Status: Writing

Act Your Age

Chapter 16: Worth The Trip

***Sexual Content. I'm warning you!***


Well, I sure showed Mrs. Green. In the end, I didn't really care about what she thought. I was happy. Unfortunately, little Green, their son Eric, was at college in New York, so we were not graced by his presence. After breakfast, I spent the day looking at the colleges Bill had suggested.

I fell asleep with my laptop in my lap. I woke up at around ten in the morning. I didn't want to call Bill until I was completely sure that I wanted to be here. I wasn't positive. First, I didn't know what college to attend. Second, I didn't know if I maybe wanted to go to a different team.

Third? You guessed it. That stupid boy that I hate so much kept coming back into my mind. No matter how hard I tried to keep him out. Taylor fucking Hall always found a way back. Maybe it was his laugh. Maybe it was his smile. His dumb jokes. His stupid eyes. His stupid, big, strong arms that seemed to make everything go away when they wrapped themselves around me.

I missed him. Going to the game proved that. I couldn't get him out of my head and I didn't know what to do.

Well, part of the reason I came here, was to go to the beach. That's what my dad and I did whenever we had had bad days; we went to the beach.

That day, I packed up my stuff and went. I was equipped with a book, a notepad, my ipod, two towels, a chair, a couple bottles of water, and some sunglasses. I walked out back onto our porch, down the steps, and the sand. Yes, a section of the beach is ours. Let's say both Dad and Mom worked a lot, and they were fortunate enough to officially buy this house when I was eleven.

I walked across the hot sand and plopped my stuff down midway between the water and the house. I spread out one towel, set up my beach chair, and placed everything else on the towel on the sand. Then I sat in the chair, snatched up my book, and read.

Watcha readin? Bet you wish it was me you were holding instead of that dumb book. My eyes are bluer than the water. You know that? Huh, Ronni? Do ya?

I slammed the book and tossed it aside. "Get out of my head." I murmured as I stripped off my big shirt and glasses and made my way for the water. I pounded my head lightly. "Get out, get out, get out." I grumbled as I dove right in. It was freezing, but anything was better than thinking about Taylor....


The cab driver let me off a block away from her house. I paid him and sent him on his way before glancing down the street. It was bright out, probably early afternoon. It was surprisingly cool, however, different from the heat I had grown accustomed to. I figured it was due to the mist coming from the ocean... which I could see. Wait... Ronni lives on the ocean?! What?

Anyways, I made my way down the street. 4... 5... 6... 7! I looked at the house marked seven. It was nice, a light white and yellow paint job and a beautiful front lawn. I took a deep breath and walked up the steps to the door. My fist lingered over the white door for what seemed like forever, but eventually, I made it knock.

"Coming! I'm coming!" I heard a shrill voice yell from the other side of the door. I took a step back, hearing the clumsy footsteps clunk closer and closer. "Hi!" the woman greeted as she burst through the door. "How may I help you?"

I stared at her for a moment. She was about the same height as Ronni, but nothing else was the same. She had red hair, opposite Ronni's brown. Her eyes were green, unlike Ronni's light brown ones. This woman even had a few freckles to accompany her light skin, and I knew for a fact Ronni was pretty damn tan.

"Uh..." I took the slip of paper from my pocket and read the address again. I looked up and down the street. 7 Spring Road. It's right. "I... I must have the wrong address. I was looking for a girl named Ronni."

The woman leaned against the doorway and smiled. "Hmm... Ronni, nope, doesn't ring a bell. Maybe if you describe her to me? I know this street pretty well." She gestured for me to follow her in the house. I did, closing the door gently behind me.

"Well... she's about your height... early twenties, tan skin, light brown eyes, dark brown hair.. pretty fit, I guess that's the way to describe her?" I elaborated as she lead me into the kicthen.

The woman nodded and 'mmhmm'ed every so often. She was rummaging around in the fridge for something. Moments later, a glass of lemonade was placed in front of me. "There you go.. uh.."

"Taylor... I'm Taylor Hall." I shook the stranger's hand as I sipped the drink. "Thank you."

"Nice to meet you... My name is Maureen." She smirked and poured herself a glass. "Right... well, this girl, is she pretty?"

"Beautiful." I insisted, setting the glass down. Am I really getting this in depth with a stranger? She doesn't recognize me, it seems, so I don't think she's trying to kidnap me.

Maureen laughed, "Really? Is she smart? You know, you can't take a girl at face-value-"

"No, she's smart. She's funny... She's really sweet and..." Enough dillydallying! "Look, I hate to rush you, but I really need to find this girl. We got in a fight and this might be my last chance to get her back and... Do you know her?" I wondered.

She grinned and dabbed my nose with her pointer finger. "Wait here." She left the kitchen and walked into what I think was the living room. She returned with a picture frame and placed it on the counter in front of me. "You look at this and tell me I don't know this girl..." she scoffed.

I stared down at the picture. It was Ronni, alright. It was Ronni and her dad and her mom, enjoying some sort event at the BankAtlantic Center. Ronni had on a Panthers jersey-blech-and her parents were dressed plainly. Behind them. there was a show, Disney On Ice maybe. Ronni was sticking her tongue out. She couldn't be more than ten. She may have been young, but it was definitely her.

"I..." I looked up at Maureen and the woman in the picture who I assumed was her mom. They were identical. "Oh... Mrs. Mitchell! I- I had no idea... and Ronni is your... I'm really sorry I didn't-" I stood up awkwardly, not knowing what to do.

She shrugged and took the photo from me. I followed close behind as she placed the frame in its rightful place on a shelf by their television. "How were you to know I was her mother. Most people don't. Not even my mother believed Ronni was mine, but she is. But, hey... might as well take advantage of it, right?" She winked at me as she sat down on the large couch.

I sat on the other end of the couch and gave a weak smile. Oh, that's definitely Ronni's Mom. "I gotcha... A little prank never hurt anyone. Uh... but, do you know where I could find Ronni? I really need to talk to her and-"

"By the sound of it, I'm guessing you're the one thing holding her back." Maureen crossed her arms over her chest and stared at me, reading right through me.

There wasn't much to read through, though. I had no idea what she was talking about! "I... Wait, what? Holding her back from what?"

"From the Panthers! From Florida! From me. She was talking this morning about how she wasn't ready to make her decision yet because she was waiting for something... I guess you're that something... or someone, I should say." she rambled.

My jaw dropped. Wait... it wasn't final? I thought she was definitely going to stay here if she got the job but... she's had second thoughts? "I... I didn't realize-"

"Of course you didn't! Or you would have been here sooner, I suppose." she giggled. They have the same laugh. She didn't make much sense with that last statement, but I was too frazzelled to care! I had to talk to Ronni! I opened my mouth to ask again, but she merely pointed me in the right direction. "She's out back, on the beach. She might be swimming... but her stuff is set up on the sand, if you want to wait for her there."

She was swimming. I walked out back and sat on the towel she had laying out, waiting for her to return. I figured hopping in to join her might be a little bit weird considering what I had to say, so I waited patiently.

Of course, as with most of the free time I had, I contemplated my next move. What did Mrs. Mitchell mean earlier? Why was Ronni waiting for me? It's not like she knew I would come. Maybe, if she really wants to be here, I should let her, if it makes her happy. How can my mind change so quickly in ten minutes?

I glanced over at her beach bag, which held a bunch of stuff. There was sun-block, glasses, clothes, some sappy romance novel, and a notepad with words scribbled across it. My curiosity got the better of me, and I grabbed the notepad. The first page included a list of Florida colleges, the pros and cons of each, and her final decision on her attendance of each. Most of them got a solid 'no'.

I turned the next page, to try and see if there was a single college that she liked but... Imagine my surprise when I found this:

Taylor Fucking Hall

reason other teams know I exist
pretty eyes
nice hair
nice butt
sometimes kind
sometimes funny
knows how to make me smile
good kisser
hard working
changes to meet needs
good hearted deep deep down... I mean like bottom of the Grand Canyon deep

rude (at times)
never serious
tried to get me fired
hated/hates my guts
bad first impression
bad temper

Really? She put me on a pro and con list? And I am not immature! She's immature! I don't know whether to be flattered or insulted.

Mostly, the damn thing made me laugh. I had just finished reading it when Ronni saw me and made her way to the shore.

I ripped the page from the pad and stuffed it into my pocket, standing up as I did so. I gave a nervous wave as she came closer. It was like baywatch. She wasn't even running, but she looked gorgeous anyways. Her hair was really curly and big because of the water, and she began pinning it back the closer she came. She was wearing a light blue, string bikini. It took all my might not to wolf whistle.

"Hey... what are you doing here?" she asked. She nodded at the towel that hung over the back of the chair. I handed her the second towel, reluctantly, and she started drying off. Ronni soon wrapped it around her body and crossed her arms over her chest. I never thought I'd say this, but I wish I was a towel.

I cleared my throat and gave a small smile. "Hey... I was just in the neighborhood and..." I began. It got her to smirk a little. "Ronni, I wanted to say that this is stupid! You know you belong in Edmonton! That's where your friends are!"

"But it's where you are." she pointed out, sick grin spreading across her face. She's actually enjoying this...

I glared at her. "Yeah... which is a good thing. Look, I'm really sorry! Okay? I don't know what else to do! I mean, I got you tickets, I gave you your space, hell, I flew out to Florida to see you! I got in at like two in the morning!"

"You didn't have to come." she reminded me with a smug look on her face. She was the kid with the magnifying glass, and I was the ant getting burned to death.

I ran a hand through my hair and glowered at the hot sand below us. "You're right, but I did, because I care about you! I miss you! I want you back home, where you belong! Things aren't the same."

"That happens with change-" she began. How can she be so calm about this all?

"Just listen to me!" I hollered. She fell silent. "You can't take the job here! You just can't. I couldn't sleep with you gone! I broke my phone! I punched Jordan.. and-and Shawn! And, my wall only has two holes now! And I saw you! I-I saw you in the net during practice!"

I paused, running out of breath. She was gawking at me like I was high. Well, if you didn't know where all this craziness was coming from, you would think that too; I can't blame her. "What are you talking about? Do you have sun poisoning or some-?"

I shook my head and rambled on. "I... I thought I could tell you to stay here if you wanted but I can't. I'm selfish and I want you-not as my trainer or as my physical therapist or as my friend but as my girlfriend! And I probably don't deserve that but I'm not going to sit here and lie about how I think it's a great idea that you're moving here."

"But Taylor-" she started.

I shook my head and waved her off. "No! This has to be said. And, I know you liked Jordan, a lot... I'm sorry I kind of broke you two up but... I know you better! Jordan can't tell your fake smile from your real one. He doesn't know how you take your coffee! He doesn't know that you mess with your hair when you're nervous or that you absolutely hate how it looks when it's wet. He doesn't know that you bite your lip when you're lying!"

She rolled her eyes. Does nothing impress this girl? "Great. But why does all that make you a better candidate for the job?" Ronni wondered.

I threw my hands in the air. "Because! It means I love you, goddammit!" She got quiet, dropping her arms and her towel with them. Shit. I really have to stop saying that aloud. "Because I love you and I don't know how to deal with it! I make fun of you and I make your life hell because I don't know what to do with myself! I've never had this before and I'm freaking out! I've never flown on a plane by myself until yesterday! And here I am! Miles away from home, talking to a girl who still hates me! And I feel like I can't fucking breath right now!" Or... you know, you could say that. That works too.

Ronni looked down and frowned. She shook her head and picked up her towel from the ground. "I don't hate you." she insisted, coughing awkwardly.

"Then say something! Anything to convince me otherwise!" I growled, putting my hands above my head. "Because right now, this isn't very comforting!"

She looked at me for a second in silence. Then, she looked down at her camp site. FInally she spoke. "You want to have a campfire tonight?"


I admit it. I pulled a Magnus. I stalled like a swede. And you know what? I'm proud of it. Somehow, I managed to avoid the topic all day. I just scored the highest level of awkward, conversation-avoiding swede. I broke Magnus's record.

The two of us ran to the store and got some firewood, some marshmallows, chocolate, and graham crackers. When we came back, it was slowly getting to be evening. Taylor helped me set up the fire pit on the sand, and then we had some of my mom's delicious pasta. The my mom conveniently didn't feel well, so she went up stairs to turn in early. Of course, she didn't leave without giving me a knowing-smirk. Thanks, Mom, for ditching me.

Then Taylor and I went outside to start the fire and make some s'mores. I brought out a couple blankets to keep us warm along with some hot chocolate. "Bon appetite." I joked as I handed him the cup.

"Thanks..." he chuckled as he took a sip. "You know, your mom really messed with me today. She pretended not to know you and made me panic a little."

I shook my head. "Yeah... she does that. Now you know where I get it from." I smirked.

He poked at the fire that we finally got going. "This is a nice place to live, Ronni." Taylor commented as he looked out at the sun that began to set.

"You see why I want to be here so bad." I sighed, plopping on the sand next to him. I turned on my iPod dock and started playing some music. Rock music.

He covered my legs with part of his blanket. "You sure it's not because of me?" he teased. Although he tried to play it off like he didn't care, I could tell that the answer meant a lot to him. He was looking at me out of the corner of his eye.

I shrugged. "At first, yeah... not now." He gave a small smirk before handing me a stick, equipped with a marshmallow on the end. "Thanks... So how was the trip here?"

"Not too bad... I just hate traveling like that." he sighed, sticking his marshmallow in the fire. I did the same. "So... It's been like... nine hours now... can I please get your opinion on... us?"

I took my marshmallow from the fire and smooshed it between the graham crackers and chocolate. "Oh... you mean, about earlier?" I asked, as if I didn't know. Taylor glared at me and nudged me. "Right well... I'm glad you came all this way... I hate to say it, but I kind of missed you." He grinned and opened his mouth to say something. "Don't ruin this!"

He chuckled, "I was just going to say I missed you too." I gave a sigh of relief. "No joking or anything." I threw him a skeptical look. "I can be serious!"

I shook my head. "Clearly... most guys don't travel across the continent to visit a girl." I laughed as I took a bite of my snack. Taylor had only begun constructing his s'more. "I probably shouldn't tell you this but... I decided a while ago that I wasn't going to stay in Florida."

Taylor's jaw dropped. "You what?" he whispered back.

I bit my lip. "Yeah... I realized I don't want to be that close to my mom and.. I didn't want to be that far away from Edmonton, my friends... or you." I sighed, finishing up my s'more. "I'm sorry..."

"Your mom told me you had doubts... because of me." I blushed and looked away. Damnit, Mom. "You just love leaving me hanging don't you. I was going insane you little...." I glanced up at him pouting. I did feel kind of bad for leaving him in the dark. His eyes softened a the sight of me. He shook his head. "But... this means you're coming back?" I nodded. "I could deal with that, I guess." he chortled. I punched him and he brought his arm around me. "That still leaves us... you learned a trick or two from the swede, didn't you?"

I rolled my eyes. Maybe. "Well... I always liked you... but the fact that you came all the way out here, for me? That means a lot to me and... I kinda love you too." I mumbled.

"I'm sorry, what was that last part?" he inquired, stupid grin present.

I rolled my eyes. "I love-!" I began, shouting in his face.

I was cut off by a firm, hot kiss.


That's your cue! I leaned forward planted one on her. I pushed her back until she was lying down. I momentarily took my mouth off her's to rib, "So, what was it that set me over the top? My cute butt or the fact that I'm a great kisser?"

She flung her hands to her face. "You had to ruin it?" she laughed. I kissed her neck affectionately as she argued. "You didn't read the whole thing, did you?"

I looked up to find her blushing. "Oh yeah!" I laughed.

"I'm going to kill you!" she grumbled playfully as she leapt forward, pinning me to my back. "Who said you had the right to do that? That's definitely breaking the rules of privacy!"

I shrugged and pulled her in for another kiss. "Since when did I go by the rules?" I mused. She shook her head, trying to hide a grin. "I'm truly sorry. For everything." Ronni tucked a frizzy tuft of hair behind her ear and shrugged like it didn't matter. "Honestly, I'll spend the rest of our relationship making it up to you."

She bit her lip and tapped my chest with her finger. "About that." Ronni slid off of me and plopped down on the sand. I sat up and scooted next to her. This can't be good. "I mean... as long as I'm still working at Rexall Place... I can't date you. It's their policy and it's not going to change just for me."


Taylor frowned like I had just told him his goldfish died for a second time. I shrugged. It's true. "Shit... You're right." He ran a hand through his hair, which I noticed was getting a little shaggy. I like it longer, I think. "What are we going to do?" I swear, his facial expression almost made it impossible to keep the fib going. I tried my best not to bite my lip, but I did anyways. He turned to me, glaring. "You're lying!"

I shook my head. "Am not! You're the one who almost got me fired for it, remember?" I shot back.

He raised an eyebrow and smirked. "You have something up your sleeve... don't you."

"What gave you that id-"

"I know you."

I rolled my eyes. "Fine. I was just thinking... maybe the head of the department would think differently if I was the physical therapist for the Oil Kings instead of the Oilers. We wouldn't be together all the time so maybe dating wouldn't be an issue anymore."

Taylor was full out beaming at me. "You're a genius." He leaned closer to kiss me again.

"I try." I laughed as I pressed myself up against him.

"You're mean, making me go through that, you know?" he questioned, when we came up for air. "You're so cruel."

I eyed him. "That's what you get. Don't be so nosey." I jokingly bit his lip and went on kissing him.

He wrapped his arms around me, keeping me close to him. "No promises." he breathed into my mouth. "And no more of this lying stuff. I don't think I can take it."

I ran my hands up and down his chest, balling his shirt in my hands as I went. In response, he reached up to undo my hair tie. I froze and jerked back. Hell no. "Taylor-" I began reproachfully.

"Please?" he begged. I gave a pout. "Why?"

I shook my head, starting to untangle myself from him. "I hate it."

"But I like it! Come on!" he whined. He pulled me back into his lap. Taylor had both my wrists with one huge hand, and he untied my hair with the other. I groaned as the curly, frizzy mess fell around my face. "Not so bad, is it?"

I figured I was not going to win this fight but I didn't care anymore. I just wanted him as close to me as physically possible. I went back to my exploration and felt around his abs. Taylor hugged me close again, giving me a rough kiss before running his hands through my hair. I think at that point, he knew he was getting under my skin and he was actually enjoying it. I shrugged it off and reached under his shirt to feel his stomach.

Seriously... why is he so ripped? And how have I been able to keep my hands off him for so long? I couldn't take it anymore. I took his shirt in my hands and slid it up over his head, tossing it elsewhere. He immediately started shivering, so I scooted closer than I thought I could. Taylor matched my movement and took my shirt off as well, wrapping my hands up for a minute while he got it off.

Once my head appeared from the shirt, Taylor went back to kissing me, more desperate than before. As soon as I was free again, I played around with his abs, my fingers tickling them as they explored. His hands grazed over my slightly covered breasts, making me gasp. My hands had traveled down to his thighs. They felt as strong as they always looked but... Hello! What's this?

I giggled and backed out of the kiss. He opened his eyes and frowned at me, perplexed. "You really happy, tiger, or what?" I teased, my hand just grazing the inside of his thigh. He tensed up and inhaled sharply.


Shit.Shit.Shit.Shit. I regained composure and looked back at her eyes. I thought they looked beautiful before, but in the firelight, they appeared golden. She has no idea the effect she has on me. It was taking all I had not to jump Ronni then and there, and she was making it that much harder by touching me... there! I closed my eyes and breathed calmly. "Ron-" She just barely brushed her finger tips over my shaft. I bit my lip and did my best not to moan. It didn't work. "Fuck-"

Ronni laughed quietly and touched it again. "Too easy." she teased. The next time she reached for it, she tugged at the zipper. "I'm pretty sure it wants to come out-" she cackled.

"This isn't fun-" I started again. She had my pants off in a flash, without my permission, mind you! Okay, I'll be honest, I would never reject the idea of her ripping my clothes off... "Ronni!" This only made her laugh harder. She had her hand on it again, the thin fabric of my boxers the only thing separating us. I hissed as quietly as I could. It couldn't have gotten any harder. This is not how this was supposed to go at all! At least not in my head. "No!" I grumbled through gritted teeth.


WIthout warning, Taylor grabbed a hold of my shoulders and pushed me back onto my blanket, which was now covered in sand. "Hey!" I protested. He unzipped my shorts and yanked them down to my ankles, but didn't bother taking them the rest of the way off. This was not part of my plan. I enjoyed having the power, even if it was fleeting. I had him in the palm of my hands... literally.

Now? Not so much.

Taylor straddled me and slipped a hand under my panties. I was moments from scolding him when
his fingers probed my wet slit, making me gasp. He teased, "Looks like someone else is excited too."

My response came out in jagged, uneven breaths, because he had pumped his fingers deep. "You...caught-me." I clawed at the blanket, trying to stay sane as he pressed his fingers further. "Taylor..." I whispered, hoping he didn't hear it. He did. I snuck a peek and saw him grinning down at me.

I need control again. This isn't an option. I pulled him in for a kiss, trying to distract him, but his fingers just worked harder. I tightened and instinctively moved with him. I added some tongue, attempting to disrupt the pattern again, but to no avail. Instead of pulling back, he added his other hand and carefully rubbed my clit. I let out a groan of appreciation and he grinned against my neck.

I tried one last time. I reached down as far as I could until I found his cock standing to attention. I hardly touched it and he moaned. I pushed his underwear away and felt his length with my hands. Finally, his fingers stopped. His mouth fell open as all the air rushed out.


This has to stop because the dam is about to break. "Oooookay." I breathed. "I can't- We should- We need-" I couldn't even get the words out. I propped myself up on my hands.

Thankfully, she read my mind. "Where?" Ronni sat up and looked around.

"Pants." I sighed, trying to calm down. Ronni wriggled a little ways away from me. She grabbed my jeans and looked in the pockets to find a condom. What? I had to com prepared! I didn't think it would happen, but a man can dream!

Ronni grabbed it and tore it open. "You've got to be kidding me." she scoffed as she rolled it down over my shaft.

I closed my eyes and huffed, "Well, I was hoping that this would happen! You can't blame me, can you?"

She shook her head as she went back to rubbing my length. "I guess not. So, you think if I kept doing this..." she let her sentence fall as she continued moving her hands up and down. I grunted, trying to beat the desire to come. I knew she was enjoying this, making me squirm, but I wanted the same for her. I gave her a pleading look and she let go, reaching for me to come closer again. "Fine."

I obliged, slowly pushing into her. She hissed as I pressed myself close to her. Much better. Ronni closed her eyes, giving me a kiss which felt more like a request than anything else. I kissed her back, grinding up against her. She moved with me, pulsing against my cock. She was wet and warm and perfect and she was all mine.

I paid less attention to the kissing and rested my head on her neck. She nipped at my ear and ruffled my hair in encouragement as I twisted my hips. I thrust harder, earning a groan accompanied by
the sound of my name. Ronni wrapped one leg around me the harder I pushed.

Ronni arched her back, pressing herself harder against me at the same time. I groaned. "Ronni..." I whispered into her neck, placing a calm kiss on her bare skin before continuing.

"Don't stop." she insisted, kissing the patch behind my ear, sending an additional shiver up my spine. As if I needed that to encourage me. My cock was throbbing, ready, but I wasn't not completely sure that she was.


I was about to burst. Instinctively, my back arched again, wanting his body closer. He went back to the same pace. We moved with each other for a moment before I couldn't help it. "Taylor, please-" I sighed, closing my eyes.

With that, he drew out ever so slightly, leaving me waiting in anticipation. He dove back in, full force, hitting the target at the right spot.. Taylor grunted with his last movement. I grabbed my shirt and covered my mouth as I screamed right into it. Taylor rested on top of me, head still cradled perfectly in my neck.

"My... god..." I breathed, setting the shirt beside me.

He chuckled, "That... was fun..." Taylor sighed rolling over and lying next to me. He put one arm around me shoulders bringing me closer. I covered us with the second blanket, warming us up. "I love you."

"I know." I stated, resting my hand over his abdomen. He stared down at me, but I just looked up at the stars.

Taylor nudged me. "That's when you say 'I love you too'."

"Oh, yeah, well, I guess I love you too." I mumbled, sticking my tongue out at him. He glared at me. "I'm kidding! My gosh! You're so sensitive."

He only furrowed his brows at me. "Am not! I just got back on your good side, which seemed impossible. It'd be nice to know it's not just a dream."

"It's not a dream, you twerp." I giggled, giving his shoulder a quick peck. "I love you." I sighed.

"Thanks." he smirked.

"Oh, and by the way, I love you." I repeated.

He nodded, looking back to the stars. "Okay, I get it."

"No, but like, I wouldn't want you to think I'm lying or something." I insisted. He rolled his eyes. Come on! You're dating me! You can't expect not to get hassled. "I love you."


My God. Never tell her anything. I pinched her sides, making her laugh. "Knock it off!" I insisted. She giggled and scooted away, falling silent. "Okay?" She nodded and came back.

She glanced up at me. "I have a question."


"How did you get your coach to agree to let you come here?" she wondered, snuggling up under my arm.

I brushed her hair out of her face and gave a sad looking smile. "Well... I didn't exactly tell him so... I'll be in for it when I get back." I chortled.

"He'll kill you!" she hissed, sitting up and wrapping the blanket around herself. I shook my head and motioned for her to lie back down. She did, unwillingly. "I don't want you to get in more trouble because of me."

"I'll live. I'm born for trouble anyways, right?" She smirked.

"You're insane." she laughed, tracing little circles on my stomach. Ronni looked from constellation to constellation. What is she thinking? Her eyes were just as golden as earlier.

"Well, I get to take you home with me." I gave her a kiss on her head and squeezed her tightly. Ronni grinned and gave me a kiss. I broke away early and sighed, "It was well worth the trip."
♠ ♠ ♠
Well... that's it! Thanks guys, for sticking around through the whole story! I appreciate it and I hope you enjoyed reading it! I gave it a proper ending, finally! The only question is this: do you want an epilogue or not? It's up to you!

Also, I may not write for a bit, or at least not post any stories/update them often. I really got to get on those college apps. But, any requests for who to write about next? Don't say Victor Stalberg or Toews/Kane because I already have an idea for them, when I get the chance. Plus, check out Here To Stay if you haven't already. I personally like it better than this one :P

Lastly, anyone who writes hockey fan-fiction/fiction, did you get the message about a hockey fan-fic site? Just curious to see if anyone is going to use it/to see what they think.

Okay, Thanks again guys! Lots of love to you all!! Hope you had a wonderful weekend :)