Status: Writing

Act Your Age



Well, I did it. I got Ronni back, and I brought her home. I don't think her mom was very happy with me, but in time, I'm sure I'll win her over. I told Ronni I wanted to invite her mom to Edmonton. courtesy of yours truly. Ronni so kindly pointed out that no one in their right mind would trade sunny Florida for freezing Edmonton; I reminded her that the holidays were coming up and her mom deserved to enjoy a white Christmas.

Anyways, hockey was going great. We ended up winning the game against the Canucks! ...I couldn't exactly take any credit for it, but we won! Yeah... you guessed it, coach made me a healthy scratch. That was my punishment for not telling him about my abrupt trip to Florida. In addition to that, I had to jog the stairs through the seats of Rexall place before and after the a few games. It's safe to say I learned my lesson.

As for the rest of the guys? Jordan has been single for a while. He's grown a lot closer with Phoebe though... I mean, I'm not saying anything but... come on, they hang out an awful lot, and they're both attractive people! Regardless, he's happy, and he is actually happy for Ronni and I. I'm telling you, he's the perfect guy and I feel horrible because he can never seem to catch a break.

Magnus is still bouncing in between the Oilers and the Barons. He's been playing a lot more on the OIlers, and I think this season, he'll finally earn his spot. Oh, and he's still as nosey as ever. Theo and some of the other guys still try and flirt with Ronni whenever she stops by and I almost lose it every time. She hates it when I get jealous but... she can't blame me!

Nuge and Annie are sickeningly adorable. I can't take it. Everyone at the rink knows it too. Thankfully, he gets most of the ribbing, saving me the worry of being in the spotlight. I don't think he minds the teasing, even if he's as whipped as a circus lion. They're perfect for each other.

Speaking of Annie, she and the girls come to a lot of the games. It's nice to look up and know that our friends are close by, at least during home games. I don't know whether it's actually because of them or not, but we began winning soon after the girls started visiting Rexall Place.

About my game, personally, it's been improving. My knee has been holding up, thanks to Ronni. I'm playing just as good as before. In fact, I'm playing better. My knee has been pushing me to play harder. I'm trying not to let it slow me down or hinder my ability to play. From time to time, it tenses up, but Jack and Ronni are usually right there to help me out.

I couldn't be happier. I've grown up a lot over the course of a few months; I'm not completely mature, but I don't think I ever will be... I don't think I want to be either. Plus, everything else is finally going good! I have my job. I have my friends. I have Ronni. I mean.. I'm still getting under her skin more than ever,but she's become more of a coach than ever too. I'll love her all the same... just as long as she doesn't call me 'Fall'.


Despite my mother's ardent arguing, I went back to Edmonton with Taylor. I think deep down, it comforted her to know that I had someone there making me so happy... and so insane. Within a few days, I had packed my things back up and made my way home. Gloria and Bill weren't ecstatic, but I think they understood.

As for my job, I asked Uncle Jack to talk to the head of the department about me moving to the junior team. Thankfully, I got my wish and I moved down and became the assistant physical therapist for the Oil Kings. Taylor wasn't excited about the move though; he preferred me working with the OIlers, that way, he could keep an eye on me and the guys. As if I needed a chaperone!

Annie and Ryan were still dating, and they continued to. It's been a few months now, and they're going strong. My fingers are crossed for them. It's unbelievable how compatible they are. It's also kind of sickening...

As for Phoebe and Jordan... Because Taylor and I began spending more time together, we consequently shoved our friends to the side for a bit. Phoebe and Jordan became friends. Just friends! Jordan kind of has a crush on Phoebe, but she doesn't want a relationship and I think he isn't looking for one either. And NO they're not sleeping together or anything. They've just become really good friends. I swear.

I'm still on the track for my doctorate in Physical Therapy. It feels like it's taking forever, but I'm kind of glad. As much as I've tried to prove how grown up I am, it's kind of nice to stay a kid, a student. I'm not completely ready to be an adult. From what I've heard, it's boring. Plus, I have my hands full watching a certain someone who's as juvenile as a fourth grader. For now, I'm quite content being an unge with my partner in crime.
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I lost a subscriber and a rec after last chapter. Sad face. I'm sorry if the last one was too inapro-pro, but I felt that the story needed it. Anyways, I hope this epilogue is sufficient. Thanks everyone for reading up to this point, I really appreciate it.

Anyone opposed to me writing about Stalberg next? Any other suggestions?

Thanks again you cool kids :)