Status: The Doctor has falling

Bowties Are Cool!


The Doctor POV’S:
We flew for five minute before stopping. River was sulking and Amy and Rory where shouting at her. ‘You don’t go around trying to kill people, River,’ Amy said and River rolled her eyes. ‘Don’t roll your eyes at your mother,’ Rory yelled. Ghoul came out again and walked down the stairs. He avoided looked at River and walked over to me. ‘What happened,’ I asked and Ghoul frowned. ‘Well she beat them up,’ he said.

‘Kobra arm is broking in three places, his nose is bleeding, his got a black eye and two of his rips maybe are broking.’ I bit my lip and said ‘and Party?’ ‘O,’ Ghoul said obviously pissed off, ‘His in a coma.’ ‘A coma,’ I said and turned to River. ‘You put him in a coma,’ I shouted. River bit her lip and said ‘I didn’t plan to hurt him that much. Ghoul turned to her and spat ‘Well you did and now my best friend is going to die.’ ‘You don’t know that for sure,’ I said and Ghoul replied ‘His heart nearly stopped, his isn’t breathing properly, we need to get to our doctor friend.’

Ghoul ran over to the doors and threw them opening. Rory ran over to him and said ‘I’m a nurse, I can take a look and get a better opinion.’ Ghoul stared at him and said ‘You’re a nurse?’ Rory sighed and said ‘Yes I’m a nurse, do you want me to look at your friends or not.’ Ghoul nodded and they walked up the stairs. Before they entered the room, Ghoul shot River a poisonous looked and said ‘you can tell his wife and kid what happened,’ and walked in. Amy and I stared at River before I asked ‘Why River, Why did you beat them up?’

River sighed and said ‘There the Fabulous Killjoys.’ We stared at her and Amy asked ‘The Fabulous Killjoys? Who are they?’ I frowned and said ‘The Killjoys where a terrorist group in the 21 century, properly one of the most deadly and The Fabulous Killjoy.’ I stopped for a minute to scratch the back of my head and then continued ‘where the leaders.’

Amy stared at me and said’ terrorised!’ I nodded and she said ‘but there so nice and friendly and River doesn’t have the right too…’ ‘I didn’t beat them up ‘cause there terrorised,’ River stared. ‘Why then,’ Amy cut in. River looked at her feet and for the first time, I saw her as Melody Pond not River Song. Melody Pond: the lost little girl. ‘I run into some Killjoy once, they robbed me blinded… I promised myself that if I ever met any more, I would get revenge.’ She looked up, with tears in her eyes and mumbled ‘I’m sorry I just didn’t think…’ Amy shouted over her ‘No you did and all the shit that’s about to happening is your fault!’
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Ok, sorry for the wait, i'm on holidays...

Time to get serious. They story has only a few part left, i did write it a couple of months ago... So my question is: What should i write next. i do have two other fan fic started on is site that i have to finished but what can i posted between parts on those. I do have three finished story that are Killjoy base that i will edit and can posted... but i'm not sure if that what you want.

Please comment on this even if you want something really different like a Ferard, no wait please no Ferard. ANYTHING but that!