Save You Tonight

I Wanna Save You

The fitting took longer than possible; I never meet a bunch of rowdy boys like them. I couldn’t even count the amount of times I rolled my eyes over the past two hours. I didn’t have any help for Michelle throughout the fitting and styling, seeing how she was still in her fan girl trance. I swear she was worse than my younger sister. I was currently assessing the outfit I pieced together for the most sensible one of the group; I believe his name was Liam I wasn’t too sure.

He was currently standing up on the small circular stage in the middle of the room. I made a turning motion with my hand, and he followed direction doing a slow spin so I was able to take in completely how the outfit I choose for him looked. I wrinkled my nose slightly before walking over the clothes rack that was located behind me. I plucked a deep maroon blazer with black trimming before returning to the band boy member. I handed him the new blazer, and he handed me the navy blue one he had on prior. I walked around the small stage this time, taking in the new addition to his outfit, and I couldn’t help but allow a smile at the finished product.

“Perfect” I beamed, clapping lightly in excitement.

He turned his attention to the mirror located on the wall to his right side before turning to me shooting me a smile and thumbs up. I took that as a sign that he liked the final product. He stepped down and made his way over to the dressing room to switch back to the outfit he originally had come in. I walked over to the white leather couch in the corner over the room and plopped down into it. A loud sigh left my lips as I threw my head back onto the cool material I was resting on. Finding five perfect outfits for five different boys with different styles in such a short amount of time was extremely tiring. I seriously needed a gold medal for achieving what I just achieved.

I sat up straight in the couch when I heard the opening of the dressing room door. The Liam lad walked over to me, the clothes lying across his outstretched arm. I flashed him a quick smile before taking the clothes and hanging it on the last wire hanger before placing it inside a black garment bag. I laid the garment bag across my arm and went to reach for the other four that were lying across the couch, but I was beat to it by a pale semi-hairy male arm. I shot Liam a genuine grateful smile, before motioning for him to follow me back to the front of the store where Michelle and the rest of the boy band was.

When I entered the front room, the sight caused my jaw to fall to the floor. The blonde hair boy was behind the cash register taking care of a customer, the one with quiff styled jet black hair was laying near a rack of clothes texting, the sailor looking boy was dancing around to the radio and Michelle was just sitting on a chair starring at the all. I glanced around the room one more time, counting the boys that were in front of me and came up with a total of three. Wasn’t there another one? I shook my head before making a bee-line over towards where Michelle was in la-la land. God couldn’t she keep it together? They were just a silly boy band for Pete sake, if they were someone like Maroon 5 that would be completely different, but they weren’t so they were no reason for her to be going gaga for these boy-banders.

“Michelle!” I shouted in her air, causing her to jump a foot into the air and almost fall out of her chair, “what the hell are you doing just sitting here, your suppose to be watching over the store why the hell is one of these teeny-boopers helping a customer at a store you suppose to be watching over. Michelle so help me god if you don’t snap out of it and get your head out of boy band heaven I will take your whole Doctor Who DVDs and burn them all!”

Michelle looked up at me in shock and so did the boys. I guess I got all of their attention because my voice got louder and more high pitched as my rant went on. I wasn’t one to get riled up but my red-haired friend was testing my patient. She starred at me a little more before jumping out of her seat and made her way to the customer that walked in. I smirked in triumph, she knew I wasn’t joking about her burning her Doctor Who series set, it was a common threat I used on her whenever I had to remind her she needed to do something, even if she didn’t want to do it.
“Someone has their knickers in a bunch” a new voice said.

I turned around, seeing saw the missing curly hair direction boy, shooting him a scowl and was responded with a wide dimpled smile. I rolled my eyes at him before walking over to the rack we kept clothes picked from fittings and styling’s, and placed the black garment on it. They weren’t brining them home as they informed me earlier because their management was afraid they would forgot to bring the clothes with them to a photo shoot they had tomorrow before the premiere. When Liam placed the other bags on the rack I turned to face the other boys. Before I could say anything my phone started to ring, taking it out my pocket I rolled my eyes at who was calling me before pressing decline.

“Well it was really interesting styling you guys, this is the time where we part ways” I said, offering them a business smile.

“We’re going to miss you” The sailor boy ran over scooping me in a hug, causing me to gasp out.

“Louis off the poor bird, your scaring her” Liam said swatting at the other boys arm.

“Sorry love” Louis said sheepishly, releasing me from his death hold.

Liam walked over to me and offered me a friendly hug; I couldn’t help but cave in seeing how he was a perfect lad throughout the entire styling often helping me keep the other boys in check when they would get to crazy. Not wanting to be left out the Blonde hair boy and the quiffed hair boy I hugged them also after they walked over towards me.

“What about my hug, better yet I’d liked your number” The curly hair boy said with a cheeky grin, waving his phone at me

I flicked my eyes over to him scowling slighting before flipping my hair over my shoulder. I didn’t personally want to give him a hug, and I definitely didn’t want to give him my number. I don’t care if he’s some major popstar that doesn’t mean I would just hand my number over to him. I began to walk away from the boys to go to the back room to grab my purse, so I can go on a well deserved lunch break. I didn’t get too far before a hand grabbed my wrist pulling me back towards them, causing me to lose my balance crashing into their chest and dropping my phone in result. I guess the impact of my unexpected weight crashing into them caused them to drop their phone also because I heard another soft thud on the carpeted floor as they wrapped there arm around me to keep me upright.

I looked up and was met with a pair stunning green eyes. He shot me a cheeky grin, his dimples poking out more. I almost smiled and reached to poke his dimples, I was a sucker for dimples, but instead I rolled my eyes once again and pushed him off me. He didn’t protest as I pushed him off of me; just shot me a satisfied smirk as if to say ‘I got my hug’. He was the first to reach down and pick up his phone, done to Liam calling him said some guy name Phil was there to pick them up. I waved slightly to them as they left the store and they did the same thing to me, except for Harry who shot me a wink. I shot him the middle finger, since I no longer had to be polite, but it only caused him to chuckle before he exited the store.

I reached down and picked up my phone before searching around to find Michelle. I found her towards the right side of the store still helping a female customer. Following up on my plan, that got interrupted by the cheeky curly hair bloke; I went to the back to grab my purse. I called out to Michelle that I was taking my lunch break. She shouted back an okay as I made my way out the door.

It didn’t take me long to reach where I was going, seeing how it was located across the street from where the Boutique was. I quite happy when I walked inside the Sandwich Shack to see that it was basically abandoned, when it was usually packed and I had to wait a while to get my order. It wasn’t long before I had my usual order of a Chicken Panini and a bag of crisp. I was just taking a seat in a corner both when my phone started vibrating in my blazer pocket. I check the caller ID and noticed I was getting a call from my own phone.

“Hello?” I asked, my eyebrow scrunching in confusion.

“’Ello love” a now familiar accent, “it seems like you have my phone”

“Your phone? Excuse me I’m pretty sure this is my phone.” I replied.

“Yes, my phone seems like I picked up the wrong phone when they dropped. Look at the right corner of the phone and you’ll see a scratch” He replied, I can picture the smirk on his face.

I pulled the phone back and sure enough the phone had a scratch. “I want my phone back now”

“Already ahead of you babe, I’m outside the shop” He said.

“I’m in the Sandwich Shake across the street I’ll see you outside” I hung up the phone.

I quickly made my way outside and stood in front of the store. I crossed my arms on my chest and tapped my feet impatiently as I waited for him to cross the street. If he would have just kept his hands to himself I wouldn’t be standing here, instead I’d be inside feeding my raging stomach. The curly haired singer, slowly made his way over to me I swear he was doing it just to torture me. When he was in front of me, he didn’t say anything he just stood there smirking at me. I shot him a glare, not having time for his games.

“Can I have my phone?” I scowled at him, handing his on to him.

“Not without a proper hug love.” He said, cheeky grin on his face

I rolled my eyes and let out a loud sigh and decided to give into his demand this time, it not like I’ll have to deal with him ever again. I nodded my head, given him the green light. He gripped my waist and pulled my flush against his body, causing me to gasp out and place a hand against him chest to stop us from completely colliding with each other. He wrapped his arms around my waist and brought me closer to him, leaving me no choice but to wrap my arms around his neck to complete hug.

I leaned my head on his shoulder lightly and was filled with the smell of cocoanut and Burberry cologne. A small smile tugged on lips, his hug actually felt nice. When he pulled back he had a wide grin on his lips, making him look almost childlike. I couldn’t help but laugh at him, who would think a simple hug would get him to look like a little kid on Christmas. He pulled my phone from his back pocket and placed it in my hand, when I was about to pull my hand away when he once again grabbed my wrist and pulled me against him again. This time I looked up at him in confusion. He just smiled before leaning down so his mouth was near my eye.

“Until next time, Coraline.” He kissed my cheek softly before walking over to a black Audi.

I stared after him in shock; I lifted my hand to my right cheek that was now tingling from where his lips had touched my red cheeks. He looked back and shot me a wink which brought me out of my small trance. I narrowed my eyes at him before shooting him the finger. He just smirked as he climbed into the car. I stayed in the same spot he left me in until he drove off. I shook my head mentally slapping myself for acting like Michelle as I made my way back inside the Shack to finish my lunch.
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