Stay Young

girl you are my lemon bright

I had just got everything set up in my new apartment on main street, which happened to be right outside of my university campus. My apartment was a lovely 1 bed-roomed apartment with a small kitchen and a living room out looking the busy streets of Florida.

There were beaches every where. And it was going to be like summer paradise all year the tempeture is Florida never went below freezing and coming from Canada all I was used to was the cold. Of course it got hot in the summer but that was only for like 4 months and then I would be freezing my ass off the rest of the year. I was excited to experience my first snowless winter as much a winter is beautiful it's life sucking all you want to do in winter is sleep and read sad book by the fire, well that's what I wanted to do...

After straightening out a few things in my quite empty apartment I left to explore town. The city was hustling and bustling people we're zooming off place to place. I wasn't into shopping so I decided to head the direction I was assuming that would lead me to the beach. The closer I got to the beach the more crowded it seemed. I could hear people cheering for someone. There had to be something good going on if people we're cheering.

There was a clump or people crowded around something by the board walk. As I heard the "oh's" And "aw's" I gathered it was a street perfromer trying to get closer to see what was going on.

I walked right into something when I was blindly trying to get closer stumbling backwards and hitting the ground. "Dammit" I mumbled to my self.

"I'm so sorry" I said picking my self up and brushing my dirty hand off on my jeans
"'It's fine it was my fault I didn't see you. In my defence your really short." A chuckle escape a tall, long bedhead haired ginger.
"Think Margaret say words, be funny, say something" I was yelling at my self internally In truth I was kind befuddled by his good looks.
"I'm not sure me being short makes up for me falling." I smirked hoping it was a proper remark in this stituation I always had so much trouble with talking with people. I'm just too awkward.
"Will coffee make up for it?"
"uh, why not?" did he just ask me on a date...

" I'm Travis by the way"
"Margaret" I said. He seemed kinda cute, and looked friendly so why not get some coffee.
"So where you from Margaret? Don't sound like you're from here."
"I'm from upper Kingston, Ontario in Canada"
"Nice, so do you speak French?"
"Not really" I laughed " I never quite caught on. I only know the basics."
"So you just moved here for the school year, I'm guessing?"
"Yeah just got my place all set up I was learning the city before I walked straight into you, which I'm really sorry about"
" I'm not sorry" He said smiling "gald I meet you today. How 'bout we go get some coffee now."
" Yeah, but only if you're buying I joked.
"Of course." Travis smiled biting his lip ring and taking my hand.
♠ ♠ ♠
Comment please! No one likes a silent reader.

Originally posted on my old quizzaz account but I'm re-writing it and posting it here. (: