay there, Miss, yes it is. Now I guess I'll best let ya go now.”

Once again, Alexis' surroundings began to fade again. This time, they quickly rippled out, like a bowl of milk and honey.