Status: Slowly Active

Not So Secret Conquest

Childhood of the Ages

“Get back here!” Dirt and rock stabbed at my feet. I stumbled over a rock and narrowly missed the swipe of the shop keepers hand.
People threw themselves out of the path I ran. Some staring frightened of being close to me, most glaring with hatred filled eyes.

An alley came up and I sprinted down it. As I look over my shoulder I crashed into someone and they stumble before I’m grabbed from behind. I look up and spy the shop keeper behind me holding tight on to my arms.
“You are going to get it now boy. Tis’ the last time you steal from my shop.” The shop keeper spoke with malice.

“He was buying it for me, like usual. You should know that by now.” A woman of brown hair and fair skin came into view, aunt Hadiee. She pushed through the small crowd that had gathered.

“If he was going to pay for it then why did he run? I know his and your tricks. I suspect more than this has been stolen from me. I am no fool.”
The shop keep turned his sneer onto Hadiee.
All the while he spoke she looked at him with a small smile on her face.
“I never claimed you a fool. I had simply asked him to pick something up for me. You must have frightened him is all.”
The man scuffed. “It does not matter what you say. I know you do not have the money. So it will give me all the leverage I need when I bring this to the authorities. I know they will be happy to discipline the young lad, seeing as you will not.”

Hadiee grew a malice expression, reached into her pocket and pulled out coins. She threw them at the shop keep and grabbed my arm. Yanking me out of the man’s grasp and stalked away with me at her heel.
Yelling over her shoulder she said. “You will go through me before you do anything to him.”
With that said I walked with my hand in hers to our home.

I heard the man in the distance shout at my aunt. “He will be the end of you Hadiee!” She did not look back at him or anyone else as she walked us back towards our home.
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Custructive Criticism is welcome.