

I believe it is okay to cry. I use to feel like crying, especially in public, showed a sign of weakness. Whenever something made me upset, I kept it bottled inside. But then I started to notice when I kept my emotions bottled up, I felt different. More sullen, heavyhearted, like a huge weight was on my shoulders. I even stopped myself from crying when my grandfather died, even though I wanted too. But I couldn’t stop the tears from flowing when I had found out that he wasn’t conscious a lot during his final days, but when he was, he always asked me for me. I then felt better. Free. The weights were gone. Something clicked in my brain. I realized that crying didn’t show weakness. Crying showed that I was a sensitive, heartfelt person. Crying is how I managed my sadness. It washes away all the bad feeling that I feel. Right after I have a good cry, I feel better. I also learned that I’m not only who feels like this. Once, it was the last day of middle school. My friends and I were all together outside, in the car rider area. Everyone was crying and hugging each other. I had thought I wasn’t going to cry, I was happy that it was summer. But when I was all my friends crying, I started to tear up. This was after I realized that crying was okay. So I didn’t stop myself from crying. Then, my friend, a tough boy was crying so much. He was shaking, snot dripping down from his nose, and whimpering. He was crying like someone had died in his family. I hugged him, and tried to comfort him. I didn’t expect this from him. I remember him telling me that never cried he hated it, like I did. I told him that it’s okay to cry. When I had to leave, we embraced in one last long hug; he whispered that I was right. So, I believe that it is okay to cry. It doesn’t show weakness, it shows that you’re a person.
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something i wrote in class