Status: Finished Story, Please Enjoy!

No Peace for the Wicked

No Peace for the Wicked: Chapter 21

My legs were burning, I had been running so long. I couldn’t believe Tadlin and Kyjuan were still after me. It seemed so strange. They must’ve been tired as well. I remembered Alla from last year. How she chased me, how she wanted to rip me into shreds. Carmella was so much like her, it seemed.
Across the mountainy surfaces, I tripped, fell, and hit my face. What’s with me and tripping? I slowly managed to get back up, but my face hurt. I was trying to run, but I couldn’t, so I took a jolting turn that lead into a cave. I hid there.
I tried to cover up my cave. It wasn’t hard, I had to squeeze myself in, so it wasn’t that noticeable.
I took several breathes. “Loren’s hiding somewhere.” Kyjuan’s voice emerged.
“I know. Where else could she have gone?”
“What do you want to do?”
 “Wait. It’s not like she’s not going to come out, the GameMakers will have to do something for all of us to fight.”
“Do you want to break apart in a--”
I was in there for not even 5 minutes--and it started crumbling. Several rocks were hitting me. My first thought was Seriously?
I dug and dug out on the area. I barely had enough room for my own body, I was muddy, dirty and bleeding.
I got out, but just in time. I saw Kyjuan and Tadlin. “There!” Kyjuan said.
Tadlin pulled out a knife in about 2 or 3 seconds and chucked it at my head. I dodged, and it hit the mountain. Behind me the mountain started crumbling. The heat then was unbearable, like before. I started to run. The whole arena was starting to crumble. I saw giant mountains go down, the ground fall in, different hills go down. Rocks fell, mountains fell.
What are they doing? I thought. We can’t all die!
A new hurricane swept in. I could hear Carmella’s scream. The whole place was flooding faster than anything I’d seen, even last year when the arena flooded. Lightning came down, almost hitting me. Luckily I was turned away from it so I didn’t see the blinding lights.
People are still out to kill, I thought. You have to go.
Then I saw a flash of lightning, kind of off in the distance. A scream erupted, echoing across the arena. A cannon fired. It was a male scream, so it wasn’t Carmella.
My eyes were blurred by an ocean wave that came plunging towards me.
For a minute, I was underwater. My mind was blurring, my head was spinning, and I wanted to die. My head bobbed back up.
The arena turned into a forest. “Fight to the Death!” the speakers shouted.
I saw Tadlin and Carmella standing, soaking wet, and breathing heavily. Kyjuan was dead. All of my stuff was gone, and all I really had was my 2 knives. My stuff had flown off of me while I was running or something . . .
It didn’t matter, I saw Carmella and Tadlin fighting. I backed away. Why hadn’t they gone after me? I tried to hide myself, but every tree I found, the Gamemakers deleted it so I couldn’t hide.
While I was looking for somewhere else to hide, I saw this monkey, a red eyed one. It wasn’t looking at me--it was looking at Carmella. She was fighting with Tadlin, so she didn’t notice. It charged at her, and Tadlin ran off.
A bunch more came in. She tried to fight, slashing a couple with her knife. One of the monkeys breathed in her mouth, which made her fall like a log. I was pretty sure she was alive, but not until the monkeys started ripping her insides out. I saw guts, intestines, and it was horrible. The monkeys disappeared after they were finished.
I didn’t know why, but I ran. Over to Carmella. I kneeled down in front of her. “Loren...?” she croaked.
I didn’t know what to say. “Yes...”
“Thank you ....” Her eyes closed, and the cannon fired.
Carmella had thanked me. I couldn’t believe it. Maybe it was because I was with her when she was dying. I got up from my kneeling position.
I cleared my throat. I wasn’t sure if I was hallucinating or what, but the arena was enclosing until it was not even twenty feet.
Tadlin stood ten feet away from me.
♠ ♠ ♠
SHORT!! Sorry. Next chapter is the last. I hope you enjoyed these stories, though. :)